Monday, June 29, 2015

Mummy's rainy weekend

This weekend was fun! It was rainy, but we made do. On Friday night, I planned a group exercise at my company gym for a few people to try out the 21 day fix program! Boy, I pushed myself so hard! It was incredible! Because I did a workout midday, I didn’t have to spend any time that night working out. After Em went to bed, I rented a movie! American Sniper was AMAZING! It was even more amazing to sit down and watch a movie start to finish. The movie freaked me out a few times, but as a whole, it was good!

On Saturday morning,  we woke up and had breakfast, then headed to the mall. Emerson played in the play place for a long time. He had a ball. It was a mad house in there! So many kids running around. You can definitely tell the weather has been crappy lately. Parents are trying to find anything for their kids to do indoors. The rain was unreal on Saturday though. There was so much water on the ground. After Em grew tired of the play place, we walked around the mall for a bit. I bought him a 4th of July tee and a really adorable “time out” muscle tank. I purchased a pair of 4th of July shorts for myself and a pair of capris. Everything was on sale, so we made out with some good deals. When we got to the mall exit, it was pouring even harder. I had no umbrella, so I told Em we were going to get soaked. Just as we walked into the rain, a woman with an umbrella rushed over to me. She covered us to the car and even covered me, so that I could strap Em in without getting soaked. It was so nice! That definitely restored some faith in humanity that I had lost.

We headed home to have lunch, then Em took a quick nap. I was able to get a workout in and to clean the house, which was nice. After he woke up, we played a little, then went to visit my parents. We even brought the dog with us! Boy, was she tuckered out the rest of the weekend! That 2 hour visit kicked her butt! It cracks me up how she gets so tuckered out from that, but she’s so excited the entire time we visit my parents and during the car ride that it just beats her up. Afterwards, we went home and played some more. Emerson took a late nap, so I did a second workout. The house was clean already and I had nothing else to do, so I decided to sneak in a second workout. It was nice!

After nap, more playtime, then dinner, bath, and bed for Em.  I ended up doing my meal planning and grocery list after he went down for the night.  After I was done doing that, I rented ANOTHER movie! I read all of the 50 shades of grey books, so I thought it was time to see the movie. Wow! Talk about graphic. Sheesh! It was still really good though and followed the book pretty closely. I definitely am looking forward to seeing the other ones as they come out. I was invited to go see the second one this weekend with some girls, but I’ll probably pass. It’s a long weekend and I’m going to plan some things out with Em and my family.

Sunday, we woke up early and went to Dunkin Donuts. I usually treat Emerson once every other weekend. I got a coffee, then came home and put almond milk in it. I’m sticking to my program perfectly! Emerson had his donut and loved it, which I’m not surprised. He’s an eater! Afterwards, we just hung around the house. Em took an early nap, then I did a workout, cleaned the house, and showered. We ran to kmart when he woke up. I ended up buying him a couple of new toys. It has been so rainy lately and we’ve been couped up. I’m bored with his toys, so he probably is too. I’m trying to justify spoiling him. He doesn’t get things very often, but when he does, it’s usually a go big, or go home deal. He ended up getting 2 shirts this weekend, an entire tent/tunnel indoor play set, a set of cars that light up and make noise, and a little vtech toy that makes sound, etc. Em played FOREVER, then ended up taking  a second nap, so I did a second workout! It was amazing! I was able to get dinner done and plated, and the house cleaned before he woke up too! Bonus! We just played the remainder of the night, then Em went to bed, and I sat my butt on the couch until I went to bed!

This week, I’m doing another workout tomorrow with a group of work friends. I’m excited. I kicked their butt last week! It’s also a short week because of the 4th of July. Woot Woot! I am off on Friday, which is exciting. I’m not sure what we’ll do. Maybe meet up with my best friend. Alright, guys. I am out of here. I hope you all have a great week!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Mummy forgot to post this!

After work and daycare yesterday, we decided to head to the park. It was nice to break out of our regular routine too. Em had a good time. He was a wild man like usual, but he did burn off some energy. When we got home, we played in the yard, then I did double duty and cooked dinner. After dinner, we played inside until Em had to take a bath, then go to bed. Then, I did my usual. I did my work out, prepped food, cleaned the house, took all of the garbage out, then sat on my butt until I went to bed around 10pm. It was a productive day.

More of the same tonight. I’m sorry, guys. I feel so boring anymore, but I feel like things are changing so much in our world.  I am putting all of my extra time and focus into my Beach Body business. I just started, so I have A LOT of things that I need to do for that to get off the ground and running. My first pay cycle ends tomorrow.  I did make some sales since really hunkering down and beginning a week ago. I don’t know how this will all turn out, but I am putting down some short and long term goals, so that I can measure my success a lot better. That’s on the agenda for tonight. It’s really exciting and I find it VERY hard to hold back from talking about this, so if I become annoying, I’m sorry. I am just very passionate about the changes I’m making in my life. I wish other people would follow suit!

This weekend, it’s supposed to rain. Shocker, right? I think I’m going to take Emerson to giggles and smiles, then to the play place in the mall to play. He’s just so crazy lately, so I don’t know how long I can contain him in either place, but I’ll give it a shot. It’ll be nice to get out of the house too. Other than that, we have no solid plans. We’ll probably see my parents at least one time. I’m not sure if my sister will stop over, or not. She works nights in the summer time, so my guess is no, unless she comes over on Sunday. My nephew made it to California last night. It took them three days on a bus. I guess that isn’t TOO bad. My sister talked to him and he sounded like he was having a good time so far. We’ve only got five weeks together. I just worry his dad won’t send him back. All hell will about break loose if that happens.

