Friday, May 30, 2014

Mummy's Piece of shit

So, with Father’s Day right around the corner, there has been a lot of buzz surrounding it recently. In my mommy group, I put up a few suggestions of adorable DIY gifts for the other moms to have their kids make. Emerson and I are going to make some of these adorable gifts for my dad. When I put these ideas up in my mommy group, there were some negative comments from single moms who are in the same position that I am in. I tried to be positive, but I still do have some bitter feelings deep inside….

It absolutely disgusts me that Emerson’s father will be celebrating father’s day and taking pride in the role as “dad”. Yes, he is a father to his other son, but if you aren’t going to be a father to ALL of your children, then I don’t think you should even pride yourself enough to celebrate. No, you do not deserve to celebrate that day. In my eyes, being a parent is a privilege. You don’t deserve the privilege, or even the title as “father” If you’re going to half ass it.

I can’t wrap my mind around the thought that he’s going to wake up that day feeling so proud to be a dad and excited that he is supposed to be celebrated that day. I just can’t resolve those feelings. I try so hard to envision how he feels about missing out on Emerson’s life BY CHOICE. I can’t ever get myself there. I guess if you avoid and pretend something doesn’t exist, then it’s just a lot easier to be able to deal with the fact that you are a piece of shit. Sorry for my candidness, but it’s hard to sugarcoat situations like this.

Does he walk around thinking about what Emerson looks like and what is personality is? Does he ever feel bad about himself for making such a heinous choice? I guess I just NEED so badly to hear that he feels like a discrepant piece of shit. If I was on my death bed and could have ONE wish, it would honestly be for him to admit that he is a sucky person and he did this on purpose because he is a piece of shit. (Sorry for the redundancy) .

I know A LOT of single mothers feel this way. We don’t WANT these men in our lives. We are doing amazing on our own and are prideful at the strides we make every day as single parents. I couldn’t be more proud of myself. I am taking on the hardest job I’ve ever been handed and I couldn’t be happier. I take every day as it comes and I actually do it with a smile on my face. I am so appreciative of this role. It honestly brings me to tears when I think about being handed such an amazing gift. The sad part is all of that is NOT enough to take away the fact that I want an answer: Do you feel like a piece of shit every day?

I feel like his punishment should be to feel awful about himself. To never REALLY smile because you know you are a no-good piece of shit. Even on the sunniest, most beautiful day, I feel that his punishment should only be to feel darkness. His soul should be suffocated by the horrible decision that he’s made every day. He should experience no sense of joy, or laughter either. If you take all of that and mix it together, it probably still won’t equate to the awful way Emerson will feel one day when he finds out his dad wanted nothing to do with him. Add that into the fact that he has a brother 10 years his senior that his dad actually does associate with. “Emerson, you weren’t good enough, but your brother was” Of course, I would NEVER say it to him in this manner, but I’m sure he will resolute the situation into those words.

I may not speak of this very often, or show my true feelings regarding this situation, but I do think it is such bullshit when the topic of Father’s Day is brought up. He is such a boastful individual. I know he’ll be bragging about his son and what great plans he has for those two on that “special” day. I almost had to barf as I typed that. I’m glad I got all of that out. It needed to be said, so that I could clear my mind to actually celebrate a REAL father, my dad!

Mummys been busy!!!!

It’s been three days since my last blog! Life has just been so busy that I haven’t gotten a chance to write anything. Work is insane. On top of my regular responsibilities, I’m working on a project that is very time consuming. I love it though and I’m very happy that I was chosen to do this process. I’ve been working in the office as well, but today I’m at home. The baby is in daycare and the dog is by my side. I went to the Laundromat this morning, so all of our clothes are clean once again. I hope I actually have time to put them away this week. Last week, I was pulling clean clothes out of a basket. I hate doing that. I ended up having to iron just about everything the baby and I wore.

We have a reveal party to go to tomorrow. I am really excited for my friend, Erin! I can’t wait to find out what she’s having. Her pregnancy was unexpected, but she is still with the father. He just moved into her house, so they seem to be getting along well. I hope that continues for her. I know how those pregnancy hormones can be. I can say they are not scarce for her either, but as long as he is supportive and understanding, I am more than sure they’ll make it through just fine. Emerson and I will be heading over to help her celebrate. She invited my old roommate though. I have no issues with her at all, but she stopped being my friend when I moved out and into my own apartment exactly 2 years ago. I felt bad leaving, but I had no lease and I told her a month in advance. She had the worst attitude in the world and it was honestly horrible living with someone like that. Erin used to live with her too and ended up leaving in a huff because of the same reason, so I know it wasn’t just me feeling that way. Erin warned her that I’d be coming, so I hope she isn’t a bitch. I don’t think she will be, but I also hope it isn’t awkward. More importantly, I hope Emerson is happy and not cranky!

Emerson’s still teething. I really thought this tooth would have been all the way in by now! It’s creeping in SLOWLY. I’ve pretty much tried everything to give him comfort from teething rings, Hyland’s teething tabs, a wash cloth to chew on, and even Tylenol. He’s so cranky from it, but getting better. Last night, we went to bed pretty early. He woke up periodically moaning and whining. My poor baby. We both got ample sleep though, so I can’t complain too much. I just hope he’s not miserable tomorrow. I can’t wait for him to meet some of my friends!!

Other than the reveal party, we have nothing else going on. My parents are supposed to be having their pool put in this weekend, so we’ll stop by after the reveal and then bring the dog over on Sunday for dinner. Tonight, we have nothing planned other than hanging out at home. I’m pretty tired. Kodie is really upset with me today. I fell asleep last night and left her downstairs alone. She was shaking so badly this morning! This dog has the craziest separation anxiety!

I have to pay daycare when I pick Emerson up today. I’m paying for the entire month of June. It’s easier for me to pay for the entire month instead of every week. I budget on a monthly basis, so this is just what works for us. My sister is starting to work nights once my nephew’s school is out for the summer, so next month, she is going to watch Emerson for 3 days. Daycare is closed one day for mandatory training, so I’m taking that day off of work. I’ll only have to pay for 16 days of daycare, which equates to $604. It is so insane how expensive it is. I don’t qualify for any assistance either, so it all falls on my shoulders. When he turns a year old, the rate should decrease a bit, which will be awesome! It doesn’t go down THAT much, but every dollar helps.

I upped Emerson’s bottles again. It sounds crazy that he’s eating 6oz bottles now, but this kid is never satisfied! The past two days I’ve sent 4 6oz bottles to daycare for him. Yesterday, he only ate 3 of those bottles, so there was an extra 6oz bottle left there to use today. Usually, he eats 4 5oz bottles, which totals to 20oz. Yesterday, he ate 3 6oz bottles, which equates to 18oz. He ended up eating 2oz less than he typically does, so I won’t panic that he is eating 6oz at a time now. He went 5 hours between feedings that day and took a 3 hour nap. As long as I am able to pump enough to send 6oz bottles, I’ll continue doing so. He has a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday night to get his 4 month shots, so I’ll ask about cereal, fruits/veggies, and about the amount he’s eating. The last time he was weighed, he was at 14lbs! I bet he’s about 16lbs now. I’m not going to panic though. He seems pretty tall for his age. Plus, once he starts moving around more, all of this weight should fall off. He’s a healthy, growing boy and I couldn’t be more proud of myself because I’m producing the milk he’s eating. Go mama!

Alright, I don’t have very much else to update on. I hope everyone has a really nice weekend. Enjoy the weather and enjoy your family!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mummy's staycation

So, the last time I wrote it was Thursday and I was working from home. The baby, Britt, and I went to the laundromat after I was done working and then we took her to her doctor's appointment. While we were there, I asked the nurse if she'd weigh me. Of course, she said yes! I hopped on the scale, which read 118lbs!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting! Before I got pregnant, I weighed about 130lbs. Now, I was working out a lot and had put on some nice muscle, so even though I weighed 130lbs, a lot of that was muscle. The day I delivered Emerson, I weighed 151 lbs. I had only gained 21 lbs my entire pregnancy, which isn't bad. Now, being down 12lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight is amazing! I am so freaking happy. I have no muscle right now though, which sucks. I still haven't figured out how to incorporate working out into everything else that I have to get done. I'm hoping I can figure that out eventually. In the meantime, I'll take being skinny over nothing.

Friday, I was off of work and kept the baby home from daycare. We ended up going to my best friend's house to hang out with her and her now 1 month old son, Cameron. It was nice getting out of the house. The babies were so funny though. They both fell asleep at the same time. It was nice catching up with her and talking mommyhood. We ended up staying over there until about 4pm. That night, we just hung out at home and went to bed pretty early.

On Saturday, I woke up well before Emerson, cleaned the house, took care of the dog, made coffee, and ate breakfast. It was supposed to be a gorgeous day, so we planned on buying a baby pool and heading over to my parent's house for the day. Around noon, we headed over to their house and I left Em with my mom. I went to the store and bought sunscreen and a pool for the baby. He was not having it when I put his feet in the pool!! He screamed so loudly. I even put some hot water in it, so that the water wasn't freezing cold. He is pretty miserable lately though. He's cutting his first tooth! I bought Hyland's teething tabs for him, which seem to give some relief, but he has such a bad cold, which is probably from the tooth. My poor baby! We hung out at my parent's house all day. I even got some sun, which was nice!

On Sunday, we had a picnic to go to at my friend, Daria's, house. It was so nice! Her mom and gram stole Emerson away from me, so I could hang outside with the other adults. I ended up breastfeeding him twice while we were there. Daria was a great hostess and set me up in her 18 month old son's room, so I had some privacy. Her and I have been friends since we were about 18 years old. We met while working at the same hotel. We've been through A LOT together. She also has a 8 year old son and an 8 year old soon-to-be step son. It's nice having Emerson being so close to Ashton's age. Even though there is a year difference between the two, we won't notice so much as they grow. Ashton is absolutely adorable though, so I hope they grow into close friends like her and I are. After we left Daria's picnic, we stopped by my parent's house. They re-did their backyard, which turned out to be so adorable. Their new pool is going up next weekend! I can't wait!! Emerson was pretty beat by the time we got home on Sunday night. I bathed and fed him, then put him down to sleep around 9pm. Afterwards, I sat outside with Kodie and had 1/2 of a margarita. I am such a rebel! Speaking of alcohol, I made a drink yesterday, Memorial Day. I mixed cherry rum with sprite. It was really good. After that, I made a margarita, but dumped it out after one sip. It tasted too strong. So, I made another one, but made it weaker. It still tasted too strong, so down the drain it went! That was it for me. I wasted two drinks within a five minute period. I'm just not cut out to drink anymore and I really don't care! It's nice to have a small glass of wine, or a drink here and there, but it's not even worth it to me anymore. The second I feel like I might be buzzed, I panic! I just don't like it!!!!

