Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Our Easter

This weekend was really nice. I was off on Friday because daycare was closed. Emerson and I went shopping with my sister during the day, then we dyed eggs and had Good Friday dinner with my parents. It was really nice. He did a great job dying eggs. His hands were completely colored with dye, but he sat so nicely, and was engaged the entire time. He is such a wild man sometimes, that activities like that don’t hold his interest for very long. I was very surprised. I’m enjoying eating the eggs for snack too! Extra protein. On Saturday, we went to the Children’s Museum with my sister and nephew. We had went the prior week, but they invited us to go with them. It was so much fun. Even more fun than when we went alone. We were there for a few hours, then went to lunch afterwards. Emerson napped for 3 hours when we got home. He was pooped!

On Saturday night, I got everything ready for the Easter Bunny to come. When Emerson woke up, I met him in his bedroom with a basket. I had a trail of Easter Eggs that led all the way to his basket. He picked every one of them up, then tore into his basket. He ate so much candy, guys. I never let him have candy outside of a small lollypop to distract him at the grocery store, or during errands. We ended up going to the duck pond to feed the ducks, then visited my sister, and parents quickly. After nap, we went back to my parent’s house for Easter dinner. It was really nice. My sister, nephew, Emerson, and I took a long walk after dinner. The weather was beautiful. After we got home, I let Em play for a bit, then it was bath, and bedtime. He was awfully fussy at bedtime. Crying, and at one point, he got up and turned his bedroom light out. I was beyond exhausted, and had to clean the house, do laundry, and meal prep. I yelled at him a couple of times. Anyway, when I woke him up this morning, his entire bed was covered in sh*t. His entire body, blanket, sheet, pillow, EVERYTHING. All of that candy got to him. He probably had a stomachache when he was fussing last night. I felt so bad this morning. I put him in the tub for a bath before daycare. He had no fever at all, and  was laughing/smiling despite being covered from head to toe.  I tossed all of his bedding in the washer. The second we get home, I’ll wash it. I didn’t want to leave it wet in the washer all day, or I would have had to wash it twice.  What a mess!

I have a doctor appointment on Wednesday. We’re rounding week #2 of my skin hurting. The pain has spread all over. My legs, arms, back, butt, feet. It’s so annoying! It feels like horrible sunburn, however there is no rash, or visible marks indicating an issue. When I wake up in the morning, all of my muscles are so tight. I also haven’t been sleeping through the night and have had headaches throughout the day, which is not something I am prone to getting. I don’t know if the migraines are attributing to the skin pain, then that’s feeding into the sleepless nights, or what, but hopefully we can find a root cause, and treat it, so all of these symptoms go away. It’s making me MISERABLE!!!!!!!!!!! I’m trying to not let it get to me though. Right now, I have a slight headache and my skin hurts mildly. Nothing too bad. Tylenol doesn’t’ really work either. I was up at 230am and never fell back asleep. I’m sure I’ll pay for that later. I am not a whiney person at all. I usually just deal with whatever and move on from it, but this is bogging me down. I’m just ready to start feeling better again!!

I blew my diet for most of the weekend and I haven’t worked out since Friday night. Taking a few days off was nice though. I’m back at it today. I’m sick of eating like garbage and I miss working out. Oddly enough, working out makes the pain decrease. It must be all of the endorphins. On the flip side, the pain makes me NOT want to work out even though I know it’ll make me feel better when I’m done.  Anyway, I don’t feel like I’ve wrecked my diet with taking two days off. Sometimes you just need a break, but I do feel like I’ve set myself back a little. I’ll get it back in no time though. I’m not worried.

So the guy I had a date with last week. Eh, I mean he is really nice, but we hardly talk to each other. I think that sort of kills it. He called me on Saturday. It was nice to chat for a bit, but because we talk so infrequently, we are always caught in this catch-up mode. It always revolves around the kids too, so it seems like we never really get ahead. I don’t know if what I’m saying makes sense either, but in my head, it sounds right. I feel like we’ve had the same conversation since we met, and it’s all about our kids, which I love talking about, but when you’re trying to see if there is something there romantically, you kind of have to branch out from poopy diapers, and nap times. We aren’t seeming to break out of that cycle too much. I get that we both work, and busy parents, but it’s pretty effortless to send a text when you can’t talk on the phone, or to just control the conversation a little from going back to kid mode.  I feel like I’m talking to a good friend, or a brother-if I had one. I guess I’ll just let it ride out and see if anything surfaces. I swear, I am just so distracted anyway, that it doesn’t even matter either way. That sounds terrible.