Alright, I am going to jump off of here now. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your Wednesday!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Mummy's monster,!!

This past weekend was REALLY busy, but fun. I took Friday off of work, so Emerson and I went to a trampoline park with my best friend and her son. My sister, her fiancé, and my nephew came up after the kids under 6 jump was over, so all three of them could jump. The place was amazing! Em still can’t really jump, so I think we’ll tuck that in our back pocket for when he’s a bit older. He still had a good time and so did I. I’m glad we checked it out.  Afterward, I took Em home for lunch and a quick nap, then I packed our stuff, a ton of snacks, and we headed to the spray park where we did meet up with my sister. The kids had a great time. After we left, we stopped by my parent’s house, then headed home for the night. Emerson slept very well. He was so tuckered out after all of that running around. I had a really good time too. I kept thinking it was Saturday though. LOL Being off on Fridays always confuses me.

Saturday, we woke up and went to Dunkin Donuts. I accidentally threw my coffee filter holder thingymabob away in my coffee pot, so I couldn’t make any at home. I did get Em a donut, but just a black coffee for me. I took him home, loaded it up with Stevia, and dark chocolate almond milk. Delish! Anyway, Em and I ran a ton of errands on Saturday. We went up to Toys R Us, so I could buy him one of those mesh crawl through tunnels. Afterwards, we went to Once Upon a Child and I found the most adorable play mailbox for him for $12! Then, we headed to Walmart, so we could buy my dad some things for Father’s Day. It was a pretty busy day. We headed home for lunch and nap, then went to my parent’s house for cake to say good-bye to my nephew. He went to live with his dad in California for the next five weeks. They took a Greyhound on Sunday night, so I don’t think they even made it to California yet. That’s a long ass drive! I guess his dad couldn’t afford the airfare. I’ll bite my tongue though because he’s been flaunting all over the internet with a wedding that he and his new wife just had.  They are traveling with a total of 6 people though, so I’m sure that would be way too pricey for flights. I hope he splurges though and lets my nephew fly back even if he takes a bus back to California afterwards. What a way to begin your summer vacation-on a bus for three days! My nephew was BAWLING though saying he didn’t want to go and that he doesn’t even like his new stepmom, or her kids. It was pretty horrific. My parents were sobbing. It was just awful. I felt so bad! It was hard to say good-bye, but hopefully five weeks goes by quickly. Anyway, after we left, we headed to the grocery store to buy all of the ingredients for dinner on Father’s Day. I ended up prepping mostly everything that night. I made a baked rigatoni with smoked sausage, cheese, peppers, and onions. I also made deviled eggs, and buffalo chicken dip too.

On Sunday, we woke up early and went to have breakfast with my mom. I had a protein shake before we headed up, so I wasn’t hungry. Instead, I indulged in a latte. Sue me! Em had a good time. Afterwards, we ran some errands, then went home for a little nap.  We headed to my parent’s house around 2pm. The pool is up and running! We got in for a few hours, ate dinner with my sisters and parents, then headed home around 5pm. It was a really nice day. Em was tuckered out by bedtime. I was too!

Emerson has been such a handful lately. He’s into everything that he shouldn’t be allowed to touch. The oven, the fire table, trying to climb under the shed, onto tables, and chairs. It is driving be absolutely insane, guys! I know he’s just in this exploratory stage, but I cannot wait for it to settle down a bit. He really gives me a run for my money. He’s so persistent and strong-willed too. He is never shy about throwing a HUGE fit if told “No” I’m trying to pick my battles, but be firm and stand my ground. It’s so hard to be the boss all of the time, but to still remember to have fun, play, and laugh. I’m trying to find the balance. It is pretty exhausting. I know he won’t be little forever though, so I am still trying to enjoy it even through the taxing times. He’s such a cutie though. When I tell him “cheese” he smiles so freaking big! It’s absolutely adorable! He’s starting to talk a lot more now. He repeats words too. Not always a good thing. I said “Shit” one day…He repeated me, so I really have to be careful.

So yesterday, I worked from home and I did the grocery shopping before I logged in. After I was done, I loaded the car up, took the groceries home, and put them all away. After I finished, I played a real nice game. It was called “where the f is my wallet?” Don’t you know, I left my wallet IN THE CART and IN THE PARKING LOT! I had a panic attack! I had a hunch I forgot it in the cart because I didn’t remember grabbing it, putting it in the trunk, or in the car with me. I hurried to call and put a block on my debit card, then I raced back up to the store. My wallet was still sitting in the cart in the parking lot. THANK GOD! I was able to reactivate my card, which was just a bonus. Seriously, heart attack city!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have way too much stuff going on in my head that I’m making stupid mistakes left and right. I need to just SLOW DOWN.

So, let’s talk fitness and Beach Body for a minute. I finished my 21 day fix program and shed 17 inches. I cannot believe how lean I look and feel. I have muscles that I never knew existed. So what do I do now? Start over, of course! I’m on my second day of round 2. I love it! Coaching is starting to pay off too. I didn’t think it would. I’ve always been VERY wary of direct sales like this.  I’m baffled at my volume so far. I get my first paycheck this week! I still have a VERY long way to go, but additional money is nice. Maybe one day, I can make six figures like some of these coaches I talk to. I had a one on one with a top coach yesterday. She gave me so many tips and pointers. She told me what not to do and what to do more of. I am definitely going to give this a real shot and hope that it takes me somewhere great. I really am passionate about these products and I know if everyone gave them a chance, they’d feel just as good about themselves as I do about myself!