Anyway, we've been around and about these past 6 days! It's so nice being able to take the baby places. Next weekend, we have a gender reveal party for my friend, Erin! I can't wait to find out what she's having and to welcome a new member into the mummy club! Alright, I have to pump and then get ready for the rest of my birthday!

Mummy is 31 today!

Well, today is my 31st birthday. So much has changed over the last year. It's funny to sit and think how freaked out I was to turn 30, yet everything was so much easier back then. I'm not saying that things are awful now at all. Things are harder now, but in a good way. Emerson is the best gift I could have ever received. He lights up my entire world with his smile. He is so adorable and becomes more amazing to me everyday. I couldn't imagine starting another year of my life without my little man.

Last year at this time, I was in the Caribbean with Emerson's father. I remember being really bummed out over not being with my friends and family on my 30th birthday. I kept that to myself because I didn't want to put a damper on our vacation. I did sense that something was missing from our relationship. I wasn't entirely happy and I only stuck with him because I paid for the vacation already. I think he and I were both holding on because we knew we couldn't get our money back. I wasn't really interested in him and I don't think he viewed me as someone he wanted to be with long-term. At the same time, we both kind of knew I was pregnant. I had taken a test, but it came back negative. We had planned on taking another test when we returned from vacation, which we did. Yes, it was positive. Just because you become pregnant by someone doesn't mean that you have to stay with them and be unhappy. My mum told me that early on when we found out I was pregnant. She could tell I was miserable with him. He was very arrogant and selfish. It wasn't that apparent when I initially met him because we were both still living our own lives. When I became pregnant, we tried merging our lives more into one, which is when I realized how obnoxiously unfunny he really was. He was so into himself and I absolutely could not stand it. It was even more annoying because he wasn't really that attractive, yet he walked around like he was God's gift to the world because he had lost a little weight. He made me feel like he was MY arm candy. Being pregnant, I already didn't feel that great about myself, so he made it worse. Looking back now, it makes me giggle. I mean, really? THAT guy made ME feel less about myself?? It's hysterical when I think about it now, but pregnancy hormones will get you every time. Anyway, I was meaning to reflect on my 30th birthday, not him. It's unfortunate he's apart of the memory. I remember he was REALLY over the top annoying that day too. RIDICULOUSLY over the top. He always has to be the loudest and funniest person in the room. Randomly talking to strangers and making people feel uncomfortable. All I could think all day was "Please, shut the fuck up!"

My birthday this year is A LOT more peaceful. The baby and I slept in a bit and then I took him to daycare. I'm having a complete Ashley day. I made myself breakfast and snuggled on the couch with the pup as we caught up on our shows. Now, I'm getting ready to shower, do hair and make-up, go tanning, and then pick my sister up to go and get ice cream. I'm grabbing Emerson from daycare around 4:45pm and then going home to have dinner with him. I've been the energizer bunny since Emerson was born, so taking the day off of work and mommyhood was my gift to myself. As much as I love the little guy, sometimes you have to take care of yourself and give yourself a rest. No big bar birthday, or drinking adventures this year. Just complete relaxation, which sounds absolutely amazing to me. Well, aside from having to pump every three hours. hahaha. I'm still a mommy even on my off days!!!!

We had a birthday cookout with cake and presents yesterday, which we always incorporate into Memorial Day because of how close the two usually fall. It was so nice being in the yard, laying out, and hanging with my parents. My sister was traveling from Kentucky that day, so she didn't get home until about 5:30pm. My mom, dad, Emerson, the dogs, and I cooked out though and hung in the yard. It was so nice. My nephew came over around mid afternoon. We waited until my sister got home to sing happy birthday. I got the kitchen items I asked for and a Giant Eagle gift card. Whew. I can save the money I was going to spend on groceries this week! Emerson even got me a card! So adorable, yet so hilarious! By the time Emerson, Kodie, and I got home last night, they were pooped! Emerson snoozed for about an hour and so did Kodie. I sat outside until Em decided to wake up, so we could do bath. My friend sent me adorable lawn lights to ward off skunks for my birthday, so sitting outside isn't so scary anymore. The entire yard lights up so nicely. They are absolutely adorable and I couldn't be more appreciative of him sending those to me.

I guess I'll end this now and just blog separately about the rest of my Memorial Day weekend. If I don't, this will be extra long!!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Mummy's hungry hippo!

After work yesterday, I went home to take care of the dog, then picked the baby up from daycare like I typically do. Instead of going home, we went to my parent’s house and went to the skating rink with Brittany and Isaiah. Obviously we didn’t skate, but it was so much fun! Emerson slept the first half of it, woke up, ate, then dozed off again. It was still nice being out though. We didn’t get home until 8:45pm. He got a bath, boob, then bed.

Today, I am working from home (it’s my Friday) and Britt is babysitting. She just fed Emerson some cereal to show me how thick to make it. He absolutely loved it this time! He’s pretty tired now, so she’s trying to get him down for a nap. He shouldn’t need to eat again for a few hours. I’m pumping and she’s bottle feeding today. After work, we are going to the Laundromat to do all of our laundry. Later tonight, I’m going to my aunt’s house with my mom, so she can finally meet the baby. We are such busy bees!

Kodie was completely fine last night, so maybe it was just a fluke when she flipped out the past two days. All I know is I am so glad that she didn’t pull that last night. I was so tired. Alright, that’s about all I have right now. I hope everyone has a great weekend and holiday!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mummy's new do!

I don’t remember if I blogged yet about the mommy group that I started, but I am so excited about it. Our first play date is on June 7th! In the meantime, we are all communicating via a facebook group. It is amazing! I can’t believe how much activity is going on every minute of the day in the group! I like reading everyone’s opinions on varying topics even if we all share different views. There is A LOT that I don’t know about, so getting different perspectives is so helpful. It’s just nice relating to other people too. I am so consumed in mommyhood every day. If I’m not working, then I’m playing mommy and I don’t get a ton of adult interaction. Even if we are just talking about our kids, it’s still nice to talk to other adults!

I got my hair chopped off yesterday! I was so petrified, but I’m glad I made the change. I barely have time to spend on myself as it is, so I figured if I hated it, I probably wouldn’t care too much anyway. Luckily, I do like it and I don’t have to worry about walking around with some funky looking haircut. I feel like a brand new person now! Look for a picture below!

Okay, I can’t even believe I’m going to blog about this, but here it goes….The past few days Kodie has been acting really insane at bedtime. Last night, we were all settled in bed. I was pretty exhausted. I worked from home yesterday, but Britt babysat for me, so I was doing double duty at times. By the time I got back from my hair appointment, I was exhausted plus I didn’t get to eat dinner either. I bathed the baby, fed him some cereal (I’ll blog more about this in a minute), then put us to bed. Just as the baby was dozing off, Kodie FREAKED out. She started barking and growling while staring at the corner of the room from the bed. She scared the hell out of me and the baby. The baby woke up and started to cry. I jumped about 5 feet in the air too! As she continues to growl and bark, I’m getting concerned. Typically, she barks and growls towards the door, or window because she can hear something from the outside. Last night was creepy. She was literally barking at NOTHING! Then, she backed up like something was coming at her and huddled down next to me! It was insane. I had the baby on my right and the dog on my left. Kodie ONLY snuggles under the blanket between my legs, or at the bottom of the bed. She doesn’t like to be cuddled and she definitely NEVER lays with her head near my head. Last night, she was so frightened and wouldn’t leave my side. Just as all three of us were settling back down (kodie still laying on my chest), she was startled by THIN AIR, jumps up, and starts barking and growing again towards the corner of the room! What the hell?!!!!!!! Do I want to think my house is haunted? No, but it is really starting to freak me the hell out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was NOTHING there. I even got up at one point and turned on the light! So, tonight should be interesting at bedtime. I mean, I already live alone and am scared enough when I hear a noise outside. The last thing I need is to be startled from some weirdness in the house! Let’s just hope tonight goes smoother. This is the second night in a row she’s done this to me.

Okay, so now about this cereal business. I built the baby’s high chair on Monday night and bought cereal for him to try. He’s 4 months old today, so the pediatrician says I can start him on some cereal. I made it way too watery. He absolutely hated it. Last night, I tried again and made it a small bit thicker, but it was still too watery. He liked it at first, but then started to hate it again. Tomorrow at lunch time, my mom is going to show me how to make it and we’re going to try again. I think he’s spurting too. 5oz is not satisfying him. He’s starving even after eating. I definitely need the cereal to help out a little bit. My body is barely keeping up with what he’s getting now!

We have some exciting plans coming up. I’m off Friday-Tuesday. Yay! On Friday, the baby and I are going to hang out with my best friend and her baby in the afternoon. That’ll be fun. I hope the weather is decent. On Saturday, we are just hanging out at home. No big plans. I’d like to clean the house really well and just play out in our yard with the pup. On Sunday, we’re going to a Memorial Day picnic at a friend’s house. That’ll be fun! On Monday, my parents are having a cookout for my birthday and the holiday. Tuesday is my birthday. The baby is going to daycare, but I took the day off of work! I’m going to lay out all day. I can’t wait! The weather is supposed to be gorgeous!

Alright, I hope everyone is enjoying their week so far. It’s hump day! It’s almost over!

