Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Post dated a few days

This weekend was exhausted. On Friday, I had to pick Em up from my sister’s house. We hung out for a bit before heading home for a late dinner, then watched a movie before bath and bedtime. We had to wake up so early on Saturday morning for the bubble run. I’m not going to lie, I was pretty miserable that morning. Traffic was awful, there was a road closure, then the line to actually do the race was ridiculously long. I never thought Em would hang until it was our turn, BUT HE DID! I need to give that kid more credit. The run was so much fun! It was mostly uphill, which was a job for me. I was pushing Em in the stroller. Pushing around 50lbs uphill for a 5k whooped my butt! I certainly got my cardio in. We all loved it. It was pretty cool! The bubbles were everywhere. The kids really enjoyed it. So did my sister and I. We’ll be doing this again next year if it comes back, which I hope it does. We planned on hitting Sandcastle afterwards, but we were all so exhausted and starved. We took the kids to Burger King for an early lunch and let them play for a bit in the play place. They had a great time. Afterwards, we hung at my sister’s for a bit, then headed home for a nap. Em slept for about 3 hours. I took a 2 hour nap myself. It was so nice. When he woke up, we cleaned out his pool and hung in the yard until dinner time. We watched another movie that night before bath and bedtime.

Sunday, we took the kids to Sandcastle. It was packed! We were all still pretty run down from the prior day, plus the heat didn’t help any. We didn’t stay very long. We got there around 1130am and left by 145pm. None of us were really feeling it. We did have a good time while we were there, but there were just so many people. It was unreal. Afterwards, we went to Giant Eagle, then went to my sister’s house to see her new cat. She now has two cats: Penny and Bailey. Em loves her cats! He especially loves this new one because she doesn’t run from him. Anyway, when we got home, I made us an early dinner, then we watched movies for the rest of the night. Em had no nap, so he was pretty tired. I put him to bed early.

Potty training was fine all weekend outside of him pooping his pants  A LOT. He still doesn’t get that he has to poop on the potty. It’s frustrating because it’s such a mess to clean up. He actually ran from me and hid last night, so that he could poop. It’s better than him holding it in and becoming constipated, but I wish he’d grasp the concept of going on the potty. He’s doing so well with peeing though. One thing at a time I guess. He will get there eventually. I knew it would be a task. There is no turning back now.

This week, we’re off on Tuesday. I have no idea what we’re doing. I think we’ll just hang in the yard for a while, then maybe pop over to my parent’s to jump in the pool. Em does need a haircut, so we might try to do that the second the salon opens up. He is terrible with haircuts. I’m hoping it isn’t busy in there, so when he makes a big fuss about it, it’s not too insane with a lot of people watching. LOL

This upcoming weekend, we’re going to Sandcastle for one last hoorah. I think I’ll suggest going on Monday. Maybe it won’t be so busy since a lot of people will be home cooking out. I’m thinking we can do the lake on Saturday, then cookout on Sunday and swim at my parent’s house. It’ll be a really nice way to end the summer. I guess I should clear it with everyone else first. They might want to cookout on Saturday instead. If so, we can do the lake on Sunday. I haven’t checked the weather yet either. This is all contingent on  no rain.

I forgot all of the dvds to return to the library this morning, so I think after Em’s haircut, we’ll stop into the library to return our dvds, and to pick up some new ones. I’ll let him look through the children’s section too. He will probably like that. I’ve never taken him to the library yet, so it’ll be something else free that we can do tomorrow.

Alright, that’s about all I have for now. I’m carb cycling this week, so pray for me! It’s going to be hard!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Kodie's Birthday

After work, I have to run to the library to grab some of the dvds that I requested yesterday. We have movies at home, so we had no problem last night having something to watch. He seemed mostly disinterested in television though. Probably because he isn’t used to not watching his regular shows. Soon enough though, we’ll have dvds of his shows  and he will be none the wiser! I rented a few movies for myself for the weekend, and I plan on checking out a book for myself too.

We’re having cake and ice cream tonight for Kodie’s birthday. She’ll be having doggy ice cream though. I can’t believe she’s 4! It’s insane that I’ve had her for almost 4 years. I can’t even remember what life was like without her. Emerson loves her so much too.  I was always so worried about that when I was pregnant, but it’s fine. My sister and nephew are going to come over to help celebrate too. She’ll be so excited. She loves when we have visitors.