Alright, guys.  I will update with you later. Have a really great day!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Mummy has dreams!!!!

Today is my Friday! Tomorrow, my sister, nephew, Emerson, and I are all going to a trampoline place! I checked it out and there is a kid’s only jump for children under 6 from 10am-noon! I’m so excited. The accompanying parent gets to jump for FREE. I told my sister that she should come up around noon, so that they don’t have to just stand there watching us jump. I think Emerson and I are going to head up around 11am. I don’t really foresee him wanting to jump for more than an hour. I don’t even know if he’ll be able to properly jump. He might get bored with it after 15 minutes, but I think it only costs $6 for him, so I’m willing to pay either way. I think it’ll be fun. Afterwards, they have a bounce house/toddler area that we can migrate to, while my nephew has his turn. I don’t foresee him jumping for hours either. The place looks pretty darn cool, but I can see how it would get old after about a half an hour. Afterwards, we’re taking the kids to lunch. I  honestly think we’re just taking them down the road to Burger King, so they can play in the play place too.  My parents filled their pool up. I think the water will be WAY too cold, but I do believe we’re heading over there afterwards. My nephew is being dropped off to his dad around 4pm, so we want to make sure he gets to see everyone and spend time before he leaves for the California for 5 weeks.

I hear that they are driving from Pittsburgh to California with a total of six people in one car. Good luck to them and their sanity! I’d go freaking NUTS. My sister was really opposed to allowing my nephew to travel via car, but she was authorizing plane, train, or bus. To me, taking the bus is basically the same as a car. It’s nice that you can stop as often as you’d like in a car though. We talked about it yesterday and I told her that my nephew is 11 years old. He wants to see his dad and his dad wants to see  him. There is no reason to fuss and fight over that small detail. Isaiah is old enough to voice if he’d rather not travel that way. It sucks so badly that he will be gone for 5 weeks, but he’s at an age now where he can use the phone and things like that to communicate with my sister. He will be so happy when he comes home. I’m sure he’ll miss her a lot and that’ll make her feel good about this whole thing. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’d be freaking out too if that were my kid. It’s a big drive, but his dad has been in the picture since he was born. They were together until my nephew was 7.5 years old AND they’ve been splitting 50/50 custody of my nephew for about 3 years. His dad just recently moved in March, so up until that point, he had my nephew 3.5 days a week and so did my sister. She was used to sending him off for a few days. It’ll still be hard and sad for her. I’m more than sure of that, but I think she should have more peace of mind knowing that this guy wasn’t randomly in and out of my nephew’s life. He has been around since day 1 and has wanted to be around. I’d have a real issue if he filed off the cuff and decided to invoke visitation across the country. Hell no!

My mom has yet to respond to me about the grill for father’s day. I doubt she is going to go through with it and if she does, it’ll be a late gift, and I do not want to do that to my dad. He does so much for the entire family. He moves the world for my mom, so she should make sure that he has a father’s day gift. She always pulls this though. It’ll be the day of his birthday and she won’t have a card, or anything for him. It drives me nuts. I like being prepared. It sucks now that I feel like we’ll be running out last minute for a gift. I don’t want her to just collect money from me and give him money to have to go and buy the grill himself either. We agreed she’d go get it and have it put together for him. She doesn’t even work today and I doubt she is going to go up and buy the grill. Then, she will use an excuse the rest of the week that she works. She only works until 1pm every day too AND she works across the street from Wal*Mart. She could totally go after work. I should have just orchestrated the entire thing myself. I just asked her again. We’ll see if she answers me. It’s pissing me off though.

So, what else is going on? Well, I am in full swing of Beach Body coaching and loving it. I wish I had done this a lot sooner. I know I said I wouldn’t pound this blog with fitness talk because I have a secondary blog to capture all of that, but I do have to tell you guys that I am loving it. I feel so much better, energized, and happy to focus my extra time and attention on something so positive. I am looking at this on a bigger scale too. Not something that I am doing just as a hobby, or for fun. I’d absolutely love to drive this to the next level and start making some BIG decisions in my life. I really want to buy a house. I know I have not spoken about this before, but I have been thinking about it for quite some time. I would love to be able to be successful enough with this that I can sock away some money to put down on a home for myself and Emerson to grow in.  It’s not a short-term goal by any means, but it is a part of my dream board and something that I am really zeroing in on.  I am trying to keep things in perspective, but I would absolutely love nothing more than to just buy a house in a great school district, and to settle ourselves. I feel like this is a new beginning for us and just a new, better chapter of our lives. I don’t care if anyone thinks I sound cheesy either. I seriously could burst inside. My entire body is smiling and it’s all from making a change and becoming healthier. Something so miniscule has such big consequences. I love it.

Alright, I am going to leave this on a high note. I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!!!!!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Mummy doesn't get it!