Before and after

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Well, yesterday I built Emerson’s high chair and tried to give him some rice cereal. I think it was a big miss because I made the cereal too watery and he was overly tired. He just wasn’t having it. I’m going to try again tonight, but I guess we’ll see how it goes. I hope he comes around to it. He was so tired yesterday from not getting in a decent nap. We are heading down the same path today. Luckily, Britt was able to get him down twice, and I laid down with him one time, but he woke up 5 minutes after I got up. He’s due to eat again when I’m done working. I’m going to lay down with him when I feed him, so that he hopefully takes a nap and is pleasant for my mom. She’s babysitting while I get my hair done tonight. I haven’t had my hair cut/colored since January. I’m nervous because I plan on making a big change tonight. The only thing that worries me is how sensitive my scalp has been lately. I think it’s partly due to my hormones changing post-partum. Let’s just hope the dye doesn’t irritate it. I’m so nervous. I plan on making my hair dresser aware before we begin.

Last night, Kodie kept randomly barking at bedtime. It was freaking me out. Considering I live alone, it is so nerve wracking because I automatically assume that someone is trying to break in, or did break in. I swear, I was so on edge! Typically, I am never really freaked out at home. I feel very safe there, but something felt off last night. I hope things are a lot less uneasy tonight. Emerson slept pretty well, but I was up well after he fell asleep and I kept waking up randomly throughout the night. I don’t know how long my hair will take, so we won’t be home until a bit later tonight. I hope Kodie is okay with that. We left later this morning, so she should be fine until almost 6:30pm-7pm. Usually, Emerson and I leave the house around 5:58am and get home around 5pm. We left today at nearly 7am, so we have until at least 6:30. My hair appointment is at 4:30pm, so it shouldn’t take THAT long…I hope!

Alright, that’s about all I have. I hope Emerson sleeps a lot longer, or he is going to be so cranky!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Mummy's mummy brain

We had quite the weekend. On Friday night, we just hung at home. It was a long day of work, so I was pretty beat by the time I picked Em up from daycare. On Saturday, we slept in a bit and just hung around the house until I picked my nephew up around 4:30 from my parent’s house. He, Emerson, Britt, and I had plans to go to the mall and toys r us. They were also sleeping over that night. We took my parent’s car, so that I could fit the stroller in it. My dad told us to just keep their car overnight instead of doubling back to switch cars after shopping. We had a great time at the mall and toys r us. Emerson was such a doll. He only got fussy when we were about 10 minutes from home because he was hungry. He went 4 hours in between feeds instead of 3. He did amazing though. I was so glad.

When we got home, I fed the baby, while Britt made dinner. Isaiah was playing his x box and Kodie was having a great time chasing us all around. Britt and I made some margaritas and I got the logs lit and on the fire bowl for after dinner. During dinner, I had a fleeting thought. I couldn’t remember where I put my wallet. I was in and out of the house around 10 different times rooting in the car. Near tears, I headed out once more. I have everything in the wallet including Emerson’s social security card and my token to get into my work lap top. While I was outside, Britt popped her head out of the front door to ask if I had found the missing wallet. At the same time, Kodie comes shooting out the door. I had a cow! I live near a very busy road and I knew if she headed that way, she’d be a goner. Thank GOD she absolutely loves the car! I had the door open and she jumped right in! I was so panicked! I almost yelled, “Britt, I hate you” but recovered and said “Britt, I hate this!” I was so mad at her for being careless and letting Kodie out. If anything ever happened to my dog I’d lose it. I hurried to shut the car door before she could jump back out. At the same time, I looked up and noticed the wallet…SITTING ON THE TOP OF THE CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Britt stomped into the house and I felt so bad. I thought she was mad at me. I grabbed Kodie and headed for the front door. When I walked in, Britt and I looked at each other and then both burst out laughing. Thank goodness!

After all of the mayhem, Britt and I bundled ourselves and the kids up and headed out to the yard for our fire. It was amazing! I had such a great time and I can’t wait to do it again. Emerson and I stayed up 4 hours past our bedtime. I had two margaritas (no worries, I bottle fed him) and we listened to my favorite country station on Pandora. Emerson and I ended up heading to bed around 11:30pm. Britt stayed outside a bit longer. She had a nice little visitor while she was out there. THAT DAMN SKUNK!!!!!!!!!!! He came back! He wasn’t inside of my yard though. He was on the outside of the fence in the neighbor’s yard. I am so pissed! I wish this stupid thing would leave us alone. Luckily, I brought Kodie up to bed with myself and Emerson, so she wasn’t out there to be sprayed again.

The next morning, I fed Emerson and put him down for a 3 hour morning nap. While he napped, I made breakfast for myself, Britt, and Isaiah. After we ate, my friend, Danielle, stopped by to borrow my weights. Later on, we all packed up and went back to my parent’s house for Sunday dinner. I ended up getting sick while we were over there and not even eating dinner. I feel a lot better today. I’m working from home and Britt is babysitting Emerson. After I’m done working, we have a few errands to run, but nothing else planned for tonight. I’m working from home tomorrow and Britt is babysitting again. Not too bad!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Mummy's party planning!

We had a major breakthrough yesterday. When I picked Emerson up from daycare, he was freshly changed and fed, so I knew we’d have the next couple of hours to play and he’d probably take a nap before his next feeding. He ate at 4:35pm, so I knew I had until at least 7:35pm before I had to feed him again. This made me happy because I’m constantly trying to push bedtime back. I knew I could do that last night because he wouldn’t need to eat until after 7pm! Yay! Anyway, when we got home, I washed/sterilized bottles, made and ate dinner, cleaned up, let the dog out, and put away all of my work stuff and cleaned out his diaper bag. Anyway, after all of that was taken care of, we played on his activity mat, sang songs, danced around the living room, and talked until he conked out around 6:40pm. I have no idea why I decided to do this, BUT I put him in his crib! He slept in his crib until about 8:15pm! We NEVER do bath time and bedtime later than 7:30pm, so I was really excited. I was more excited that he slept in his crib. When I initially laid him down, his eyes popped back open, but I waited a minute and he drifted back to sleep. He looked absolutely adorable too! After bath, I knew he was probably starving because he hadn’t eaten in four hours at that point. He never goes that long between feeds. I fed him and he went back to sleep. I stayed up until 10pm because I had to watch the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy. Emerson slept until about 2:30am. I only had to wake up once last night. It was amazing. Emerson, thanks for being such an amazing little boy for mama last night. What a great way to start the weekend. I love you, buddy!

I started to plan Emerson’s ½ birthday party today. The reason behind the ½ birthday is because his actual birthday is in January. I know how sucky it is to have a winter birthday because I watched my sister have one her entire life. My birthday is at the end of May and the possibilities were endless because of the nice weather. My other sister’s birthday is in September, so hers was always nice too. I just feel like we are never going to get to celebrate his birthday in the summertime again, so I might as well take this opportunity. Another reason behind it is because I did move and no one has seen my house yet. It’ll be nice to invite everyone over. Thirdly, a lot of people still haven’t met Emerson, so I thought this would be a great opportunity! Anyway, I want to do a shark/beach theme. I found the most adorable ideas on Pinterest this morning. All cost-effective too! It isn’t going to be a huge, over the top party either. I’m keeping it on the smaller side. I’m only inviting 7 kids. There will be more adults than kids, but that’s okay. It’ll be nice to actually have something at my house for once! I plan on having it July 26th. I’m thinking of just sending out a facebook invitation though instead of sending something through the mail. It’ll save some money, plus, I can track the RSVP’s easier.

Welp, that’s all I have for today. I don’t want to bore everyone with the same old song and dance  I’m happy it’s Friday! Remember last Friday? Kodie was skunked! Also, the entire weekend was drama-filled. I’m looking forward to a lot less stress and drama this weekend, but a healthy dose of quality time with my boy!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mummy's little stinker

Nothing too exciting occurred yesterday. More of the same. After work, I went home, let the dog out, cleaned up a bit, and hauled my air conditioner from the basement into my bedroom window. That sucker was heavy, but I did it! It was 88 degrees yesterday. The temperature is supposed to drop over the weekend, but at least it’s in the window now and I won’t have to worry about it. Anyway, it wasn’t extremely cold in my bedroom, but it was suitable to sleep in and a lot better than the sauna that the rest of the house was. I even let Kodie sleep in bed with me. She was panting and so hot yesterday, so I would have felt bad leaving her downstairs. Her face is a lot less stinky now! I think we are reaching the tail-end of this skunk nightmare. I’m hoping that’s the last of it. I am so paranoid anytime I let her outside, especially this morning. Today is garbage day. We all know garbage brings skunks, but I have to let the dog out! I investigated first, but it is so dark at 5am. I can’t see anything past the porch, so I just had to pray that nothing was waiting to get her.

When I picked the baby up, daycare let me know that he hadn’t eaten one of his bottles. I was so happy. That meant less pumping for me last night because I only had to send 3 bottles today. Wahoo! He napped a lot yesterday, so that’s why he ate less. Anyway, when we got home, I sterilized and cleaned bottles, ate dinner, and then fed Emerson. After he ate, he napped for a bit and then we played outside until bath, boob, and bed. I got to watch some of the Tori Spelling special they are airing on Lifetime too! I am absolutely addicted to this show. It’s going to suck when it’s over!

This morning was a mess! I changed Emerson’s diaper and clothes and let him fall back to sleep until we had to leave. Anyway, as I was carrying him down the stairs, he threw up so badly! His entire outfit was completely soaked and so was the left side of me. I had to change him and wipe him down. I didn’t have time to change my clothes though, so I’m a little bit stinky at work. Oh well! He was clean. That’s all I care about! I was supposed to have a health screening today at 11am. You have to fast for it. Yeah right! I am nursing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot fast right now. For one, I will literally pass out because my blood sugar plummets so quickly, plus my breast milk supply would suffer. I ended up changing it until June 11th. I have a 7:40am appointment that day. I can handle that. There is no way I could handle not eating for an entire morning! I’m a happy girl now after eating my waffles, bagel, and coffee! Yum!