Emerson had an OT and Speech therapy session today. The OT sent me a really great report back. I’m waiting for an update from the speech therapist. The OT said that the kids in his room were acting up a lot today, but Em handled it very well. They asked what I wanted them to work on. I like that they ask for my input. I asked them to work on some better directives. Words like stop, go, slow down, etc. I also explained that he is starting soccer in a few weeks, so that’ll probably aide in him taking direction. I think preparing him for that beforehand will be a nice additive though. We’ll see how that goes.

Potty training went well yesterday. He peed all day on the potty at daycare. He did pee his pants once on the playground, and when he was on the potty peeing, he peed on his teacher’s shoe. Whoops! He hasn’t quite got the hang of keeping it inside of the toilet yet. I know he’ll get there. He pooped his pants though. I didn’t even care. I was just glad to hear that he pooped. He peed twice for me at home last night. I also bought more underwear, so I can hopefully do laundry less than I am now. We can easily blow through 3 pair a day! He’s doing so well though and I’m so proud of him. I know we have a long road ahead of us, but I think consistency is key here. The daycare staff is doing a great job during the day, and I’m handling it at night. I just need to make sure we follow through perfectly over the weekend. It becomes difficult when we’re out and about. I’ll just have constantly ask him if he has to pee when we’re out. I haven’t bought diapers yet. I hope I only have to buy one pack and that’s it. I do still put one on him at night and then in the morning for his morning poop, but that’s it. Daycare is only using one a day as well, so we should be alright for a while. Not spending that money is great.

Alright, I am going to wrap this up. I have nothing new to report. I’m not that exciting. LOL

Have a super day!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


So, Em peed on the potty all day at school and at home for me. He has not pooped though. I don’t just mean on the potty either. I mean in general. I really hope he isn’t holding it. I tried many times to get him to go last night without success. I’m hoping he goes this morning. I left him in a diaper for that reason. I know it’s a lot more difficult to potty train #2 than #1. I just don’t want him to become constipated from holding it. Poor guy. It has to be so tough growing and trying to learn all of this stuff. I’m trying to be patient. He is doing so well. He didn’t pee for me again this morning, but his diaper was pretty soiled, so I’m chalking that up to him not having to go. Last night, he ran towards the bath and said “I pee! I pee” and then he went pee. It’s cool seeing him take initiative and letting me know when he has to go instead of me constantly asking him. We’ll see how this all progresses, but I’m pretty proud of him. He needs more underwear badly though. I can’t keep washing laundry every two days. That’s absurd.

I hate to say this, but I feel like I’m getting a sinus infection. It’s making my tooth bother me too, which is weird. Anytime I get a sinus infection, any of the teeth that I had filled start to bother me. I initially thought maybe it was one of my back teeth that was filled, but now might need additional work. My head is starting to feel stuffy though and I can feel my sinuses acting up. I haven’t had sinus issues in such a long time. It has to be from the weather change. In any event, I’m going to wait a couple of days  before I jump the gun and make a dentist appointment. I need to go for a cleaning anyway, so I’ll be going sooner rather than later.  My sister made dentist appointments for the kids on October 4th, so I’m going to take them. This will be Em’s first visit. I was hoping to make an appointment for myself sometime after that. I guess we will see  how this all pans out. I still need to make an ophthalmologist appointment for Em. We’re off next Tuesday, so maybe I can find something for that day. So many appointments. Ugh.

This weekend, we’re doing a 5k with the kids. It’s a bubble run, so it should be a lot of fun. We’ll be bringing the stroller just in case Emerson gets too wacky. We’ll see how it goes. Our wave is at 8am. So it’ll be super early in the morning, which is good because he typically starts acting up around nap time. Afterwards, I believe we’re going to the waterpark. We haven’t been in a couple of weeks. It’s closing right after labor day, so we need to make a few more trips. It’ll be nice to go again since we’ve taken some time off. It’ll be like going for the first time…I hope!