My sister and I reconciled. It didn’t happen the way it should have though. She didn’t apologize for the words she used, or the way she treated me, but I didn’t really expect her to. Sometimes you just have to choose your battles and move on. She is still allowing people that do not know us to trash me on her Facebook page. I don’t understand why she didn’t delete the status in the first place. It’s really infuriating that she uses her Facebook page that way. She constantly puts up statuses that reflect negative issues in her own relationship between herself and her fiancé, then gets annoyed when people are in her business. Don’t put anything up then! So, we can read it, but we can’t have an opinion about it? It drives me crazy. I cannot stand it. She is still defending the status she put up and LEFT up. She says “It’s my page. I can post whatever I want” Well, no you can’t. She pitched a fit because I deleted her, so I re-friend her, yet she still leaves crazy posts up about me for people to trash talk. Why did I re-friend you then? If we’ve moved past it, nothing like that should even be up there. I cannot stand the immaturity that she has when it comes to Facebook. The sick part about it is I really think that she thinks she doesn’t need myself, or my family. It’s absolutely unreal to me. We all need each other in one way, or another. I know I should just let it go, but I am so sick of doing that. At what point does Freedom of Speech just start crossing the line, especially if what people are say is NOT true! It’s seriously sickening that I HAVE to be Facebook friends with her even though her posts warrant such trash talk that is so far from the truth because she will have a cow if I de-friend her. I am done talking about this because I am really fired up now. I’m half tempted to just delete my entire Facebook, so I don’t have that problem at all. It’s so sickening to me though that she has this twisted mentality.

So let’s talk about the weekend. It was a bit hectic. We had a bridal shower on Saturday. Wow, really a bad idea taking Emerson with me. All I did was chase him around a hot church for 3 hours. I told my mom the next time we have anything like that, we’ll flip a coin for who goes and who stays at home with him. I was beyond exhausted by the time we left. Em was too. He napped on my parent’s couch for about two hours when we got back. It was a nice break for me. I didn’t even eat while we were there, so I was starving by the time we got home!

Sunday was nice. I took Emerson to the spray park. He had a great time running around. It started to rain, while we were there, but I barely noticed considering we were running in water and already wet. Afterwards, we went to the grocery store to grab some stuff for dinner. I set up all of Em’s pools in the yard and we played out there for a while. Em ended up taking a late nap at 530pm. I woke him at 630pm though. He ate dinner, played, then had bath, and was out by 745pm! I was able to clean up the dishes, the toys, do my workout, shower, then blow dry my hair. There was a crazy storm that blew through at one point though. We had a tornado warning issued and everything. I was freaking out, but we were okay. No impromptu visits to Oz for us!

Emerson slept like an angel last night! 745-6am! Thank GOD he woke when he did. I slept right through my alarm. Whoops! It has been incredible these last few weeks with him sleeping in his crib. I would love for him to sleep longer on weekends though. He is usually up by 715-730am. That is still sleeping in for us, but a little longer would be nice. That means I’d have to push bedtime. It’s hard to do that though. He’s so set in this schedule and I am too! I don’t want to rock the boat too much. I’d be REALLY happy if I’d stop sleeping through my alarm though. Had I woken up on time this morning, Em would have pretty much NATURALLY woke up and it would have made the morning a lot smoother too. I am able to lay him right in the crib and walk out of the room now. It has been AMAZING. It just shows me that he’s getting bigger and that makes me sad. He is really gaining his independence. It’s nice to have some freedom and ME time back, but there is still that sore spot knowing he’s no longer a baby anymore. He’s been clinging to me a lot lately though, so that makes me feel good. He still needs his mom, but he’s definitely an independent little sleeper now. I’m so proud of myself for pushing through and sleep training him so well! I don’t think I wrote this, but he is and has been 100% weaned since the end of April. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be either. Also, my boobs have evened out and are now the same, SMALL size. Sigh. The boobs have left the building. Actually, they’re now smaller than they were pre pregnancy. I kind of figured that might happen. If I ever strike it rich, maybe I’ll get a boob job.  MAYBE. LOL

I am off work on Friday, so I’m supposed to take Emerson to a trampoline/bounce park with my sister and nephew. My nephew is heading to California with his dad for the summer, so we’re planning a special day with him before he leaves. I checked the place out and it seems awesome. There is a toddler area for Emerson too. The price isn’t bad either. I hear they are pretty strict there, so hopefully Emerson doesn’t get us into trouble! I’m excited to go. The best part is it’s about 1 minute away from our house! Hopefully the chat I had with my sister today doesn’t put a damper on Friday. If it does, then we’ll try to muster through for the sake of my nephew.

My parents emptied their pool-finally! I’m hoping they’ll clean/fill it before the weekend. I’m sure it’ll still be way too cold to go in, but at least we’re making progress. I’m not sure what we’ll do on Saturday and Sunday this week. Maybe go to a pool if theirs is still too cold. Alright, I hope everyone has a fabulous week!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Mummy's pissed!!!!

Emerson seems so much better! I think this medicine is finally kicking in. I have to take him back up to the docs a couple of days after he finishes to have his ears checked to ensure they really did heal. I hope they do though. The poor kid needs a break. He slept in his crib on Wednesday night from 730pm-6am! I was so proud of him. I did hear him cry once, or twice for a minute, but he went right back to sleep. Last night, he slept in his crib from 715pm-445am. I did hear him cry once, but he went back to sleep. I brought him in bed with me at 445am though and we overslept! Gah! I ended up waking up at 538am. Whoops! I put him in his highchair with yogurt and a banana, so I could shower and get ready for work. We ended up leaving the house at 615am. So only 15 minutes late. Not too bad.

Yesterday after work, it was stifling hot. Thank God I left the air conditioner on! I left it on today too when I left. I should have shut it off last night to give it a break. I’ll do that tonight though. I ended up filling up Emerson’s pool, so he could swim for a little bit. We had leftovers for dinner, so that was easy for me. Hardly no dishes and it took me no time to heat up. We still have some broccoli mac and cheese left. We’ll probably have that as a side tonight with something else. No idea what that something else is yet. I might need to make a grocery store run on the way home.