My older sister (Nikki) and younger sister (Britt) reconciled. I’m happy! I haven’t spoken to Nikki, but I don’t have her phone number to do so. She got a new phone and number awhile back. I don’t want to ask my mom, or Britt for it because I’m afraid Nikki will get mad at them all over again for distributing her phone number out. The last thing I want is to make her mad at them again!!!! I did try to text her before she changed her number, but she ignored it, so I’m not sure that she’d even respond if I did have her phone number now. I don’t know to what degree they are reconciled, or if they are talking, etc, but I am glad that Britt apologized to Nikki again and that she accepted. That’s good news, right?? I know Britt and my mom are worried about her not talking to me, but I told them to not worry about me. I was just happy that she was talking to them and that maybe one day she won’t dislike me and Emmie. I guess we will see.

I’m ready for this week to be over. I’m getting my hair all chopped off on Tuesday! I am so nervous, but excited. I haven’t had my hair cut/dyed since January. It’s so gross. It’s my birthday present to myself. I’ve been extra careful with money, so that I can afford to get my hair done. I know I’ll have buyer’s remorse the second I do it, but I am about due and it’s not a sin to do something nice for yourself here and there! I don’t know why I always feel like I have to justify myself. If all of my bills are paid, food is on the table, and the baby has what he needs, then why can’t I do something for myself? Anyway, I plan on keeping the baby home from daycare Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week to catch a break. Britt is on vacation, so she is going to babysit. I’ll be working from home, but she will still be caring for him. This way, I won’t have to pump and I can just breastfeed him all day. She will take care of him outside of feedings, which sounds like a good deal to me! On Thursday and Friday, Emerson is going to daycare. I’ll be in the office on Thursday, but I took Friday off! My second birthday gift to myself is a day to lay out and tan! I’m hoping the weather is nice! If it isn’t, then I’ll keep him home from daycare on Friday, but send him on Tuesday and just do my layout day then.

I can’t believe I’ll be 31 in two weeks. Last year, I had a 30th birthday tailgate. I had a hunch that I was pregnant (which I was), but it hadn’t been confirmed yet, so in my mind, nothing had changed. Things have definitely changed since that time last year! I can say with confidence though that I am so much happier now than I was last year. Last year, I was so unsure about my relationship and really wanted out of it. I felt stuck though because I had paid for an expensive vacation that I couldn’t be refunded on, so I planned on sticking it out until after that, then re-evaluating. It turns out that I got pregnant, so of course, I scrambled to try to make it work because of that. That is a bad excuse to want to keep a relationship though and I’m glad that it didn’t work out. In the end, I would have been more miserable! Clearly, I hit the nail on the head with my true perception of that person considering he wants nothing to do with his son. Hindsight, right? Too bad I didn’t realize that before I started to date him! Oh well, I got my Emmie Pie out of the deal!

Alright, I am going to end this now. I don’t have much more to say today. I’m glad. Emerson and I need some uneventful days. We had enough excitement last week!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mummy's Excitement!

Yesterday was very uneventful and I couldn’t be happier! No skunks, snakes, or seizures! We made it through Monday unscathed. Thank goodness. I’ve had enough of excitement for a really long time. The only kind I want is the good kind! The dog is still stinky though. Her face seems more irritated, but I don’t want to make it worse by putting more chemicals on her face. I’m going to let it heal up and pray that the smell and blisters go away quickly.

There was one exciting thing that happened yesterday. EMERSON ROLLED OVER! We’ve been practicing a lot and he finally was able to flip himself from his belly onto his back! I was able to record it too! I couldn’t be more proud. He did it about 5-6 times, so I know it wasn’t a fluke. I was so excited. I started screaming and then realized I wasn’t filming! I panicked that he wouldn’t do it again, but on command, my boy rolled! Such a proud mama moment! I sent his dad the video of him rolling, but he ignored it. I wasn’t too shocked. He ignores everything because he doesn’t care about Emerson, but at least I make the effort. COUGH COUGH LOSER COUGH COUGH!

After all of the excitement, we went out into the backyard with Kodie. I don’t entirely trust her now after the skunk and snake. I saw no snakes, which was good. The baby ended up falling asleep when we were outside, so I sat down and watched Kodie play for about 40 minutes. It was such a nice night too. Afterwards, I gave the baby a bath, boob, then bed. I was woken up in the middle of the night by a terrible storm though. The baby didn’t seem to be too phased. He didn’t even flinch. I heard Kodie barking though. She still isn’t allowed to sleep upstairs. I need her face to stink less before I allow her in bed with me!

This morning was pretty routine. I got up early, got ready, took care of the dog, diaper bag, and my work bag. I let the baby sleep until about 5:40am before waking him, diapering, dressing, feeding, and then dropping him at daycare. I caught the 6:20am bus. After work, I plan on stopping home, so that I can let the dog out and put away the laundry. I never put any of our laundry away after I washed it on Friday. I don’t want to leave clothes in the baskets for too long. Everything is so wrinkled now and I’ve had to iron anything we wear. I ironed a pencil skirt for myself this morning and was told by a co-worker that I have great legs! That was a nice surprise! I’m terribly pale from lack of tanning, but I did use some air brush leg make-up this morning, so I wasn’t looking too much like Casper’s twin. I can’t wait until the weather is steady enough for me to lay out and actually get some sun. When I say lay out, I mean play with Emerson in his pool. My days of laying out are probably over now! That’s okay. Laying out was always kind of boring by myself. At least I’ll get some sun and I’ll have fun, while doing it!

This weekend, my sister and nephew are supposed to come over to cook out and have a fire. It’ll be nice. I’m excited. They haven’t hung out at my house since I moved in. It’ll be a nice change of pace. I figure we can cook, make some drinks, and hang out until I have to bath the baby and put him down to sleep. At that point, they can hang out until I get him down and then I can re-join them. We were thinking of inviting a few of our friends over too. Obviously this isn’t going to be an all-night thing, but I wouldn’t mind having a small get together. I’m not entirely comfortable not going to sleep at the same time as Emerson. The good thing is the next day is Saturday and we have no plans, so hopefully I can nap when he naps.

Okay, that’s about all I have for today. I’m meeting my friend for lunch, so that I can take a walk with him. The weather is supposed to be really nice!!!! Happy Tuesday, all!

Monday, May 12, 2014


So, I know three blogs in one day was already enough, but each day was so crazy and needed its own, or else I’d ended up with a 500 paragraph blog. This blog is just me digging deeper into the issue with my older sister, Nicole….

I did feel bad when she was crying yesterday. I wasn’t entirely sure what the tears were about. I knew she was extremely upset over the comments my mom had texted her the previous day, but aside from that, I wasn’t sure. It sucks the way that things are. I am truly sorry about the demise of our relationship, but have given a full effort to try to repair it. I’m not sure if she sees it that way though. She expressed yesterday that things will never be the way they were before, so I guess that just makes me feel like my energy is better used somewhere else. It’s awfully hard juggling a baby, work, the dog, and house. It seems silly to continually add time into something that is beyond repair in her eyes. I do think it is stupid that things have spiraled so far out of control over the dumbest fight in the world. It doesn’t even deserve attention because it is THAT stupid. I can name 10 things that were done to me way worse than this and I still continued to talk to people and have a relationship with them. To me, this is just the stupidest fight that doesn’t deserve anymore of our attention.

I told my mom that she was being greedy and should have been happy that we all were able to get together 4-5 times in the last month. That’s more than we’ve seen each other over the last 8 months. I told her she shouldn’t have been so pushy and that with time, Nicole might have started to come around more. She really set that back a lot by being psycho on Saturday. I’m not happy that we argued on Sunday though. To me, it seems that she can’t get over Brittany posting about her on facebook. I tried reminding her that I was included in that post as well and I am still speaking to Brittany. I’m not condoning the behavior, but it was also done to me, so she isn’t the only one affected. She fired back that I had posted about her in January. I completely forgot that I posted a screen shot of a text she sent expressing that she does NOT want pictures of the baby and that my friends keep sending her pictures. This pissed me off because people were stealing the photos that I posted on facebook and sending them to her. She never reached out to ask how I was or how the baby was when I delivered. She never asked if labor/delivery went okay either, so I didn’t feel as though people should be stealing my pics and sending them to her. She wouldn’t tell me who it was, so I posted on facebook and told EVERYONE to knock it off and showed that she clearly wanted nothing to do with him, or me, so to please stop bothering her with the pictures. She said she didn’t have time for that nonsense anyway. A lot of people commented and ripped her apart. So, she blames me for people being rude to her when they see her out. She clearly said she didn’t want the pictures though and didn’t have time for it. I didn’t make that up. She wrote a lot of people off a long time ago though because they continued to be friends with her ex-husband. I think people being rude to her stems a lot from that, not me. I’m not going to apologize for posting the truth on facebook. The truth is people need to quit stealing photos of my son and distributing them to her when she wants nothing to do with it. That is for her benefit and mine. If I felt like going back through my facebook, I’d post a screen shot of the status. I didn’t call her mean names, etc. I simply said to the person who sent my sister (I don’t think I even used her name), please stop because she clearly doesn’t want the pictures of the baby and doesn’t have time for this nonsense. I don’t understand how you can be so upset about that when you said it.

I am sorry that things have spiraled so far out of control. I am sorry that we no longer have a relationship and Emerson is missing out on getting to know his aunt. I do still love my sister and have tried to make things right several times. I’m not saying that we have to be best friends, or close like we once were, but the way it is now is just totally unacceptable. I don’t want to mend things for my mom. To be honest, my mom needs to quit being so narcissistic. None of this has anything to do with her even though she likes to make it all about herself. I didn’t tell my sister all of the awful things Nikki was saying about her. It did become a bit overwhelming because she was trash talking A LOT. Yes, I trash talked at times too, but she was literally obsessed with it. It doesn’t make it any better on either part though. Brittany should have never taken to facebook and attacked my sister’s friend. She really has nothing to do with this even though she seems to take the brunt of everyone’s frustration. Yes, my sister has changed a lot. Some for the better and some for the worse. I say for the worse because she put her family on the back burner well before all of this happened. I did defend her again this morning though and told my mom that she is happy and just living her life. Whether or not that includes us all the time is beside the point. Some people prioritize differently. Unfortunately, her friends come above her family right now. I told my mom she needed to just accept it, deal with it, and hope one day that it changes.