In other news, I emailed the behavioral specialist to go ahead with early intervention for Emerson. I was talking to a friend who was in a similar situation. After I put the offensiveness aside, I was able to see that it isn’t a bad thing. It’s a free service that occurs at daycare, so it isn’t like I need to do anything, or take him anywhere. They’ll work with him one-on-one to further develop his speech, which I really do think is a big issue. I think if he could communicate with me better, life would be a lot easier. It’s such a major roadblock. He says a lot, but he’s not stringing words together to make small sentences, or even to tell me things. I think it’ll make him a lot happier to get some extra help to be able to communicate more with myself, and his teachers. Needing help doesn’t always have to be a negative thing. I should appreciate the fact that I have a free service to use.

I don’t really have much else to report. I’ll follow up with you guys after I see the doctor, but I don’t think he’ll have much to say. I’m sure I’ll end up needing blood work, and some other tests first.

Have a super week though J

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I'm pregnant.....JUST KIDDING!

I had my IUD removed yesterday. I am so happy. The procedure was so quick and not painful at all. I have a prescription for pills waiting for me across the street at the pharmacy that I’m picking up at lunch time. I have to double up today, tomorrow, and Friday to be on track. It’s weird not being on anything right now. I mean, obviously I am not going to feel a difference after one day, but I honestly feel mentally better about it. Some issues I was having are already gone, so I am happy about that. Having the IUD was okay for the first year, but then things quickly went downhill. I don’t think it’s normal to do that to your body. I mean, the pill does regulate. You still have a cycle at least. With the IUD, you really don’t, so everything just sort of goes wacky. I can’t wait to just be back on track and normal again. I already feel better though and that’s what I am most appreciative about right now.

Last night, I had a first date with a guy that I met not too long ago. It went great. We had drinks at happy hour. My sister picked Emerson up from daycare for me. I ended up not getting home until 9:30pm. It was just so nice to sit there talking to someone who completely relates to my life. I don’t really know what’ll happen from here, but it was nice to get out for a little while and to have some adult conversations. Emerson fell asleep in the car on the way home. We skipped bath and jammies. I ended up just putting him right to bed. Poor guy. I feel bad because he’s probably going to be tired today. The time got away from me though and before I realized it, it was almost 9pm. My sister didn’t seem mad, or anything.

Speaking of my sister, she was offered a job at a call center yesterday! I am so happy for her. I believe her shift will be 10-6pm. She will be able to get my nephew to school, but someone else will have to pick him up. She should be home by 630 every day though. It’s sad because she was my awesome go to if Emerson had to stay home from daycare, or was sent home. I guess I’ll be re-thinking that one now, but I am so happy for her. New house, new car, new job. She deserves it all.

Alright, guys. Have a super Wednesday!

Monday, March 21, 2016

So much going on!

Tomorrow is the big day. I’m having my IUD removed! My appointment is at 9am. I’m not that nervous about it right now, but I’m sure I will be tomorrow. I hope there isn’t anything wrong and she can literally just pull it out. I think it’ll be okay though. They said I can immediately switch to birth control pills the same day. I’m sure I’ll have some side effects once it’s out, but I’m hoping it’ll be a short-term thing and I can be on the road to feeling normal again. I cannot wait for it to go through! I’m wondering how my weight will be affected once it’s gone. I read a lot that people have had a really difficult time losing weight, but when it came out, they started to drop the pounds. I’ve noticed that I do have a harder time dropping pounds lately. I work out every day and eat clean, so really, I shouldn’t have that hard of a time leaning up. Ever since I started having problems with my IUD, I’ve noticed that I’ve put weight on a lot easier, and it’s certainly harder to come off. I’m weight training now, so it doesn’t bother me so much, but at a point I will want to lean out more. I know it’ll tick me off if I’m doing all of this with no results. I hope once this thing goes, my body can normalize better and that won’t be an issue.

We had a great weekend. On Friday night, we decided to go to dinner with my sister. Afterwards, we all headed to the mall. We shopped around a bit, then let Emerson play in the play place. He had a good time. Afterwards, we took my sister home, then headed home for bath, then bed.  On Saturday, we woke up early and headed to an Easter Egg hunt. It was so cold out, but Em had a good time, and he got a lot of eggs. Afterwards, we got breakfast, then hung at my sister’s house for most of the day. Em napped when we got home, then we ran to the store to get stuff for dinner. I set up some Easter activities for him, while I cooked. He painted Easter Eggs, then I set up plastic eggs in a giant bin with some water. He loved that. On Sunday, my parents came over around noon to visit. We ran some errands afterwards, then headed to my parent’s house that night. We ended up going to Rita’s to get our Italian Ice. It was free because it was the first day of spring! That was about it. It was a good weekend. Nothing too crazy, but also enough to keep us busy. You know me. I cleaned the house 50 times, did laundry, etc. The usual. I worked out on Saturday, and Sunday night.