Tomorrow is a double whammy. I have a bridal shower AND a gender reveal party. Being honest, I don’t want to go to either. That sounds awful. It’s been such a long week beginning with last Friday. I just want to relax! My parents have their pool drained, so they’ll be filling it up! I can’t wait. We should be ready to swim by next week I hope. We’ll give it some time to warm up before even attempting getting in. I hink I’m going to take Em to the public pool near our house on Sunday if the weather is nice. My friend has pool passes, so she’ll be there with her kids. It’ll be nice to just go and swim for a little while.

I haven’t written about this yet, but I am not talking to my sister. My younger sister. The one I talk to and see all the time. She really crossed the line on Monday. On Sunday, we spoke about making plans on Monday because I was off of work. We talked about it for about ten minutes and even threw around some ideas. My nephew was bummed because he had school and couldn’t come. Anyway, I told her that I’d text/call her the next day to coordinate. When I called her, she didn’t answer. I called her 3-4 more times and texted her. Now, if she didn’t want to hang out, that’s fine. Just tell me that. She said she slept all day and my nephew didn’t go to school. It was around 4pm when she finally answered me. Her phone is constantly glued to her hand, so I found it rather strange that she didn’t have it in the same room with her. Regardless, I wasn’t even upset that we didn’t hang out. I was upset that she told me to go EFF myself! Really?! What?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’re going to tell me to go eff myself and to eff off because?????????????????? There is no reason to talk to me like that. I do a lot for her, guys. A lot of NICE things that I don’t have to do. Anytime we go somewhere, I offer to pay. I ALWAYS offer to pick her up at her house and drop her back off, which is about a 25 minute drive ONE WAY. I just offered to buy her a swimsuit for the summer because she said she couldn’t afford one. I take her shopping when she needs to go. I am always there for her when she needs me no matter what. I am not going to tolerate her talking to me like that because she was MAD that I called her out for blowing me off. I wasn’t even rude when I called her out either. She was acting like she had amnesia though like we didn’t have a FULL conversation about doing something on Monday. Maybe we didn’t have exact details carved out, but the intentions were there. Fess up that you messed up and apologize for talking to me like that!

Anyway, I saw on her facebook page that she posted a status right after that said, “Seriously, go eff yourself” Okay, BLOCKED. I am NOT going to have to read stuff about me because you’re acting like a five year old. She thinks she can flip out and talk to people that way, BUT SHE CAN’T! I am NEVER ever going to tolerate someone talking to me like that ever again. I don’t care who you are. She is going ot be freaking 30 years old! You can’t just tell people to go eff themselves because you’re mad that they called you out for messing up! It’s NOT RIGHT! She habitually posts quotes and graphics that have “read between the lines” undertones and I just didn’t feel like seeing her posting crap about me. I don’t have time for it. So, if you want to use your facebook to post jacked up stuff about me and to tell me to go eff myself, then we don’t need to be facebook friends.

My mom is pissed off about this. She said I made it worse by deleting her. Seriously, mom?! I am not playing into this shit. Don’t talk to me like I’m a piece of trash and we’ll be okay! My mom said, “Well she didn’t post your name when she said to go eff yourself”  OMG! Really?! I told my mom to not even talk to me about it. She behaves this way because everyone lets her. Stop acting like a damn psycho and treating the people who are constantly there for you like garbage. She posted about me AGAIN because I blocked her. Her friends were commenting all of this crappy stuff saying “it’s her loss”  My sister didn’t say a word defending me either. Instead, she lets these people think that I’m some crappy sister who did something HORRIBLE to her. Really?! Then, she made a comment saying that it’s a shame because her son loves Emerson and he’s leaving for the summer. I am not keeping them apart. First off, no one EVER cares if Emerson sees Isaiah. I am the one who makes it so they spend time together. Brittany NEVER EVER suggests that we do something TOGETHER. That’s ALL ME! The sob story that these two aren’t spending time together is laughable. Again, just throwing me under the bus like I’m doing this TERRIBLE thing to them.  PLEASE! Then, she posts that she’s taking my nephew to a trampoline park as a surprise. WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!! That was my damn idea and we TALKED about it during the SAME conversation when we were making plans for Monday! I said that we should take them to a bounce house place, or a jumping place! I said I knew where the place was too. It wasn’t close, but that’s okay. The drive would be worth it! I can’t take this girl anymore. She is beyond delusional.

Needless to say, we are still not speaking. She clearly did NOT learn her lesson from posting on facebook about my other sister, which caused rifts of epic proportions, because she’s STILL doing it! I don’t care that we didn’t hang out on Monday. Honestly, I don’t. What I do care about is her talking to me like I am a POS and freaking out because she thinks she can treat people that way. Well, NEWSFLASH-YOU CAN’T!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so damn annoyed with this! My mom just makes it worse too. I swear, no lie, my mom always tries to make me out to be the bad guy. I don’t know what it is. Regardless of who is involved, it’s my fault. I know I am going to have to be the one to make amends with my sister, but I am so sick of it. She drives people away with her damn mouth. She is so freaking rude to people man. I am sick of it!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Mummy's having a rough day

I honestly don’t even know where to begin, man. These past few days have been so freaking crazy. I’ll try to make this quick…

I took Emerson to the doc’s on Friday for an ear infection. Turns out, he has a double one, which sucks ass. They put him on  amoxicillin twice a day. I was a little shocked because the doctor told me that she was calling in Augmentin because Emerson seems to still be battling the same ear infection from a month ago. Needless to say, I was annoyed when I got the pharmacy and realized what we were given. I began giving him the amoxicillin immediately and curbing the pain between Tylenol and Motrin.  He seemed okay outside of constantly sticking his fingers and everything under the sun into his ears.