I would love for all of this to be a thing of the past, but it is awfully hard to make 4 girls see eye to eye. Hell, It’s hard enough changing the perception of one woman. Imagine trying to coordinate 4 different opinions and versions of the story. In the end, we all are family and were really close. I would absolutely love nothing more than to get back to that point even if it is slowly like we were doing. No one is ever going to agree on one story and what happened. We are all always going to feel one was more wronged than the other. We all owe each other an apology for the shitty way we’ve acted over the last eight months, even Nicole. She hasn’t acted 100% right either and the problem is she feels as though she has acted appropriately. There were definite mean things done directly to myself and Britt too. Even down to the time she invited everyone, but us, over for Christmas Eve. That was horrible. I was 9 months pregnant too. It sucked not sharing that part of the holiday with the family. Everyone needs to just shut the fuck up and get over themselves. I am sorry for any part I had in the entire situation and wish that I could go back in time and change things. I can’t make that happen on my own though. Everyone needs to own up to their part and grow up!



I woke up on Mother’s Day in a good mood. I decided to not let the prior day’s antics ruin my very first mummy’s day. I woke up around 6am and checked my phone. I had a text from my mum inviting me to mother’s day on Sunday. The text wasn’t very nice, so I ignored it. If you’re going to invite someone over after being a complete jerk the day before, at least ask nicely and follow up with an apology! I went downstairs, let the dog out (still has a stinky face) washed the dishes, and then made myself mother’s day breakfast.

I let myself feel sad for a few minutes. Not sad because I’m not in a relationship for someone to make me breakfast and feel special on Mother’s Day. I was just upset that I knew I wasn’t getting a cute gift from the baby because no one took the time to take him from me to actually make something. I knew I’d have to see all of the wonderful things that my friends’ kid’s husbands/people in their lives had the kids make for them and I was a little bit jealous and upset. I got over it pretty quickly though because I knew we were going to have a great day regardless. We had our adorable matching shirts to wear and the weather was going to be beautiful. Gifts aren’t really important anyway. It’s more about the baby. He’s the best gift of all. I finished making breakfast, eating, and then doing the dishes yet again. I spared Kodie by not bathing her for a 5th time. It was mother’s day and I felt I should give myself a slight break. I did treat the house again with deskunking solution. I’ll end up doing that until all of the stuff runs out. The live enzymes expire, so it’s better to just use it all up instead of leaving it sit around going bad. The baby slept awhile longer, but when he finally woke up, he gave me the BIGGEST smile. We played for a while. After feeding him, I put him down for a morning nap, so that I could get ready for the day. Heck, I even straightened my hair!

I got a text from my dad and a million other people wishing me a Happy Mother’s Day. I even got a text from my mother sans an apology! I reciprocated and told her the same. The baby woke around 9am. We played for a while. He got hungry and tired a few hours later, so I figured I’d feed him once more before we went to my parent’s house. At that point, I hadn’t responded to the text yet letting my mom know we were coming, but it was mother’s day morning. I wasn’t worrying about my phone. I was playing with the baby. I got a text around 11:20am asking if we were still coming. At that point, the baby and I were both taking a nap. He had fallen asleep on the boob and I dosed off shortly after. Around 11:25am, she texted again with a snotty message saying “Whatever” I wrote back when I woke up explaining that we fell asleep and that yes, we were coming, but her texts were very rude. I got the baby up and dressed in our matching shirts and we headed out the door. Somewhere between my house and my parent’s house, my tire went flat AGAIN. I am REALLY sick of my stupid tire!

When we pulled up, I saw Nikki’s car outside. I was beyond shocked. I figured with everything that happened the prior day, she wouldn’t come to mother’s day. I walked in and heard my mom and sister talking. I immediately said I was leaving if anything happened because I didn’t want my first mommy’s day ruined. My mom assured me things were okay. I don’t know what the hell happened, but things went south pretty quickly. All of a sudden, everyone was yelling. My sister said that she is never going to get an apology from myself, or Britt, but the truth is, we both already apologized to her months ago. When Brittany apologized via text, my sister brought up all of this crap again, which ended up starting another fight between the two of them. I’ve tried countless times with her. I don’t know what more that she’d like for us to do. It isn’t us stopping things from mending though. She is the brick wall. My mom was totally out of line though for the texts she sent the prior day and I let Nicole know that I had defended her. It just ended up in a stupid screaming match, which resulted in Nicole leaving.

After she left, we kinda just let it go. Dad was making us a HUGE lunch, the table was decorated with cute plates, flowers, balloons, etc. There were gifts everywhere. I was so surprised when I walked in and saw everything set up. It made me feel a lot better about feeling down earlier. My dad is so amazing and always rises to the occasion. He made all of us mommy’s feel special yesterday. I was glad the big fight didn’t ruin my day. I decided to just let it go and think about it later after we were done celebrating. Dad made homemade mac and these amazing Panini sandwiches. So yum! We also had fresh strawberries and cake. Delish! My dad is so cute. He wrote a card out to me from Emerson. He wrote it left handed, so it looked like a child’s writing. Hahaha. He also bought me some presents from the dog too. It was so cute. I got this adorable hand and footprint kit from the baby. We ended up doing his prints last night. It came out so cute!

After we had lunch and did presents, me and Britt took the kids on the longest walk in the world! We were gone for nearly 2 hours! We walked all the way to the park where we played for a while. We all took turns taking Emerson down the slides. He had such a good time that he conked out in his stroller. Afterwards, we went to get ice cream. It was so much fun! I had a really nice Mother’s Day. I’m glad it wasn’t ruined from all of the craziness.

When we got back, dad told me to take my mom’s car home. He was going to have my tire looked at (we just bought this one) the next day. I said my goodbyes and the baby and I headed to Kmart to get diapers and wipes. I left my wipes at the party the previous day and we were nearly out of diapers. When we got home, I let the dog out…Ugh……

She started barking and was in a defense stance, so I knew something was in the yard. COME ON! I walked into the yard and saw a SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!! I freaked out, screamed, and made her come in the house. What the hell?! The last thing I need is for her to be bitten by a snake. Do I have a snake problem now?! I’m going to have the lawn guys check around for any potential snake holes. I am not killing snakes though. My great yard is turning into a damn nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so afraid to be in the yard now, or let the dog out! So, we will see about this. I am not happy though!

Mummy's mummy's antics!!!!


After all of the craziness on Friday, we went to bed pretty early and woke up on Saturday morning. My dad was really concerned about Kodie, so he planned on coming over to play with her. She seemed okay that morning, but still a bit stinky. The baby and I were just hanging out when my dad came over around 7:30am. In true dad fashion, he pulls up with more groceries than I’ve ever had in my life and told me it was a part of my mother’s day gift. My dad is truly amazing. My mother does not know how good she has it. She is such a lucky woman. There are not many men out there like my dad. If there are, I haven’t met any yet!

Anyway, I unloaded and put away all of the groceries. Dad brought Kodie treats, dog food, and several new toys. They played in the yard for a while. Kodie was so excited. She absolutely loves my dad. We had plans of going to my Aunt Kathy’s surprise birthday party that day, so after dad left, we started to get ready. I had already showered and did my hair and make-up, but I wanted to feed the baby and give him a quick nap before we left. I planned on riding to the party with my mom and sister, so I knew we had to leave the house by 11:30 to make it to my parent’s house before they left. Before my dad left, he put more air in my deflating tire.

The baby and I got to my parent’s house and we all piled into the car to head to the party. The weather was looking very dreary and cold. I wore a tank top and the baby had on shorts. I checked the weather that morning and it was supposed to be in the upper 70’s. What the heck? The only jacket I had ended up smelling of skunk, so I couldn’t even wear it. I was FREEZING. I had the baby wrapped in a blanket, so at least he was warm. We were told the party was starting at noon. We arrived ten minutes early and the entire pavilion was not even decorated. My cousin was still setting up. We were confused as to why we had to be there so early. She said my aunt worked until 11am and wasn’t going to be there until closer to 1pm. Okay?? It was freezing out and the baby was battling the tail-end of a cold. I was kind of disappointed, but still excited that we were all going to get to hang out with the family that day, so I dealt with it.

My older sister came (the one who hates us). My mom greeted her at her car and they walked down to the pavilion together. My sister started to help my cousin decorate. There was a lot to be done, so I totally understood her helping. My dramatic mother was not enthralled. She started CRYING. I asked her what was wrong and she told me she was mad that we all weren’t speaking. What the hell?! I am so sick and tired of dealing with it! I mean, we are all in the same place at the same time now. What more does she want? Beggars cannot be choosers, so just be happy we can all co-exist. I think my mom just wanted to go home and she used us as an excuse. She is always pulling shit like this. She complains about never going anywhere, but when she does, she tries to find an out. Well, I didn’t appreciate it considering the baby and I rode with her. I was walking around with the baby and came back to her table and found that she was gone. I asked Brittany where she went and she said she left! What?! How the hell are you going to leave me and Emerson? It is FREEZING out here and raining. I forgot my cellphone at home and she forgot hers too. I couldn’t even call her to ask what the hell was going on. Britt, Emerson, and I ended up walking up to where she was parked to see if she really left. She was sitting in the car crying. I was beyond PISSED! I put the baby in the car and told her to take us home NOW. I wasn’t dealing with this shit today. It’s mother’s day weekend, we are all together for my aunt’s birthday, and my mom ruins it. I figured once I got home, I’d get in my car and just drive back myself. My mom was so rude to me the ENTIRE drive home. She’s mad at Nicole, yet taking it out on me! I said obviously you must be wrong if I am defending Nicole. All the girl was doing was decorating! Why are you so upset about that???? It was so stupid. I really do think she just wanted to go home.