Today is my 23rd day eating clean and working out. I feel good. Looking forward to leaning out more. My upper body is sore after last night’s workout. It was a good one. Tonight, I’m focusing on lower. I had to move the DVD player into the livingroom since I downgraded our cable. Unfortunately, Disney doesn’t play Disney Jr cartoons until 6am, which sucks. Em had to watch the older kid shows this morning. Ugh. I’m going to rent dvds of the shows that he watches through the library. Of course, I lost my card, so I have to work on replacing it first before I can rent anything. I did search the catalog though and they have dvds of pretty much all of Em’s shows. I have to take in my id and something with my address on it to get a replacement. I plan on doing that at lunch today. The only issue I think I’ll have is my address. Currently, my parent’s address is on my id. I can’t remember if I signed up using that address, or my current address. I had to bring in a piece of mail with my address on it, so I don’t know what I provided. I guess I’ll try to go down there with my ID and w-2 and see if that is sufficient enough. Hopefully it isn’t an issue. He can watch a movie tonight and then I’ll work on renting some stuff for the rest of the week and weekend. I’m not worried about myself. I’ll find something mindless to watch and I’ll rent a movie for the weekend.  I’m just happy that I can rent whole seasons of the shows he likes with no issue. He won’t notice at all, which is nice. I may end up just downgrading all the way to basic cable if this goes well. I’ll let this go for a month before I decide what to do. If I keep it, it’ll be for my own selfish reasons. My point though was that I need a second DVD player because unhooking and hooking this one back up between the basement and living room is going to suck. It only took me a second last night, but even still, it’s an extra step I don’t feel like taking!

Alright, have a super day

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

From yesterday

The weekend went perfectly. I was so worried about driving 2.5 hours up to Splash Lagoon, then 2.5 hours back, but it went fine. Emerson and Isaiah stayed awake the entire drive up. We left the house around 730am, so we got to Splash Lagoon somewhere around 10:30am. The place was pretty awesome. It was pricey for admission, but a nice day trip. If we ever do that again, we’ll be staying overnight and exploring some other attractions. The boys had such a good time. They had a lot for Emerson to do which was nice, but a lot of Isaiah. It’s difficult finding things to do with a 12 year old and a 2.5 year old. We somehow always make it work though. My sister and I were split up for most of the day. She was off doing the slides with Isaiah and I was playing in the toddler area and wave pool with Emerson. She came to find us at one point and said she felt bad that we hadn’t been with them all day. I thought that was sweet though. She is a thoughtful person, but we were fine and having a good time. I was glad they were having a good time too. We all hung out for a long time together, ate, then swam a bit more before we headed out. We were there for 5 hours, which was plenty of time. Emerson was absolutely burnt out. 5 minutes into the car ride home, he was snoozing. Mom win! The drive home was fun. Isaiah, Britt, and I just sang along to our music, and talked. We hung out at her house for a bit and then visited my parents before heading home. It was a really nice, but exhausting day.

In between of all of this, I am potty training Emerson. Not easy at all. He pooped his pants twice yesterday and peed on me at Splash Lagoon. I know it’ll take time. He wouldn’t pee for me this morning, but he took himself at my sister’s house yesterday, and peed at home, and at my parent’s house. Baby steps. We will get there. He did well at daycare on Friday.  We have a long road ahead of us. I hope one day that it just clicks and starts to become easier. I can’t wait for the day that I no longer have to purchase diapers, or wipes! He is getting to be such a big boy though. It’s crazy.

I downgraded my cable. I didn’t go full downgrade though. We will still have some cable channels, but I’ve reduced cost by $50! The sad part is we will no longer have Disney Jr. We will have the regular Disney channel though, so Em can still enjoy cartoons during the weekend morning and weekday mornings. We will use dvds for  after school and weekends when the regular Disney channel shows are on. I’m going to keep it this way for the next few months. I’m missing out on some of my channels too, but it’s all for the greater good. After we get through this year and the beginning of next year, I’ll upgrade to the better package again. It’s always so tough around this year with Christmas, so changing some things around is necessary.

Alright, lots to do. Have a super week!

Friday, August 19, 2016


Emerson is walking completely fine now. Thank God. I was so worried. He hasn’t limped, or anything like that since Tuesday night. I guess it was just a fluke. When I picked him up from daycare yesterday, they told me the kids were getting wet on the playground today and tomorrow, so I made sure I sent extra clothes today. I’m sure the kids will love it. It has been so rainy lately that they haven’t been outside much. This will be a nice change of pace for everyone. We went through the Wendy’s drive-thru for dinner last night. We don’t do that often. I got a baked potato. There is no way I’m ruining my clean eating! After dinner, we played with the dog, read a couple of books, and watched t.v. Em was so wound up by bath time though. He was driving me nuts, so off to bath and bed he went! I did my work out shortly after, had a snack, then hit the hay too.