On Saturday, I attended a wedding, while my sister babysat. She came to stay at my house with my  nephew to make it easier on me. She had no issues with him all day. He went to bed at 7pm for her. When I got home, he was sound asleep. I had no worries and thought that he was getting better. Sunday, we went to the park, to get ice cream, and to visit my parents. Again, he seemed fine. He continued to stick his fingers in his ears, but no signs of pain and definitely no fever. On Monday, I was off of work because daycare was closed. We had a nice day. We went to the park with my best friend and her son, then ran errands. Nothing too crazy. Again, Em seemed fine….

This morning, he felt a little warm when he woke up. I gave him all of his meds and sent him to daycare. I had to work in town. There was no way around it. Around 930am, I received a call from the daycare letting me know that Emerson struck a fever of 103 and immediately needed to go home. Of course, I was in a panic. What the fuck? I was in town and my bus doesn’t start running until 315pm. Luckily, my mom switched her work schedule and is now off on Tuesdays. I called her and she immediately went to pick Emerson up. THANK GOD. I still needed to leave work early, so that I could take him to the doctors. 103 fevers are not anything to fuck around with. I didn’t want it to get out of control causing more issues. I was desperate and posted on my Facebook page that I could REALLY use a ride from downtown to the park n ride where my car was. My prayers were answered when my old roommate responded. She’s in sales, so she’s on the road all day going to and from clients. I got lucky. She was in between meetings and able to pick me up! I cannot thank her enough for her kindness and generosity. Knowing that I am friends with such gracious people who will drop anything to help just makes me well up with tears.

After she dropped me at my car, I raced to my parent’s house. Em was eating lunch, but looked like absolute hell and was burning the fuck up. My mom gave him some Motrin, but it didn’t seem to be working. We all piled into my car and headed to the docs. When we got there, they took his temp, which was nearing 104 degrees. They gave him some Tylenol to curb the fever. They also prescribed the fucking Augmentin, which they should have just done the first time. I was crazy annoyed! Two damn co pays in a five day period and now  more prescriptions! The Augmentin is quite harsh on the tummy, so they had to prescribe a corresponding probiotic too, WHICH WAS NOT CHEAP! Gah. I know, Emerson’s health is more important than dollar signs, but JEEZ. Buying additional Motrin and Tylenol nearly took me broke too. That shit is NOT cheap.

When Em and I got home, he took a pretty long nap. He was beat. So was I, but I was just so stressed from the day that I decided to do some yoga. It helped. I felt really relaxed afterwards, which was necessary. After he woke up, he was freaking the hell out. He refused any pain meds, but was burning up AGAIN. I finally convinced him by allowing him to admin the meds himself. Yeah, that went over like a fart in church. He did consume what he needed to and the fever decreased. He ate dinner and even had a poopy diaper, so things are still moving in there. After bath, he went right to bed. I’m glad. I am absolutely exhausted. I had to log in to work for two hours to catch up on some stuff missed from leaving early and being out yesterday. I’m out tomorrow, so I needed to provide instructions to the crew to keep myself afloat until I return hopefully on Thursday. What a freaking nightmare though. I seriously hope this round of meds kills this damn ear infection. I feel so bad for Emerson!

The reality that I am truly a single parent hit home EXTRA hard today. I do not mind being a single parent. Being honest, I think I do one hell of a job by myself with minimal complaints. I do what I need to do and that’s that. I love Emerson and I love being a mom, but not having a second person to take the burden of leaving work early and having to take the day off BLOWS! It makes me so freaking sad that I can’t take days off in a row because I NEED to save all of my days when shit hits the fan. On top of that, I can’t risk taking MANY days off I a row because if Em gets sick the day I’m supposed to come back, it just looks bad. This week is a prime example. I took off Monday (ONE DAY) and had to leave early on Tuesday, then take off Wednesday. Yes, I have an understanding boss, but understanding only goes so far. I feel for these single parents who can’t even call off, or have no vaca/personal time to still be paid when off. It royally sucks literally being ALONE in these cases. No one else is going to miss work for me. I have to do it EVERY time. It makes me sick. Yes, Emerson is worth more than anything, BUT I NEED TO HAVE MY JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We cannot survive without that. Now, I’m pretty much missing THREE days in a row! That is just absurd! These are the times when being a single parent is hardest. On top of that, being alone in a house with a kid that is spiking high fevers. It’s just scary. Sometimes, it is nice just to have some support. Yes, I get that from my family, but it’s just NOT the same as someone who is also 100% responsible for your kid too. You’re a team. I don’t have that. It’s just REALLY difficult sometimes. Today, I actually cried. I do NOT cry. I can’t remember the last time I did. It’s weird, but today, I did shed a few tears.