When we got to the house, my car wasn’t there. My dad must have taken it to run an errand, so I was stuck in a house with her! I ended up taking the baby (who was sleeping) upstairs to Britt’s room. I grabbed a sweater from her closet, so I no longer had to freeze when I went back to the party. My dad came home and of course, my mom completely breaks down. She’s crying so badly acting like me, Nik, and Britt did something terrible to her. My dad takes her side and starts screaming. After everything calmed down, the baby (still sleeping) and I went downstairs, grabbed the keys, and headed back to the party. It was pretty fun. It was nice seeing everyone and finally introducing the baby around. It was cold and rainy, but it didn’t even matter. My aunt seemed to have a really good time. There were tons of baby’s and dogs there too! My favorite!!!! We ended up leaving about 2 hours later. The weather was worsening and the baby was starting to fuss. I breastfed him while we were there, but it was just cold out and I knew he was never going to take a proper nap. I dropped Britt off at home and headed back to my house. I finally let Kodie out of the kitchen, stinky face and all, and the three of us watched tv until bed time. Kodie still isn’t allowed upstairs though. I don’t want her stinky face on our clean linens, so she slept in the kitchen again. I was absolutely exhausted after all of the dramatics. I found out that my mom started to text really awful things to Nicole too. Before we went to bed I decided we were NOT going to my parent’s house for mother’s day. It was my first one and I didn’t want it to be ruined by petty drama…


I am going to post three separate blogs because if I don’t, it’ll be absolutely HUGE because Friday, Saturday, and Sunday all have their own, crazy stories:


Let’s start with the stinkiest part of it. Kodie was skunked! On Friday morning, I woke up a little late around 5:00am. I was working from home, so it was okay if we left the house a bit later. I wouldn’t have an hour commute into work. The night before, I didn’t get a chance to sterilize nipples, so I immediately started to do that, while pumping. I smelled something burning and assumed I had burnt the nipples boiling on the stove. I shut the stove off and continued to pump. The smell was getting stronger. I started to panic that the house was on fire. After a thorough walk through, I found nothing burning, yet the smell was getting stronger. I remember three years ago when this happened to my parent’s dog that the smell was intense like something was on fire. My stomach dropped. It took us about 10 hours to clean their house and dog after she had been skunked. I walked to the back door, opened it up, and saw Kodie standing on the other side foaming at the mouth. The smell hit me like a ton of bricks! I knew at that point that she had been skunked. Her entire face looked soaked. I started freaking out because she’s so small. I didn’t know if the skunk spray would be toxic to her, or make her so sick that she’d die! I called my mom around 5:30am crying. I couldn’t let Kodie in the house either because then the house would smell even worse. If anyone has ever experienced this, you know how incredibly hard it is to rid skunk from ANYTHING! The oil is insane to get rid of and the smell just clings to everything. Even though Kodie wasn’t in the house, the entire house stunk so badly. After I called my mom, I hurried to get the baby ready and to daycare. Friday was daycare appreciation day, so I made an adorable dessert to send with Emerson. I made “sand”. You use vanilla pudding, cream cheese, sugar, and a ton of crushed up graham crackers. You serve it in a beach pail with a shovel. The daycare staff actually thought I brought in a pail of sand. I explained that it was edible. Anyway, when I dropped Em off, I explained about the dog. It sucks because even with the small amount of time the baby was in the house, he smelled like skunk! The daycare staff said that the smell wore off by mid-day, but he stunk for a few hours in the morning. My poor, stinky baby 

Immediately after I dropped Emerson off, I headed to the gas station to put air in my deflating tire (that damn black cloud hanging over my head). As I was pulling out of the gas station, I nearly ran into another car. Great! I continued driving to my parent’s house. They had two bottles left of this amazing stuff from Petco that rids the skunk smell. We knew it worked because after trying every single home remedy when this happened to their dog, the only thing that worked was this deskunking solution. My mom and I headed up to wal-mart, so that I could get a mop, bucket, gloves, face masks, etc. When we got to the house, our first job was to tackle Kodie. We knew we had to bath her to at least get the oil off of her skin. The smell was so overpowering. We even tried tomato juice, WHICH DOES NOT WORK. After bathing her, we left her outside. She was FREAKING out. We cleaned all of the floors and sprayed EVERYTHING with deskunking solution. You literally have to drench everything. My couch, curtains, carpet, etc, etc. The smell is awful and clings to everything. We noticed the smell wasn’t decreasing and realized the deskunking solution has live enzymes in it that probably expired. Back in the car we went and headed to Petco. When we got back, we bathed Kodie AGAIN and re-cleaned the house. FINALLY, The house smelled better. Not 100%, but better. I noticed Kodie’s entire mouth, eyes, and ears were all blistered up though. The oil must have burned her poor skin. I felt SO BAD. We bathed her once more and left her outside to dry. After cleaning the house one more time, I grabbed all of the laundry, blankets, pillow cases, and sheets and headed to the Laundromat to wash everything with the deskunking solution. I clearly wasn’t able to log in and work that day! I got all of the laundry done, then headed back to my parent’s house. While there, I showered with the same deskunking solution, threw away the clothes I had been wearing, and dressed in non-smelling attire. I finally felt better. I picked my sister up from work and we headed to the store to finish our mother’s day shopping. We stopped at the house, so a fresh nose could smell to make sure everything was better…

IT WAS! Thank GOD! The dog’s face still stinks, but it is so much better. The dog has been sleeping in the kitchen though because I am so paranoid that her stinky face will make everything else re-stink. I’m glad it stays light out until nearly 9pm. We go to bed pretty early, so after she goes out around 9pm, she’s in until the next morning. This way, she isn’t outside when its dark, so she can’t get skunked again. Skunks are nocturnal. I plan on getting some of those solar powered lights, so that it’s bright enough when it’s dark out, so that maybe skunks will be deterred from coming into my yard. Of course, the nightmare doesn’t end there. I let her out last night and noticed she was barking at something. I walked out in the yard and saw a snake! What the hell?! I freaked out and made her come in the house, but damn!!!!!!! Now I have to worry about snakes too?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely LOVE my yard, but this is seriously starting to suck!

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Yesterday was so scary! On the bus on the way home, a man started to seizure very badly! At first, I had no idea something was even wrong until I heard a woman yelling his name over and over again. He was flailing everywhere and slobbering very badly. His eyes rolled into the back of his head. At one point, I really thought he died! I screamed, “Someone call 911!” yet I had my iphone in my hand! I was just in a panic at what to do! Luckily, there were two policemen on the bus and they handled it perfectly. The bus driver pulled the bus to the side of the road, while we waited for 911 to respond. When the man finally came out of his seizure, he was really violent. I thought he was going to hit one of the cops, but he didn’t. The woman he was with explained to him that he had a seizure. The man was so confused. He kept slumping over and falling in and out of consciousness. By the time 911 got there, he seemed a little bit better and was able to walk himself off of the bus. I hope he is okay. It really scared me though!

I picked Emerson up right after that. The bus dropped us off later than usual because of the delay, so I didn’t go home first like I usually do. Anyway, when I picked him up he was completely knocked out cold! The last bottle he had was around 2pm and it was about 4:45pm, so I figured he’d wake up on the way home and I’d just feed him when we got to our house. Yeah, that didn’t happen! My little man slept until almost 6:45pm! He had gone down for a nap at 3pm at daycare, so that was almost 4 hours straight of rest. It was getting pretty close to bath time, so I woke him up. I was so afraid to let him continue sleeping because I didn’t want to end up being up all night. Luckily, that didn’t happen. I fed him a little from the side I had just pumped just to give him enough to be happy for some tummy time and bath. Then, after bath, it was boob, then bedtime! He slept from about 7:45pm-11pm. He ate for a few minutes and went right back down until about 4:30am. I fed him, got him back down, and then got up and started my morning routine.

I’m doing so well with my stock piling goal! I now have 3 bottles (15oz) frozen in the freezer. I’m hoping to get another extra bottle today and tomorrow, which will put me right at 5, which is what I wanted. Anything I pump over the weekend will be stock, or for immediate use, so when I do have to take a bottle with me for my aunt’s birthday and for my mum to babysit this weekend, I shouldn’t have to dip into my stock as long as I am good with pumping and keep up between feeds. It is so freaking hard to pump when he’s home though. I think I have it down. I just pump one side and make sure the other is ready to go at all times. This way, I’m not taking any food from his mouth. It’s a lot of work and definitely eating up all the extra calories in my body, but so absolutely worth it. It has been so stressful just fulfilling his needs for the next day of daycare. Adding on an additional task of stock is nuts! I’m getting there though.

I’m having the grass cut a week early It’s getting long because of the rain. With the weather turning so nice, I want the grass cut. Plus, the neighbors’ yards are all neat, so I don’t want to be THAT neighbor with a sloppy backyard. The lawn people are coming over this evening after I get home from work. I have to make sure I take $20 (cost of cut) out of the ATM before I head home, or I won’t be able to pay them. I’m sure they wouldn’t be too happy with that.

I bought Emerson shark swimming trunks and an adorable matching hat that has this hilarious shark fin on the top of it from ebay for $7.99. I priced infant trunks and they were absolutely ridiculous. Some spanned well over $25! I mean, that seems a bit overpriced to me. I checked on ebay though and thought this was a really great deal. I didn’t get the rashguard, which I think is okay for now. I’ll lather him up with water babies and slap a tee on him for now. At the point that we’re venturing out to the public pool and lake, I’ll make sure he has a rashguard. There were some good deals on ebay for those as well. I just needed something for our Memorial Day plans that weren’t going to cost an arm and a leg. Mission accomplished.

Alright, that’s about all I have for today. I won’t bore you guys any longer with my random ramblings. Happy Thursday, all! It’s almost the weekend! Hang in there! <3

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mummy Failed!