Tonight, we have nothing planned. We’re just laying low. I’ll make dinner, we’ll eat, then hang out just like last night. I’m so ready for the weekend. I get burnt out just from the routine. I love routine and am a total creature of habit, but it still wears me down. Tomorrow, I’m running in the morning before work. I’ll get ready at the gym afterwards, so that means I won’t need to get ready in the morning before work. I can sleep in a few minutes later than usual. I have to work until 5pm tomorrow, then pick Em up at my sister’s house afterward. I’m already dreading having a late dinner. I better pack an extra meal tomorrow, since I’ll be here so late.

Saturday, I’m excited about going to Splash Lagoon. I was considering staying overnight because I found a deal online, but realized it’ll be more hassle than it’s worth. A 2 hour drive up and back isn’t that big of a deal anyway. We can handle it. On Sunday, we’re laying low.  It’s supposed to rain, so I better get some activities together. We’ll visit my parents and sister, but other than that, I want to save our money.

Alright, guys. I am going to head out. I have a lot to do.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

This was written yesterday

Yesterday was ridiculous. I really hope this week starts to get better. All of the little things are just adding up. I took my nephew and Emerson to the food festival. It started to pour down rain like you wouldn’t believe while we were there. All the boys got were overpriced ice cream cones. They loved it anyway, but we did nothing else. They weren’t able to play in the bounce houses, or try other foods, or do anything because the weather completely ruined it. After about 20 minutes of waiting for the rain to stop, we made a break for it to the car. All of us were soaked. It was insane. I didn’t even care. I just wanted to get out of there.

We dropped my nephew off at his other grandma’s house (his dad’s mom), then we went to visit my parents for a bit. When we got into their house, I put Emerson down, but he wouldn’t bear any weight on his left leg. He was fine when we left daycare. He literally went from daycare, to the car, into the stroller. He did lose a shoe at the festival, so maybe something happened with that. I have no idea how the heck he could have hurt himself though. I’m so beyond baffled, but he was fine when he woke up this morning, so I don’t know what happened there. I’m hoping when I pick him up from daycare that he is fine.  I let him stay up later last night because I was so worried about his foot. I kept checking it to make sure nothing was stuck in the bottom (glass, splinter, etc) and I wiggled it around without him even flinching. He seemed unbothered by it until he had to walk. He ended up waking up around 130am freaking out. I gave him a hug, then laid him back down. Of course, I was up the rest of the night. I’m tired today.

I’m ready for the rest of this work week to just be uneventful. We’re taking the boys to Splash Lagoon, an indoor water park, this weekend. I’m excited. It’s a couple hours away, so I hope the kiddos sleep there and on the way back. It looks like a pretty cool place and I’ve heard rave reviews. The only thing that concerns me is Emerson’s dad’s family and his dad live up there and I know they frequently go to that place. Well, at least they used to a few years ago. Who knows how it is now. With the week I’m having, they’ll be there on Saturday. I hope I’m wrong though. I know I have nothing to feel embarrassed, or shamed over. He should feel embarrassed, but I know it’ll just be super awkward and uncomfortable for me. Basically, I just don’t want to deal with it and I want to go and have a good time. If you’re reading this, find other plans on Saturday. Don’t ruin ours!

Other than that, we’re just going to have a chill weekend I hope. I’m so tired. I’m trying to not dwell though. I didn’t work out last night, therefore I have to work out tonight. I don’t want to skip two days in a row. Eating is on point as always, which is 90% of the struggle. I can’t believe I’m on day #16 already! I have to work late on Friday, so my sister is picking Emerson up for me. I plan on running in the morning-rain or shine, so I’ll have my workout done early, which is nice. If I’m up to it, I’ll do some abs on Friday night. We’ll see how that goes. It’s so hard to want to do anything at night anymore.

I decided to terminate my cable for a few months. Well, not terminate, but to downgrade to just local channels. My cousin is going to give me a ton of DVDs for Emerson to watch. All of the fall shows will be coming on soon, so I’ll be fine. I hardly watch at all anyway. I am awake for maybe an hour or so after I’m done working out at night. I just flip aimlessly anyway. I’ll end up hopefully saving close to $230 for Christmas. I have a pretty small budget for Emerson, but that’ll greatly help me. I don’t plan on going overboard anyway. I’m going to leave the cable on until I get the DVDs though, which should be tomorrow. At that point, I’ll have it downgraded. I’m excited thinking of the money that I’ll be able to save. Who knows, maybe I won’t ever turn it back on!

My sister and I have a share plan through at&t. Our contract is up in October. Right now, I’m looking at other companies to see if we can get a better rate. We pay so much now. If I can get that down, I’d be super happy.