Alright, I am going to quit feeling sorry for myself and go work out before I go to bed. Yes, I already did one workout today, but I ate a donut, cookie, and an iced coffee today, so I need to curb it somehow. It was a stressful day. SUE ME!!!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Mummy's just mumbling

When I picked Em up at daycare yesterday, they notified me that he’s been really tugging on his ears and even trying to jam food/toys inside. Gah, of course he is. We ended up going to my parent’s house for dinner last night. Sure enough, he started pulling at his ears and trying to shove his potatoes inside. I’m taking him to the doctors today. I don’t want to wait and risk it becoming so bad that he’s puking and feverish like the last time. I’m requesting some stronger meds though. He just had one about a month, or so ago. It’s incredible how bitchy he is when he’s sick and how badly he sleeps. We’ve had a REALLY pleasant month since he’s felt better. I don’t want to revert.

Last night, he woke up crying about 45 minutes after I put him to bed, which is not normal. I did give him some ibuprofen before bath just in case he had any discomfort. I definitely think his ear is bugging him more than he’s showing. I was able to get him back down. He did wake up in the middle of the night. I brought him in bed with me. He slept pretty well, but only if I snuggled him, which is another big indicator that he isn’t feeling well. He has no temp though, so we will see what the doctor says. I’m working from home today, so I don’t have an hour commute home and we can actually make it to the docs by 430. That’s the last sign in time to be able to be seen for the walk-in appointments. It sucks we have to do this on a Friday, but I just want him to feel better.

My sister is babysitting him tomorrow, while I attend a wedding. I DEFINITELY don’t want to hold off on getting his ears checked because it’ll be PURE hell for her while she’s watching him. I am off on Monday and considered just taking him then, but there is no reason to hold off. He seemed fine this morning, but I’m not taking any chances. I bought an extension cord, so that I can hook up a tv in Emerson’s playroom for my nephew to play his xbox tomorrow. I know he will probably want to do that most of the day. Emerson would try to turn his xbox on and off and have that thing flipped upside down. It’ll just be better if he has his own space to play without worry. Also, my sister will be able to watch tv after Em goes to bed. She doesn’t have cable at home, so I know she enjoys coming over and getting caught up on some shows.

My parents still have NOT opened up their pool! It’s kind of pissing me off. Yes, it has been unusually cold in the morning and evenings, but come on. At least have it up and running, so when the weather FINALLY warms up, the pool is warming up with it. It is still all murky and yucky. They literally have not done a thing to it. I feel like we aren’t going to be swimming there much at all this summer. If the weather continues to be shitty though, we won’t be swimming anywhere. It’s just nice having a luxury of your own pool. I don’t mind taking Em to a community one, but it’s awesome to hang in your own backyard swimming. I mentioned it again when we were over last night. My mom said she knows, she knows. Okay, well?! Let’s go!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alright, I hope everyone has a really good weekend!! I’ll catch ya on Tuesday!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Mummy was mad!

Yesterday was just beyond ridiculous. After work, the bus was late. I’ve been working later than usual, so that leaves me less time for effs up because I might jeopardize being on time to pick Em up, then charged ridiculous late fees. Anyway, After I got on the bus, which was small and packed, I got a call from daycare. What the hell? I answered and his teacher stammered on and on about how Emerson cut his finger. The entire time, I’m panicking thinking she’s going to tell me he needs stitches and is bleeding everywhere. Cut to the chase, lady! I don’t care about the middle details. JUST TELL ME THAT HE’S OKAY!!!!!!!! I try SO HARD to not be a rude bitch, but this is my damn kid. Don’t call and tell me he got hurt, then muddle through details before telling me he’s okay. I cut her off and said “Well, is he okay?!” She said he was fine, but that she wanted to give me a head’s up. I was pissed. Do not call me unless it’s a true emergency, especially that close to pick up time. It wasn’t that detrimental to give me a head’s up. I swear, I pay them so much money. They need to keep him alive between 6am and 5pm and handle shit, so I can work. My days are stressful enough. I don’t blog work details for fear that I’ll somehow violate a security breach, or some kind of confidential information, so I just keep it to myself. Plus, if this blog ever got into the wrong hands, I wouldn’t want it to be filled with professional information. Let me just say though, I have a stressful ass job and I don’t need them to stress me out further. When I’m at work, I need to be FOCUSED. I have to be able to trust that they are handling shit for me, so I can do what I need to do at work. If I needed a play by play, I’d call to check on Emerson, but considering  pay upward of $800 a month, they need to just deal until I get there unless it’s severe. When I got to daycare, his teacher was gone for the day, but I made it a point to express my annoyance to the afternoon teacher. She told me they’d stop calling unless it was an emergency and apologized to me. I love Emerson more than the world, but I don’t need to know about every single booboo. You want to know why? I worry like a mother bleeper. That’s all I do and if I had to get those calls ALL day, well, I’d be out of a mother bleeping job. I’d sit there worrying all day about it, which is exactly what I did from the moment they called me. Of course, I was on the bus and couldn’t even get myself there quicker to pick him up. The anxiety is ridiculous and I just need them to do what I pay them to do.  On top of that, why the hell was he even playing in a cabinet to squish his poor finger? His teacher said another kid pushed him, which caused his finger to get stuck in the door. No idea how the hell that all went down, but it’s ridiculous. I like his daycare a lot and we have had very few issues, but they really need to tighten up, or up their staff so that they are more accountable for these kids. I know Emerson is not perfect and I’m sure he gets into trouble and rough houses with the other kids too, but if he is doing that in a bullying way, they aren’t reporting it to me. We rely on these people to enforce and show our kids the RIGHT way to behave while we’re at work. At least I do. I can’t be there to enforce and discipline. That’s why I pay them so much money. The little bully in his class needs that. They need to be working additionally hard to try to correct those behaviors, and then working with the parents to piggyback on that at home. Emerson came home last week with a bite mark on his cheek, which turned into a bruise. The week prior, he had a HUGE bite mark on his back. Are they enrolling zombie toddlers over there? It’s hard enough being a single parent, but it’s even more hard being a working, single parent. We can’t make it if I don’t work. In order to work, I need daycare. I hate having to rely so much on other people, but unfortunately, that’s the way it has to be. They just need to get their shit together, or else I’m going to have to go back through the daunting task of finding a new daycare, which I don’t have time for. END RANT!

