Monday, July 31, 2017

Pregnant with twins!!

I haven't written in a long time and I think it's mostly because I had no idea where to begin. Let me give a quick run down:


-I got engaged on March 31st, 2017.

-Emerson and I moved into my Fiance's home at the end of May 2017.

-I became pregnant in Early May 2017

-I found out I was actually pregnant with twins on July 27th, 2017.



Let that ALL soak in...



WOW. Talk about a comeback story! My head is still reeling with the news that I'm carrying multiples. At this point, we are not sure what the sexes are yet, but are hoping to find out in a few weeks. We do believe the twins will be fraternal as the babies are in separate amniotic sacs with individual placentas. The babies are completely healthy and on track. I am 12 weeks and 4 days along. I'm doing alright outside of extreme indigestion and heartburn. It is almost unbearable to eat because of the affect effects, but I'm on pepcid twice a day for the max dose. I still don't feel like it's working well enough, so I'll be requesting an alternative treatment at my next appointment. The fatigue I was experiencing is starting to subside a bit, which is great. The one day, I had to pull over in Kmart's parking lot to take a nap! It was unreal. Morning sickness, and sickness in general has really tapered off with the exception of feeling sick from the indigestion, or waiting too long to eat.


Tim are I beyond excited to be having twins! That's pretty much all we can talk about. Everything we do revolves around Emerson and the twins. We're planning on switching Emerson's room to the office, and putting the twins in his room. Both rooms are about the same size, but I like the layout of Emerson's room better for two cribs. Also, Em's room will be further away from the twins, so hopefully he won't be distrubed by too much crying. He is really excited though. We tell him daily what a great big brother he will be to not only 1, but 2 babies. He constantly asks to touch my belly and gives it kisses. It's REALLY adorable. We plan on involving him as much as possible to avoid any type of jealous issues, or him feeling left out. We have talked so much about ensuring he has one on one time with us, and that he still gets to get out of the house for a few hours each weekend even if its just to go to the movies, or run around the play place at the mall. While I'm on maternity leave, Emerson will continue to go to daycare, so that we avoid interrupting his speech therapy/preschool. I also think it'll be more beneficial to me to be home alone with the twins during that time, so I can build a schedule for them, and also sleep as much as I possibly can. That would be difficult with a toddler. I wouldn't feel safe snoozing with him running loose in the house.


After maternity leave, I've decided to go back to work even though I was told that I could stay at home. I told Tim that I'd like to give it a shot continuing to work. We will enroll the babies in the same daycare that Emerson attends now. They are already on the waiting list. If I find that it's too much for me to work, pump for two, and then breastfeed/caregive twins and a toddler at night, then I'll rethink being a stay at home mom. Obviously, Tim will be there helping me as well, but he can't do much in terms of pumping/breastfeeding. I did really well with Emerson and continued for 15 months. It's really important to me to do the same with the twins, so I will give it my best shot.


I still cannot believe that this is my life. Initially, we had decided to wait until after our wedding to have more kids. We had even put our deposit down on our venue, and were plunging into wedding planning. This caught both of us off-guard. We had no idea we were having twins either, so that was just another thing thrown into the mix to make us reconsider our wedding. We are going to push it back a bit. We decided to downsize our original plan. We will still keep our venue, but invite just immediate family to the ceremony, then have a nice dinner afterwards. I'm completely happy with this. I would rather not spend $20k+ on a wedding when we just had twins. That would be absurd. Tim is fine either way, but I just could never do that. I'm far too cheap! I don't really care about the wedding part. I just care about the marriage part and our family. We are really happy though, so I feel like we've already won. Who needs a big wedding anyway? I He knocked it out of the park with my ring, so I already feel spoiled beyond belief. I don't need anything else. I just want to have these twins and for both to be healthy. That's really where our minds are right now.



Living together is going very well. It took a bit of adjusting for me. Emerson adjusted with no issues at all. He walked in like he owned the place, so I'm glad he had no hardship. It was a bit difficult for me because I really missed my house. I gave up my entire home, plus most of our possessions. I donated a lot of items, and gave things away to people who needed it. Tim had better furniture than me, and we upgraded to a new, beautiful bedroom set, so I didn't really need to bring much with me aside from our clothes and Em's toys. I am totally adjusted now though and I feel completely comfortable. It feels like home for myself, Em, and Kodie, plus Tim, his dog (Fenway), and his cat (Boston) have seemed to adjust to us being there too.The cat is still a bit iffy, but we knew he would take awhile to warm up.


It is really awesome to have someone on my team and in my corner. As everyone knows, when I was pregnant with Emerson, I had very little support from his dad, then had absolutely nothing from 6 months on. He wasn't excited to have Emerson either. This is a whole new ballgame for me to have someone who is so excited and appreciative for our life. Tim is amazing with Emerson too, which has been such a blessing. I'm glad he has a father figure now, since his bio dad completely dropped the ball.



Emerson is doing so well and talking so much! His speech has really taken off. It's absolutely incredible and I couldn't be happier for him. He tested out of expressive speech, but is still seeing his therapist for articulation. She says that he was pretty close to testing out, but wanted to continue for a bit longer because she knew he'd benefit. He is pretty independent these days, though he tells us to "PWAY WITH ME" all the time when he's down on the floor with his cars, or playing with action figures. He is so obsessed with The Hulk and Iron Man. It's hilarious how into super heroes he's gotten. He is also really good at brushing his teeth alone, though I still go in for a deep scrub before he's done. He had a bit of a potty training regression, but went four times yesterday on his own, so we are getting there.


Alright. I am going to leave it at that, so you can digest. That was A LOT of information. <3