I bought Emerson a tablet for Easter. I can’t even believe I did that. I am usually very against blowing holidays up like that. Not every holiday has to be treated like Christmas, but I did it anyway. I think it’ll be good for him. He hasn’t really been exposed to too much technology yet. I mean, the kid is only 2. He needs to be 2 and not have his face stuffed in a phone, or a tablet, but I think it’s fine if it’s monitored. I won’t let him play with it for 7 hours a day, but here and there will be okay, in the car, and to distract him if we’re in a restaurant. It makes me sad when I see these young kids with their faces shoved into tablets for hours on end. I definitely do not want Emerson to be like that. I get that sometimes it’s just easier to hand it to them, but we’ve been fine without one, so obviously it isn’t a necessity, and there are other methods of distraction. It’ll be a great learning tool, so I’m excited about that aspect of it. I’m going to preload it before I put it into his Easter basket, so I won’t have to go through all of that fuss. My parents ended up buying him pretty much the same candy I got him. (M&Ms). They also got some big Easter cookies from Bethel Bakery for the kiddos. We’re dying Eggs on Friday night after we have dinner there for Good Friday. I also plan on doing a giant Egg hunt for Emerson on Easter morning. Hopefully the dog doesn’t get to the eggs before he does. I also hope the weather is nice. Winter came back this past weekend. Snow and all. Ugh. That’s about all we have planned for this week. We are off of school and work on Friday, so I was thinking of taking Emerson to the trampoline park in the morning, or something. I think all of those places might be crazy that day because school is closed. Sea base would even be fun, or giggles and smiles. I guess I can decide later what to do that day. If it’s nice out though, we can just go to the park.

I got Emerson’s school pictures back today! They turned out so cute. He always does a really nice job with sitting and smiling for the photographer. I’m glad because he definitely doesn’t do that for me anymore! It’s very rare that I can actually get a good picture of him. Anyway, I was really happy with the way the picture turned out. The kid is a cute. That’s for sure.

Okay, one last thing. I have a date tomorrow. Gah. I feel like I shouldn’t even talk about this until I know how it goes to avoid jinxing it, but whatever. We’re just going to happy hour. I don’t really drink at all, so this should be interesting. I guess I’ll just sip super slowly. My sister is picking Emerson up from daycare for me. This way, I will be home without disrupting bath, and bedtime too much. The good thing is this person has two kiddos, so he completely understands how it is. I will let you guys know how it goes!!

Alright. Lots to do today. Have a great week!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Wtf is this?

Gah. I am in agony. A couple of days ago, my skin on my abdomen and my lower back started to feel sensitive. I can’t really explain it. It feels like sunburn, but there are no visible signs of anything. No rash, marks, etc. it is KILLING me. It hurts so badly. Any clothing that touches it makes me want to scream. This could be a symptom of shingles, however until there is an actual rash, I won’t know. It sucks. I hope I am wrong and it’s nothing, but a fluke. I initially thought I was sore from working out, but it’s my skin that’s hurting so badly. My muscles are a bit sore, but the tenderness on my skin is unreal. I haven’t used any new lotion, shower gel, detergent, etc. I have no explanation at all over what the hell could be wrong, but it hurts so badly. I can’t even drum up and excuse as to what the hell might be going on. I just hope it goes away. I’ll give it a couple more days before making a doctor appointment.

Speaking of appointments, I have one on Tuesday with my gyno. I am FINALLY having my IUD removed. After I had all of those issues in January, they settled down, and I decided to ride it out for a couple more months. Well, I am not feeling any better. I just want this thing out. I was told I can immediately begin taking pills the same day. I know I’ll probably be out of whack for a little while, but I don’t care. I just want this thing out! I cannot wait. My appointment is at 9am. I was told it’s a relatively quick procedure with no side effects. I hope they don’t have problems locating it, then taking it out. I don’t want to start freaking myself out though, so I’ll stop now, but I hope after it’s gone, I feel better. Gah, I just missed a call from the doctor. I hope it was just a friendly appointment reminder. I don’t want them to try to cancel on me, or something!  Okay, it was just an appointment reminder. Whew!