Alright, All. have a good night!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Weekend recap

We had a really nice weekend. On Friday night, my sister and I took Emerson for pizza. Of course, he wasn’t into it at all and was trying to run around the restaurant. We should have known better. He never eats pizza anyway. Next time, we’ll just go to Denny’s like we were originally going to. You live and learn, right? Anyway, on Saturday, we took the kids to The Science Center, and then over to the water steps. They had a great time. It was pretty cute, but exhausting. By the time we got home, I was ready to fall asleep. Em had no nap, so he went to bed pretty early. I was happy when he slept in until around 830am on Sunday morning. We decided to take the kids to Chuck E Cheese. We had a good time. Em ended up napping for a few hours afterwards, which was a nice mommy break for me. I let him stay up a bit later since we were off on Monday. He ended up sleeping in until 8am yesterday. Mom win! Anyway, I took Emerson and my nephew to the kid’s festival yesterday. Emerson was not having it. He wasn’t being “bad” per se, but he wasn’t listening to me at all. He wanted to do everything that had nothing to do with the festival, or activities set up for the kids. Running amuck, trying to jump into police vans, playing with gas caps on police cruisers, and trying to mess with the motor and gas that were keeping the bounce houses a float. After about a half an hour, I couldn’t take it anymore. I was drenched in sweat from chasing him and regulating. It was just too much. All of the other kids were participating and behaving. There goes mine. Being a wild man. We ended up leaving and coming back later to pick up my nephew and his friends.  We hung at my parent’s house for most of the afternoon before heading home. Em swam in his pool and played in his sandbox. He also drove me crazy. I’m not sure what is in the water these past few days, but he has been a bear for me. I hope things change before next weekend! We have plans to go to an amusement park and canoeing again. I’d prefer if my well-behaved toddler came out to play those days.  Pray for us!

This week, we’re heading to a food festival, but that’s about it. We have major plans all weekend, so I want to keep it more chill. I think lack of naps is why Emerson has been acting so crazy. The good news is the places we’re going aren’t too close, so he will probably fall asleep in the car on the way home. That’s my hope anyway.

I am on day #15 and my last week of this major trim down. I haven’t decided where to go from here. Obviously, I won’t stop after I’ve reached my three week goal. I will probably relax a bit more though and enjoy a refeed meal at least once every weekend just to feel some semblance of normalcy. To date, I’m down 11.5 inches. It’s insane! I’m so happy with my progress! I’d love to get back to a 90/10 lifestyle. That way, I don’t fall too far off from where I am. If I do, I won’t be so far off that I can’t trim down quickly after a week of detox. I feel incredible, so I don’t want to balloon back up again. It’s nice feeling comfortable in whatever I’m wearing including a bikini at the pool. It’s been raining so much that I haven’t been able to go to the waterpark, or anything in almost two weeks. It’s so annoying. Pray for better weather this upcoming weekend, or our plans are going to be completely washed out. I just checked Saturday and Sunday’s weather and it says PM scattered thunderstorms. Well, if we go to the amusement park in the morning when it opens, then we should at least have a few hours before it rains. I guess I’ll talk to my sister and see what she wants to do. It’s not cheap to go, so I don’t want to spend all of this money for it to be a wash out. There is an 80% chance of rain on Sunday and a 50% chance on Saturday.

Alright, All. Have a great day!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Major transformation

Day #11. I made sure I brought an extra meal today to replace the shake that I ran out of. So far, I feel a lot better than I did yesterday. I was starving yesterday. It was unreal.  I took some compare photos this morning and put them down below. Whoa! I cannot believe the changes I’ve made within the past 10 days. It makes me so excited to see what the next 10 bring. After this first round of the 21 day fix, I plan on doing it again without a break in between. I feel like if I take a break, I’ll just put myself back and fall off track again. Obviously, I don’t want to back pedal. I wish I had started this earlier though and not at the end of summer. What can you do though? At least I started! I don’t really have a goal either and I think that’s most of the reason why I end up falling off sometimes. Once I get to where I want to be, that’s it. I fall off, get chubby again, then have to start over. If I were working towards something, I’d have motivation to keep going. I’d love to try to do a fitness competition, but I don’t know. That whole world really intimidates me. I’d have to work EXTREMELY hard and dedicate most of my life to it. The food alone would be way too expensive for me to support that dream. We’ll see. Maybe one day. In the meantime, I’m going to keep plugging away.