We got home later than usual last night. Our grass was cut, which was nice, but with all of this rain, it’ll be pretty much grow back in a hot minute, which sucks. I made dinner for the both of us. Mine was 21 day fix approved. Emerson had turkey meatballs with some whole wheat pasta. He’s starting to be defiant over the highchair and prefers to sit at the table like a big boy. He’s almost tall enough for the table, so I don’t mind. He does like standing and kneeling though. It doesn’t make for real great table manners, but he eats without a fight when I let him sit at the table. We have a booster seat at my parent’s house that I can snag to use at home, which is probably what I’ll end up doing. He’s just so goofy about eating. He likes to move around when he eats, so being confined in anything isn’t going to happen anymore. I’m just glad he uses a plate now and is using the fork a hell of a lot more. It makes mealtimes a little neater. I guess we’ll work on the table manners and I’ll pray that he catches on quickly. I have no problem with him eating at the table. It’s when he tries to crawl ONTO the table that I have an issue!

I have a wedding to go to on Saturday, so my sister is babysitting for me. This will be the first time in almost a year that I’m “going out”. Granted, it’s for a wedding and not really to venture out on the town, but it still counts. I’m excited to dress up and to hang with friends for the evening. My sister is going to sleep over, so I don’t feel a need to rush home. I just hope she can get Emerson to bed. He’s very well sleep trained now, but that’s with me. I’m not sure how it’ll go with her. He might try to get one over on her, or she might not be as tough as I am. I just hope she doesn’t cave and she puts him in his crib! I don’t want to come home from this wedding and have to be on duty. I’d like to just go to bed!

Alright, everyone. Have a nice Tuesday!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Mummy's behind!!

I haven’t written in FOREVER! I won’t beat your eardrums though, so I’ll just do a quick update.

My birthday was AWESOME! I got my hair and toes done that day and they both turned out amazing. I couldn’t be any happier with it! FINALLY! I feel like my old self again now that my hair is my normal shade of blonde. I also got some red lowlights, which I’m obsessed with. I’m going to get more added in the next time I get my hair done. Aside from that, I didn’t do too much. We had cake and dinner at my parent’s house, which was nice. My sister and parents got me some gifts, which was really appreciated. We had a nice time though. It was a great 32md (puke) birthday!

Other than that, we’ve just been hanging out, playing in the yard. Nothing too crazy. Work has been so consuming. I am so exhausted with it, but I’m glad to have a job, so I’ll shut my mouth. I’m in town all week, which sucks, but I’m off on Monday because daycare is closed, so hopefully they can leave me in peace that day. I was bothered on my birthday, which I didn’t really appreciate. I took the day off, so I was really annoyed.

We went to Kennywood, an amusement park, yesterday. It was Emerson’s first time. He absolutely loved it! He rode so many rides and had no fear! It was crazy! I for sure thought he’d cry, or something, but he just LOVED it. There were a few rides that I rode with him where I was a little scared. No fear from Em! We had such a good time. It rained for about 15 minutes, but afterwards, it was nice out. We were a little wet, but put on zip up hoodies and continued on our day. My parents, sister, and nephew came with us. It was my work picnic, so they shut down the park to the public, which was neat. My parents left a few hours earlier than us, but we had a great time hanging with them. Everyone loved watch Em ride and experience his first Kennywood trip. My nephew was a great sport and rode some rides with Em too.

Emerson let Kodie run away the other day! I had a freaking heart attack. I ran into the kitchen for a second. Em and Kodie were in the livingroom. I had the front door open, but the screen was LOCKED. Emerson somehow managed to unlock the door and open it up. I literally turned my back for ONE minute. When I turned back around, I saw Em heading out the door. I screamed, “Hey!” and brought him back inside. Ten minutes passed before I even realized that the damn dog ran away! Gah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was livid! Luckily, she didn’t get too far and listened when I yelled for her to come back. SHOCKER. We won’t be leaving the door open anymore. Emerson is too smart for his own good.

My parents bought new dining room furniture, so we got their old stuff. I love it! The table is wood, so I’m going to white wash it, so that it matches our décor better. That’ll be a hell of a project. I wish it was already done for me. LOL

What else is going on? Oh, today is the first day of my 21 day fix program. I prepped my food yesterday, so all I had to do was grab it out of the fridge. So far, I’m not hungry. I had eggs, coffee, and half a banana for breakfast.  Lunch was broccoli, rice, and chicken. I had an apple for snack and I still have cucumbers and hummus to eat before I head home. Then, I get dinner and another snack. Not too bad. I typically don’t eat this much food, so it’s actually a nice change. I tried to portion it out, so that I wasn’t starving. I’m really excited about this. I’ve been doing the workouts for a few days. I literally cannot walk. It’s agonizing to even move. I can’t wait until that pain dies down a bit. I won’t clog this blog too much because I have my fitness one that you guys can also follow.

Alright, I have to finish up some things here, but I hope you all have a super week!!