Tonight, we’re having dinner with my parents. It’s also rest day for me too, so no working out. I need a break. Next week, I’m going to meal prep for the entire week. I’m so burnt out from meal prepping every single night. That’s the only gripe I’ve been feeling lately. I have been eating well under what I’m supposed to be consuming daily, but it’s because I’ve been falling asleep without eating snack, or being too busy to eat during the day. I definitely need to work on that for next week. I can’t believe I’m 18 days in though! I began on February 29th. I haven’t cheated at all either. I plan on having a cheat meal after 30 days. It gives me something to look forward to, plus the calorie confusion will be a nice reboot for my body. I am loving it though. I definitely need to up my weights. I plan on doing that for my second month. For right now, I am going to keep with what I have. I’ll add in some more food and heavier weights for the second portion of my program to really kick up my results. I love seeing change! The science behind it intrigues me as well. It’s all really interesting. I won’t bore you with that stuff though.

Last night, I made some chocolate covered Oreos (with green chocolate and sprinkles) to send into daycare today for the kid’s St. Patty’s Party. It wasn’t nearly as creative as I usually am, but I was burnt out and didn’t feel like making anything time consuming. I did put them in an adorable green pale, with tissue paper, and some twine. I dressed it up a little, so it wasn’t completely effortless. Emerson wore a St Patty’s Day shirt too, so he’s ready and festive. I am not wearing any green though. That’s okay. Emerson can represent our family. I just remembered that we’re going to my cousin’s house tonight for her daughter’s 13th birthday. That’ll be fun. Emerson will get to see his cousins. We’ll probably head down right after we eat dinner with the family, which means we’re going to get home later tonight. Tomorrow is Friday though, so even if we’re extra tired in the morning, it’s the weekend. I’m hoping Emerson sleeps later on the weekends because it stays dark longer. Wouldn’t that be nice?! Lately, he’s been waking up between 630am-650am. It really sucks. I’d be happy with 730am.

Alright, I am going to get rolling here. Have a good day, guys!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A little resolution

The director from daycare called me yesterday. She was very surprised when she read my email. She had no idea I had been feeling the way that I was and was quick to work through everything with me. She said that there had been 14 children out with fever last week, therefore anytime a child did have a fever, the staff panicked. That’s why any fever of any grade was immediately sent home. I did tell her that they should begin communicating this with the parents, especially if its widespread. That way, we can all be on alert and not be so caught off-guard if our kiddos are constantly being chucked out the door. She agreed with me. Anyway, she also said that the behavioral specialist wasn’t just there to monitor Emerson, but to take in the center as a whole to help them make some updates. When I went to pick him up yesterday, I noticed a lot of things were moved around. I was also reassured that Emerson had a VERY GOOD day. Now, maybe they are sucking ass a little, but I don’t really care. I just want a sense of normalcy back. She did tell me multiple times on the phone that Emerson is well loved within the center and they absolutely do not want me to seek care elsewhere. I’m sure most of you are reading this thinking she was blowing smoke, but you just had to be there and to hear the tone. She is so much easier to talk to than the assistant director! She is not condescending at all and she actually is relatable. I just never see her. She was there when I picked E up yesterday though, which was nice. I felt she made it a point to be there. The assistant was nowhere in sight. She said their enrollment is the highest it has ever been, so they are still working through reconfiguring where the teachers need to be, and all of that stuff. She mentioned that she gave many suggestions to the girls in Emerson’s room and told them that these kids are two. It’s the nature of that classroom, so they just need to handle it better.  I feel so much better about things. I hope we can just continue down a better path and that things only get better from here.

After daycare, I took Emerson for a much needed haircut. He cried initially when I sat him down on the chair, but perked up right before the cut. He sat so still, and did so well. He’s only had three cuts total, which are usually spaced so far apart. It’s usually hit, or miss. I’m glad this was a hit. Afterwards, I took him to Dairy Queen for ice cream, then over to my parent’s house.  They sent us home with dinner because we got home so late. Emerson ate his mashed potatoes and chicken, then got a bath around 7:35. He fell asleep in the car on the ride home. Little dude was tired. Anyway, after bath and bed, I worked out, made a shake, then sat down on the couch for my shows. I never ate dinner. My stomach started grumbling around 9:30pm, so I made a slice of whole wheat toast with some peanut butter. Not much, but I didn’t want to put something heavy in my belly before bedtime.