I just keep thinking that there has got to be something that I can do with this. Yes, I realize I was doing the whole Beach Body thing for a while, but I started to lose money from that. Maybe I can start looking into getting my certification and trying to personally train people. I don’t see my sister really having an issue watching Emerson for an hour here and there for me to go to someone’s house to train them. I’ve gotten pretty good at writing out meal plans, putting together workouts, grocery lists, and even coming up with creative recipes. I wouldn’t charge an arm and a leg either. Obviously, it wouldn’t be easy to start something like that, but  I think I am already a great example showing that I know what I’m doing. If I could get a couple of people to let me train them for free at first to show what I’m capable of, that could be a great way to reel in some clients. We’ll see. At this point, I just need to continue being a great example and forge ahead from there. I’d love to make some extra money though doing what I love!

Alright, outside of that, I have nothing else to really report. Em and I played in the yard after dinner last night. It was nice. If it isn’t raining after work, we’ll do the same tonight. It broke up the evening a bit and made it go faster. I did a cardio workout after he was tucked into bed, then I showered, and watched t.v. for the rest of the night. I’m sore today, but planning an upper workout for this evening. No rest until Saturday. We’re heading to the Science Center since it’s going to rain all weekend. I’m really excited!

Postdated 1 day lol

The weekend was really nice. On Saturday, we just visited the waterpark like usual. Sunday, we headed to Jellystone and had a great time! It was so cute! The water was a bit cold in the spray park area, but the pool temperature was that of bath water. I loved it. Emerson and my nephew had a blast. We will definitely be going up there again. There was so much variety too. We got there around 11:15 and stayed until about 4:15, so we certainly got our money’s worth. Em was pretty worn out when we got home. He ended up sleeping in until about 830am the next morning. We were off from daycare and work, so we picked my nephew up  and headed to Peace, Love, and Little Donuts. Emerson ripped his shirt off in the middle of the place. Ha! What a little exhibitionist! Afterwards, we went to the spray park, then swimming at my parent’s house. It was a nice day off.

This week is shaping up to be so hectic. I’m training for my new job and also training someone else to take over some of my current job functions. It’s absolutely insanity here. I had five training sessions yesterday.  The rest of the week looks to follow that same trend. It’s exciting to learn something new though, so I welcome it with open arms although I am already a bit overwhelmed and intimidated. That’s to be expected though.

This weekend, it’s going to be a complete wash out, so we’re heading to the science center. I’m not sure what else we’ll do. I might just take Em up to the mall play place for something free to do, then visit my sister and parents. We’re off again on Monday. I’m taking the boys to Kid’s Village, which is just the kid’s version of this international food fest that we go to every year. The international village starts the very next day, so I’m sure we’ll stop through at some point during the week. Kid’s Village is free though, so my plan is to take them over there, then to swim afterward at my parent’s house. That’s about all we have on the list. I’m poor as heck. I don’t get paid again until the 19th, so it’ll be like this for a while. We do have some exciting things coming up though. We’re doing Idewild on the 21st, which is an amusement and waterpark all rolled into one. We’re also doing The Bubble Run on the 27th. It’s just a 5k that has a ton of colored bubbles stationed throughout the route. We’re taking the kids. I think they’ll LOVE it. After the bubble run, we have a birthday party to head to. Outside of that, we’ll hopefully get in some more waterpark time. That’ll round out our summer. It went fast!

Now, let’s talk about me for a bit. I am on day #10 of the 21 day fix and am down 9 inches! I cannot believe it. I feel so much better. A lot less bloated and puffy. My clothes are fitting again too, which is nice. I’m enjoying eating clean and working out too.  I need to get my water intake up. I know that’ll make all the more difference. I can’t wait to see what my results are after week #2. I don’t think they’ll be as jarring as week #1, but I’ll take any loss at this point. I haven’t burnt out yet, which is good. I am trying to go as long as I possibly can. Even more so than these 21 days that I’ve set a goal for. We’ll see how that pans out. Over the weekend, I didn’t mess up at all. I packed healthy snacks for myself, so that I didn’t succumb to any temptations. It feels good to be back on the wagon. It’s so hard to do this forever though. I know there will be a point when I fall off. My hope is that I just cheat here and there. Living a 90/10 lifestyle is ideal. I just know that buckling down now is the key. I need to be fully committed and focused before I start wavering off of this eating plan a bit.