Crib training did not go well last night. It wasn’t a horrible experience, or anything, but we were not successful. After bath time (and chasing Kodie to get a diaper out of her mouth), I fed Emerson and put him to sleep. I don’t think I waited long enough for him to fall into a deep sleep. I tried transferring him into his crib, but the second I lowered him, his eyes flung open. Let me tell you, he had the most adorable look on his face!!!!!!!!!!!!! He had a look like he was thinking “Mum, what do you think you’re doing?”, “BUSTED!”, and “Are you really going to leave me in here alone?” I had so many emotions going through me that I just started laughing. I felt sad leaving him alone and then I felt really goofy because I felt like he caught me in the act. With all of that said, my little buddy did NOT sleep in his crib last night. I had it ready too. I took everything out of it, plugged the monitor into his room, and set up the humidifier in there. It sucked because the humidifier and monitor weren’t in my room. I hate setting and then having to re-set things up in another room. I have so much plugged in as it is. My phone charger, a fan, the monitor, humidifier, and IPod docking station. I’m constantly plugging and unplugging something. I just need to get an extension cord to make things easier on me. Anyway, I can hear him downstairs if he starts to cry, but I like having the monitor right next to him, so I can hear him breathing, while I’m getting ready in the mornings. I didn’t have that luxury this today. I was afraid I’d wake him up plugging and unplugging things, so I just left it in his room. I’d like to give it another go tonight. This time, I’ll wait longer before I attempt to put him in his crib. Wish me luck!

When he woke up this morning, his nose was a little less stuffy and his cough wasn’t as bad. I think we are on the tail-end of this cold. My throat definitely feels better today. I can tell the congestion is starting to break up. Yay! I think we’ll both be better before mother’s day! That would be the best gift of all. Speaking of gifts, my sister accidentally let it slip today that she bought me the fire table I wanted for my backyard! I am so excited!! I absolutely LOVE being outside. I have such a great yard, so all I want to do is accessorize and get things that the baby and I can enjoy throughout the summer. This way, we spend less money going places, but we can still have a good time at home and enjoy the nice weather. I bought three outdoor chairs yesterday before I picked him up from daycare. They aren’t anything special. Two adult-sized plastic chairs and an aqua, baby chair for Emerson, but they’ll do the trick and we can finally begin hanging out in our yard without me having to stand and walk around carrying the baby! It’ll be nice for the dog too. She loves when we are outside with her. The fire table is just an added bonus. I can’t wait to have some friends over to enjoy it! It’s still too chilly for Emerson to be hanging outside in the evenings, especially with a cold, but I can definitely utilize it after he’s had a bath and is down for the night. Mummy time! Up next, a baby pool for Emerson and swimming trunks. It’ll be nice to come home from work/daycare in the summertime and plop Emerson in the pool in our yard. It’ll give us something to do before bath and bed aside from our usual tummy time and activity mat. I’d rather be outside than cooped up in the house, especially during the week when it’s just consumed with household chores and work.

Gah, I realized I forgot to put my garbage out as I was driving down the street towards daycare today. I only had 1 bag, but it sucks! I’ll just put it in the garbage can outside until next week. I hate that though. I always forget about garbage day, but I typically remember when I see the neighbor’s bags out there. I don’t remember seeing any when I got home from picking Emerson up yesterday.

My mum got mad at me yesterday. Apparently she texted me while I was bathing Emerson and I didn’t respond quick enough for her. “I guess you’re not talking to me. Whatever” If she’d ever listen to anything I say, she’d realize between 7pm and 8pm are really busy for me. I’m bathing the baby, doing jammie time, and getting him ready to eat before bed! On top of that, I have to let the dog out one more time and get her a snack. Yesterday, Kodie decided she wanted to grab a diaper out of the garbage during bath time. It was a real delight chasing her around the house trying to get it with the baby in a towel in my arms. I did finally get it, but it was in about a million pieces! Anyway, she was fine after I wrote back. She just asked how the baby was doing. My dad had been texting me right before she did, so I’m sure he told her and she was all upset when I didn’t immediately jump to talk to her. I don’t have time for that pettiness. Get over yourself.

She’s all upset with my sister because they had plans to go shopping on Friday. Well, my mother makes these plans all of the time, but then flakes out and makes me fill in for her. So, instead of being caught off-guard, Britt and I just decided to run errands together after I’m done working on Friday. I’m working from home, so I’ll have about two hours to run errands before I pick the baby up from daycare. Britt’s done working at three, so I was going to pick her up from work, run errands, pick the baby up from daycare, and then go back to my house afterwards. Friday is the same day as girl’s night, so I figured we’d hang at my house for a bit, get my clothes ready for that night, and all of the baby’s items ready for my mum to babysit him, then head over to my parent’s to hang out, get ready, and take care of the baby before we leave. This way, the dog isn’t left alone very long while I am out. My mum was sick with a cold last week and missed three or four days of work. She’s still complaining of this very same cold, so we figured she’d end up saying she doesn’t want to go shopping with Britt on Friday anyway. She’s probably not going to babysit for me either, so I’ll probably end up not going to girl’s night. She’s already making excuses to get out of Aunt Kathy’s 50th birthday for Saturday too. It’s ridiculous. She was telling Britt today that they never do anything together. Well, ask yourself why. Is it because you constantly flake? Yes, yes it is. Stop making excuses, be present in your life, and maybe it’ll be more enjoyable. I’m not going to sit around and watch life pass me by. I want to enjoy it and enjoy time with Emerson. I really don’t care if she doesn’t babysit on Friday night for TWO hours, but it’s the fact that she doesn’t have a real excuse not to. She hasn’t seen Emerson since last Sunday for 10 minutes. She should want to babysit him for those two hours just to spend some extra time with him. I’ve learned that you can’t force people though.

My birthday is in 20 days! I’ll be 31! Super crazy. I never envisioned 31 would look like this. Mummy, house, and a pup. It’s pretty sweet. I have the full package! I’m taking off Friday and Tuesday over Memorial day weekend, so I’ll have a nice five day break to spend with Emerson. We’re going to go to the animal farm, spend time in our yard in the pool, go to the park, have a big Memorial Day cookout/Birthday party with the family, and hopefully get in some Heather/Cam time! It’s nice that my best friend is on Maternity Leave now. I’m off Tuesday when mostly everyone will be working, so we can take the kids to the park to walk and hang out. Cameron is still tiny (2 weeks yesterday), but she does take him out in his stroller to enjoy the weather and get some Vitamin D, so I’m sure it’ll be no problem on my birthday. I’ll have her pencil us in! This might be the best birthday I’ve ever had!

So, my mission to stock pile 5 bottles of breast milk this week is right on course. So far, I have 2 bottles (10oz) frozen in storage bags in the freezer. My goal is to be able to stock 1 bottle per day. I’m on track to do that today. So far, I’ve pumped twice and I’ve gotten 12oz. I need another 8oz to have enough bottles for daycare tomorrow, but anything after that is all stock. I’m pumping again around 11:45am and around 2:30pm. I SHOULD have all of my daycare bottles by that point. I usually pump around 5:30pm from one side after I pick Emerson up from daycare and then again around 10:00pm. Let’s hope that’s enough to give me my extra bottle. If not, I’ll have to wake up around 1:00am to get what I’m short. That’s okay though. I usually am up several times during the night anyway even when Emerson isn’t waking me up. Between him and the dog, I am always up! She has to go out, or he has to eat. LOL The life of a dog mum and a baby mum!

I had a gift on my desk at work from one of my friends since February. I was on Maternity Leave, so I didn’t get it until I came back in March. Anyway, I didn’t realize there was a card in the bag. I don’t know how I missed this. I went to empty the tissue paper out of the bag and seen an envelope. I opened it up and there was a $25 Visa gift card inside. I was so happy. I ended up putting all $25 into my gas tank this morning. This way, I shouldn’t need any gas until I get paid again. I don’t drive very far. The park and ride, daycare, and my parent’s house are all within a few miles of my house. If anything, I’ll have to pop an extra $10 into my tank, but otherwise, I’m good! What a blessing! Speaking of blessings, daycare told me that I had a $76 credit on my account when I went to pay for the month of May on Friday. I could have cried!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Daycare absolutely KILLS me. I am so cautious with every single dime I have. Any money I spend is calculated down to the penny. I do not mess around. Buying those chairs was the ONLY luxury that I’ve given myself this pay period and I view it as an investment because we’ll be hanging in our yard all summer. $38 well spent! Getting a slight discount this month on daycare was more than I could ever ask. Even something as small as $76, which feels like a million to me! I was able to put a couple extra dollars into my savings account. I feel like I’ve hit the lottery twice this week!

I have my health screening next Wednesday. My company offers this awesome health screening that gives you a big credit towards your healthcare premiums. Carrying Emerson has really upped the cost, so having this saves me so much money. I did it last year, so my 2014 premiums aren’t so bad. I’m hoping 2015 doesn’t kill me either with this screening. I got a call last week because all of Emerson’s claims were declined. I had a coordination of benefit issue. I resolved it, so the claims were to be resubmitted and paid. I just got a call from the physician’s billing person. I was told the claims would take about 3 weeks before they were resolved, so my guess is they haven’t been paid out yet, and the doctor is calling about the outstanding balance, which spans over $1400.00. I’m not concerned though. Once the COB issue is fixed and claims are resubmitted, we should be okay. I’ll still call back just to make sure we are on track to having it corrected. It is absolutely insane how often baby’s go to the doctors in their first year. That doesn’t even include sick visits. He’s already had 4 well visits and 3 sick visits. Each time we go, there is a $30 co pay. He’s not even 4 months yet and I’ve spent $210 on co-pays. He has another round of shots at the end of this month, which ups that to $240. I was to have a pap done last month, but had to cancel it. I have a $30 co pay too, but Emerson got sick, so I had to use that $30 to pay for his doctor visit. I’m hoping to reschedule my appointment next month when he doesn’t have an appointment. $60 in co pays a month is a lot. It’s better if I can break it in half and not be on the same schedule as him. I finally feel better after having the Mirena inserted in March, but I want to have it checked out and get my annual pap just to make sure things are okay. I don’t trust the health center at work to perform my pap. I had a bad experience last year. To me, it’s better to just go to my OBGyn. Plus, I miss those gals. I saw them all the time for about 10 months, while pregnant. I’ll be nice to catch up and tell them how the baby is doing.