Alright, that’s about all I have for now. Have a super Wednesday!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

I wrote this yesterday

Despite the heat last night, we still made it out to the community event going on in our area. It was so cool! They had about 40+ police cars all parked with the lights flashing, plus they had a handful of firetrucks too. Emerson loved it! He was able to meet the police dog too. He chased that poor dog all around. We had a good time, but then took a break to cool off in Barnes and Noble. Em played with the train table they had set up forever. He screamed when it was time to leave, but thus is life. It did give me a good indication of what I should get him for Christmas though. I found a lot of train tables at Walmart, so I think that’ll be his main gift. I’ll fill in the blanks with some puzzles, books, etc.

Afterwards, I got Emerson a nugget kid meal and myself a bottle of water. I didn’t want to blow my diet on day #2, so I ate according to my meal plan when we got home. Smelling nuggets and fries was pure torture though. After Em was in bed, I did my workout, showered, had snack, watched tv, then went to bed. I woke up 12 minutes late today too, but we still left the house on time.  Yesterday while waiting for the bus, someone threw some kind of liquid on me. It hit me right on the back of my legs. It smelled like beer. At my bus stop downtown, there are always a ton of homeless looking people loitering. It really ticks me off. They never bother me, but yesterday, they did. I hope I don’t encounter any nonsense today. I was not happy at all. I’m sure my tax dollars are paying for them somehow. At least respect the people working to take care of you, bums!

Tonight, we’re not doing anything, but going home. I want to keep Emerson out of the sun as much as possible. Like I said earlier, he got sunburnt at Sandcastle this past weekend. With how hot it is out too, his face just gets so red from being overheated. It makes him look 10 times more sunburnt than he really is. It’s just too hot to be outside right now. Luckily, we get a break on Saturday and Sunday. The temperature goes back down to the low 80’s. These Mid to high 90’s are ridiculous! It makes it absolutely unbearable and impossible to do anything outdoors. I’d grin and bear it, but I can’t do that to my kiddo. We decided to go to Jellystone on Saturday, so that means we’ll do the waterpark on Sunday if everyone isn’t too beat up from Saturday. Otherwise, we’ll do the Science Center instead, so that we’re still getting out, but we’ll at least be indoors.

I was able to shift some things around in my budget, so that I can pay for soccer on Friday. This way, I won’t need to worry about us missing our spot. I believe they only take up to 15 kids per session at each location. That isn’t a lot at all, so I definitely want to make sure I sign him up sooner rather than later.

I also need to choose a weekend to just stay home. I need to crack down on potty training. I want to buy Em some undies and just let him wear those around for an entire weekend. We can practice using the potty because I doubt he will like having soaked undies from peeing in them. I’m hoping that gives us the major push that we need. We will see though. I’d love to have him potty trained before his third birthday, but that seems awfully aggressive eat this point. If I could at least have him trained during the day by then, I’ll be happy.

I almost forgot, I took the day off on Monday, so we’re having a nice, long weekend. I think we’re just going to do the spray park on Monday and probably swim in my parent’s pool. We’ll keep it free that day. We’ve only visited this new spray park once this season, so we might as well make another trip over there.

Alright, that is about all I have. Have a super Wednesday, All!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

21 day fix

Well, yesterday was my first day back into clean eating. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Honestly, after one day, I already feel better and motivated to not fall off. I don’t know what the heck happened to me. Working out is much harder than eating healthy and requires more determination and energy, yet I have no issues doing that. Eating like crap the past two months has not done be well. I was so good in May up until my birthday, then it all went downhill. I’ve been on a downward slope ever since. I’ve put on a bit of weight. I’m sure most people wouldn’t find it very noticeable, but I do. It’s a shame when I can hardly fit half of my clothes. I’m mad at myself because I was in the best shape of my life a year ago. I had a 6 pack. I mean, really?! Granted, I was extremely thin and underweight at the time, so with a body fat percentage that low, it wasn’t overly hard to achieve. It wasn’t natural for me at all, therefore I don’t know that I’ll ever really be back there again. At times, I knew I was too thin, but when I started to work out and build muscle, it looked more strong and lean to me. I’d love to be that lean again, but I don’t see it happening. Instead, I just want to focus on clean eating, dropping a couple of the pounds I’ve gained, and de-bloating my belly. I think those are more realistic goals to work towards. It sucks that I didn’t work this hard at the beginning of summer on clean eating, but I can at least go out with a bang as long as I stay on course. I plan on it too. I am so sick of feeling crappy. I’m pretty sore today too. I did a lower workout last night. I was sweating so badly. Tonight, I’m focusing on upper, so that I can give my legs a rest. I plan on taking Emerson to this community night out to bring Police officers closer to the community. It’s at the waterfront. They’re going to have the police dog there, face painting, etc. We can go check it out for a bit. I think my nephew is coming too. I usually don’t like doing things during the week, but I’ll make an exception for tonight. Hopefully it doesn’t throw me off course with meal prep and working out. I have to figure out what we’re going to do about dinner. I’m thinking I’ll make a shake for myself and bring snacks for Em. We can eat dinner when we get home. Here’s to hoping.  I don’t want to blow it on day #2 and I don’t feel like starving either. Hopefully this is a fun night out though. I don’t think we’ll be there very long, but to get out and walk around will be nice.

Alright, that’s about all I have for now.

Em's first movie

This weekend was awesome, but exhausting! On Friday, my  nephew came home from his dad’s but he needed to be picked up from the airport. His plane didn’t land until midnight! Emerson and I went to my sister’s house to hang out before we all got into the car around 10:45pm. Em ended up falling asleep in the car on the way there and the entire way back. I figured he would. He was up about 3 hours past his bedtime. He went right back to bed when we got home around 1:30am. It was a really long night, but I was so happy to have my nephew home. On Saturday, we had originally planned on going to the waterpark, but the weather was awful. It was raining and storming when I woke up. I texted my sister and asked if she’d want to change plans and take the kids to the movies instead. She thought it was a great idea. Emerson slept so late. I finally woke him up around 11:11am. The movie started at 1:50pm, so we had a bit of time to kill. After breakfast and a quick bath, we headed up to the theater for Emerson’s very first movie. We saw “The Secret Life of Pets”. He sat the entire movie! I was so worried because I didn’t know if he would act wild, or try to get out of his seat and run around. None of that happened. He filled up on so much popcorn and candy, while we watched the movie. I was so proud of him for sitting still. The movie itself was adorable too. we had such a nice afternoon. Afterwards, we visited my parents, then hung at my sister’s house for a bit longer before heading home for the night.

Emerson slept until about 8am on Sunday morning, which was a surprise to me. I checked the weather. There was no rain the forecast until later in the evening, so we decided to give the waterpark a try. I’m glad we did! The weatherman was wrong. Mostly cloudy quickly turned into gorgeous and sunny before we even parked the car. We spent 5 hours at the waterpark. It was a blast having my nephew with us. He went down the slides with Emerson and played with him so much. Em was loving it. My sister and nephew rode so many of the big slides too. She hasn’t really gotten to do that yet, so I know she had a great time. Em started crying at the tail end of the day though for no reason. I think he was just exhausted. We typically do not spend 5 hours there. We usually cap out somewhere between 3.5-4 hours. He was beat! We called it a day around 4pm. Em and I went home and just hung out for the rest of the night. He had dinner and a bath, then went to bed. I went to bed early too. I was exhausted. We both have sunburn too, which means we’ll be hibernating inside all week until it lightens up a bit. It was a really nice weekend though. We had a lot of fun.

This week, we have nothing planned at all. We’re just laying low. I’m fine with that. We have a nice weekend planned coming up, so I think having a boring week will be okay. We’re going to Jellystone Park this weekend. It’s a cute waterpark that is centered around a Yogi Bear theme. I hear that it is absolutely adorable. They are having Halloween in August this weekend too, so the kids will get to trick or treat and I believe they’re doing a hayride. We’ll also be heading to the Waterpark on the opposite day that we go to Jellystone. We got my nephew a pass yesterday, so he’s anxious to take some friends and to go again. It’ll be our 8th trip there! It was a great investment and I am so glad that we have these passes.

Soccer starts on September 7th. I still have to sign Emerson up for it. I can’t sign him up until September 2nd though. The cost is $110.00. I really hope that all of the spots aren’t taken. If so, then I’ll just have to pick a different day. I really want the Saturday 10am slot, but if I have to take something else, then I will. It’s for 8 weeks. The kids get shirts and such, so I don’t think the cost is too outrageous. I just can’t afford to finish up our summer bucket list and pay for that at the same time. I think it’ll be okay, but even still, I’d feel better if I could register him early. We’ll see how things pan out. I’m super excited that he’s going to get to be on a team and to start learning the game. I know it’ll probably be pure chaos with a bunch of toddlers on the field, but early exposure seems like a good idea to me.

Alright, I have lots to do. Have a super week!