Alright, I’ve started and stopped this blog so many times today, which is why it’s so long. Again, I am so happy to still able to write here and I’ve appreciated all of the comments I’ve gotten over the past few days!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mummy's taking the high road

[REVISED FOR THE THIRD TIME AFTER TYPING OVER 8 PARAGRAPHS AND ABOUT 100 F BOMBS] So, yesterday I removed all of my blog entries and set them all as drafts. This way, I still have record of what I was going through, Emerson’s growth, etc, but I won’t be re-publishing them. Just like before when I had posted and unposted blogs, I’ll just start “fresh” in the public eye, but I feel good knowing I have those entries to reflect back when I want to. The reason for this was because I had noticed someone sharing my blog posts. If someone wants to read about what day I do my laundry and how much I pump, then so be it. I’m not posting anything wrong here. I received so many comments from the wonderful, positive people that do read my blog. (You guys are more appreciated that you know). I feel like a lot of people find strength through sharing a similar experience with me and I wouldn’t feel right taking that away from anyone. I read a lot of blogs that I relate to and I’d be seriously heartbroken if they ever disappeared. We have to find strength in numbers, so I am back because I feel like if I can make one person feel motivated and better about being a single mom, then that is reason enough to keep my blog. So, to all of the wonderful mommy’s out there (single, or not), I really do appreciate you and love having you all as an audience. There were so many times during my pregnancy when I didn’t know if I could handle motherhood on my own. Through all of the love and support I’ve received through my blog, it has really boosted my confidence and shown me that I am doing a fantastic job on my own and someone out there appreciates the strides that I am making. I’m glad we can all find a good laugh through our own crazy experiences and that we have a wonderful place like this to share them. I am a mom now and I don’t want to stoop to such pettiness. Writing is one of the things that I am most passionate about in my life. I don’t want to give someone the power to take that joy away from me….So, with that being said, let’s get this party started.

Emerson has been quite sick for days. I took him to the doctors on Saturday just to make sure that things were okay. I didn’t want to let his cold linger on and risk it turning into something more serious. The doctor told me that he is handling it well and as long as he is chowing down and latching with no issues, to let him continue processing his cold and letting it take its course. I was so hesitant to take him to daycare yesterday. In case they decided to send him home early, I worked from home. I love having this option. Yes, I still send him to daycare when I work from home, but if I didn’t there is no way I’d ever accomplish anything. Between breastfeeding and just seeing his cute face, I’d be so distracted. My work would suffer. Considering I just received a promotion, I don’t want to rock the boat and jeopardize my role in my new department. When I picked him up, he was as happy as a clam and seemed world’s better. Whew. What a sign of relief! I’m hoping as the days go by, he is coughing less and less. If I notice that he isn’t significantly better by Thursday, we’ll be making another trip to the pediatrician. Thursday marks a week that he will be sick. A girl I work with has a daughter that is two days younger than Emerson. She was sick for the last two weeks and just found out she has a sinus infection. My friend though her daughter just had a cold, but after two weeks of being sick, she knew something wasn’t right. She’s now on antibiotics. I don’t want to make Emmie suffer that long, so we’ll be calling the doctor if I don’t see a significant change by Thursday! I am pretty sick myself with a sore throat. It sucks, but I’m dealing with it. I feel a lot better than I did over the weekend, so I think I’m on the mend too.

After I was done working yesterday, I went grocery shopping and home to put everything away before I picked up Emerson. I should be good until I get paid on the 16th. I have enough stuff to make a couple of bulk dinners, soup and crackers for lunch, waffles/oatmeal for breakfast, and granola bars for snacks. On top of that, I still have so much stuff that my parents bought me last weekend. I do need to get dog food though. Kodie is nearly out. I’d make a mental note, but with this mom brain, I’ll probably forget! I should just write it on the back of my hand now…This is me not writing it on my hand-LOL.

We have such a nice weekend ahead of us, so I hope we are both feeling better. On Friday night, Emerson is staying with his grandma for two hours. I plan on putting him to sleep around 8pm before I head out for a much needed Girl’s Night that my sister orchestrated. I’m only going out until 10:30pm. If he continues on the same schedule that we’ve had for the past month, or so, he should stay asleep until about 11:00pm before he wakes and needs to be fed again. He might even stay down until about 11:30pm. Anyway, I figure two hours is enough time for me to go out, socialize with the girls a bit, have one drink, and head back home before he wakes. It should be a pretty low maintenance baby-sitting job for my mum. I don’t plan on staying there overnight though. We are heading home after that. I’d bring the dog with me, so that we could just have a slumber party there, but I’m more than sure my mum would complain about this. Asking her to watch the baby is already pushing it. I’m sure adding the dog into the mix would drive her to say no to both. I’m hoping that by the time we get home, I can just feed him and put him right back to sleep. This is why I don’t rock the boat, or do anything outside of work and errands. I am so petrified that neither of us will get any sleep! It’s been 3.5 months since I’ve done anything social outside of meeting with other mommies, family members, etc. I’m not even sure that I’ll enjoy the “bar scene”, but it’ll be nice to hang out with some girlfriends for a couple of hours. I’m already having separation anxiety over leaving Emerson. I think that’s why I am only going when he’s asleep. I know I already wouldn’t be missing out on anything because he would be sleeping even if I were there. I am such a weirdo! I love my boy though!

On Saturday, We have my Aunt Kathy’s surprise 50th birthday party. I hope the weather is nice! I am so excited! It’ll be fun to introduce Emerson to a lot of his family members that he hasn’t met yet. On top of that, I can bring a bottle of breastmilk with me! We went to the mall on Sunday. I pumped a little ahead, so I was able to stock pile a bottle to use at my disposal. He actually took a bottle from me at the mall! This is so exciting! I am now two bottles ahead, so I have some to spare for Saturday! Yay! I don’t have to limit my time out, or hide in the car to breastfeed him! I am wary to breastfeed around kids because they ask too many questions, so I usually have to leave early, or retreat to the backseat. It’ll be nice to hang out with everyone AND feed my little dude! Side bar, Aunt Kathy, if you read my blog, shut your eyes, so that your surprise party isn’t ruined! (I doubt she reads this!)

Sunday is mother’s day! Scratch that, Sunday is my FIRST Mother’s day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so freaking excited! I had the most adorable t-shirt and onesie made for Emerson and I to wear! Below is a picture. I hope that he at least keeps it neat enough for us to take one picture together. I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that I get the honor of celebrating mother’s day. It’s super cool! We’re going to my parent’s house for brunch and then to the park to play. The weather should be relatively nice, so it’ll be good for us to get out and get some fresh air.

Other than that, we don’t have much scheduled this week. Just more of the same. Work, daycare, household chores, taking care of the pup, and lots of smiles and giggles! Last night, we had two different tummy time sessions. Emerson is so close to rolling over! It’s killing me!!!!!!!!!!!! I literally took 15 different videos thinking I’d eventually capture him rolling all the way over. He can roll from his belly to his side and his back to his side. I’m still waiting for him to get that extra boost of energy that flips him all the way over. He was so close last night! We are going to keep working on it though. Tonight might be the night! I found these HILARIOUS nursery rhyme raps! I swear, they are so good. I even start bopping my head to them and memorizing some of the words. We’ve been listening to a lot of those lately. They are pretty cute! It’s a change from country, which is all Emerson and I really listen to these days.

I bought two more hanging plants yesterday to go with the hanging plant my sister bought me on Monday! It looks so adorable. Let’s hope I can keep both alive. I really want to plant some flowers too, but I don’t want them to take years to blossom. I googled and found a few that will flower up in about 70 days, so I’m going to try my luck with those. If I plant them soon, they’ll bloom by the August. We can enjoy them for a little while before it gets cold again.

Alright, that’s about all I have to offer today. I’m really glad I decided to not chuck my entire blog out of the window. I don’t think it’s fair that something that makes me so happy be taken away from me. Emerson and I are doing so well, we are settled, in a routine, and happy. I just want people to respect that and understand that it isn’t my doing for the way that things are right now. I didn’t make these decisions, nor do I encourage them to continue. All I can do is look out for my son to ensure that he has the best life ever and all the opportunities in the world. I’m doing a great job, so there is no reason to check on me behind the scenes. I can assure everyone that being a mother is the proudest job I’ve ever had and I can’t even begin to describe what a privilege it is to be Emerson’s mummy. He is such a happy little boy and a morning person just like his mama. When I drop him at daycare, he is always so silly and ready to play. I don’t want to have to waste an ounce of headspace on anything outside of Emerson and our life together. If someone chose to not be a part of this experience, then that is their decision. It isn’t my responsibility to force anyone in. I do my part with updates and pictures, but aside from that, I am good. I get to be a mother and other parties get to continue living their lives freely without the responsibility. If both mother and father are okay with this, then I think others just need to respect it. We are doing fine on our own and I take care of everything. I don’t ask for anything either. I’ve come to terms with my situation. I know that probably seems hard to believe. I do have bitter feelings sometimes, but that’s because I think Emerson deserves the world. As a whole, I settled those feelings a long time ago. It’s other people that want me to continue being upset. Sometimes you just have to accept things and move on. I learned that when I was in therapy at 6 months pregnant. I have enough resolution in my life to know that I am a strong woman, a great mother, and I can do this on my own. At the point where I am ready, I know I’ll meet a great guy that will actually WANT to be a father to Emerson. Until that time, he has all he needs in me. With that said, I wish others would move on. I’ve let the negativity go and I’ve let everyone off the hook. At this point, they need to find peace and solace in their decisions and let me be. Maybe there is guilt on that side of the fence. For a long time, I believe I was being erroneously blamed. Let it go. I’m not looking for an apology either. It’s a little too late for that….

Monday, May 5, 2014


Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group, or an organization.[1] It may include false accusations, defamation, slander and libel. It may also include monitoring, identity theft, threats, vandalism, solicitation for sex, or gathering information that may be used to threaten or harass.

Cyberstalking is often accompanied by realtime or offline stalking.[2] Both are criminal offenses.[3] Both are motivated by a desire to control, intimidate or influence a victim.[4] A stalker may be an online stranger or a person whom the target knows. He may be anonymous and solicit involvement of other people online who do not even know the target.

Cyberstalking is a criminal offense under state anti-stalking, slander, and harassment laws. A conviction can result in a restraining order, probation, or criminal penalties against the assailant, including jail.