I still need to figure out what we’re sending to daycare on Thursday for St. Patrick’s day. He wore a St. Patty’s shirt to school today LOL We’ve been rotating between 3 shirts for the last week. Ha! They probably think he doesn’t own any other clothes. I need to check Pinterest after work to come up with a good idea though. You all know I am a sucker for holidays and themes. He doesn’t have any Easter themed shirts though. I haven’t seen any at Wal-mart either, which is unusual. It sucks because as these kids get older, it seems like they start phasing out the holiday themed shirts. I swear, I hardly see any in the boy section anymore.

I decided to forgo getting Emerson anything else for Easter, but I am going to buy season passes to Sandcastle (waterpark) to stick in his basket. If we go twice, I’ll get my money back. We went last year and he had a ball. It’s nice because it’s something that I enjoy too. I love sitting in the sun by the pool! The other good thing about it is my sister and I can go by ourselves. I can take the day off of work, but send Emerson to daycare. That way, I won’t need to have a sitter to actually go to sandcastle. It’s relatively close to our house too, which is even better.  They do buddy days as well, so when my nephew comes home from California, we can take him for free. It’ll be nice to have somewhere to go every weekend without having to spend money.  My parents have a pool, but Emerson can’t stand up in it. He HATES being in a raft, or being held. He wants to go on his own. This is a nice compromise to that because he can just run and play in the water. The slides are small enough for him too, so I just have to stand at the bottom to catch him, while getting a tan! I’m excited about it. This could potentially always be an Easter gift that we look forward to. I’m all about starting our own traditions. This could be a keeper!

My sister started her nutrition and workout program yesterday. I’m so excited for her. When she did it before, she lost about 15lbs. She ended up falling off the bandwagon due to hardships she was having with her abusive ex-fiancé, but now that she is out of that house and situation and on her own, I know it’ll be much easier for her to stay on track. I know it’s something that she really wants to do. It makes it easier for me to stay on track too by encouraging her.  I just texted her to give her a vote of confidence before she begins her first workout. She is so nervous about it because she knows her body will be sore for a few days. I personally love that pain. It’s a sign of change, but for her, she hates it. She just hadn’t worked out long enough to appreciate it. I know she will get there though! Speaking of being sore, ouch. I am really feeling it today in my back and chest!

Alright, so much to do today, but have a super Tuesday, all!!!!!!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Super annoyed with this shit

So, I spoke with the behavioral therapist after she observed Emerson for two days. She said most of his behavior could be chalked up to the fact that he is two. She said she had a really hard time with this case because of his age and it was hard to decipher if there was an actual issue, or if it was just typical two year old behavior. To me, her observations didn’t provide a definitive enough reason for me to move forward with early intervention. While I appreciate the services that are provided,  I don’t feel that I need to take them away from someone else who might really need them at this time. It is comforting to know that they are in there should something arise. The behavior they have an issue with is ridiculous. They say he is busy and always moving. He is loud at times. He also likes to climb and run. Really? I mean, to me this is not BAD, or concerning behavior. The specialist did make remarks that the center is poorly laid out and when she was there, she had to step in quite a few times to grab kids who were climbing up the bookcases. She said this wasn’t just specific to Emerson. All of the children were doing it. Okay?? So why am I going through all of this? Her and I both agreed that with a little tweaking, the center could alleviate most of the headaches they get daily by constantly correcting the children to stop climbing. She let the center know that I had declined further services.

When I picked Emerson up on Friday, I was met with the most condescending attitude ever! The assistant director was working in the toddler room. When I walked in, I said “Hi” like I usually do. She is usually much cheerier and nicer to me than she was. She had a serious attitude. I saw Emerson who looked like he lost his best friend. I asked him what was wrong, and the assistant director responded with “he has a fever”. Okay? Why are you giving me major attitude over this? On Wednesday, they called me at 4:59pm, which was ten minutes before I usually pick him up. They said he had a fever and couldn’t come back the next day. Obviously, I was  not excited about this. He stayed with my sister on Thursday, while I went to work. I left work early to take him to the pediatrician where I was told he had no fever and he just had a common cold. Fine. I took him to daycare on Friday. He had no fever at drop off, but I guess he started to feel down somewhere during the day. They never called me, or anything. It’s not like I purposely sent him to the center with a fever. I think she was annoyed because I declined early intervention. She is the one that was pushing me into it during parent/teacher conferences. I just feel as though they are constantly sending him home and banning him for the next day due to fevers because they are overwhelmed and don’t want to deal with him. I have been getting this impression A LOT lately. I usually do not say anything at all, but I am really tired of this. Every single day I feel so much stress that they are going to call me to send him home, not allow him back the next day, or just tell me something outlandish. I will tell you this much too. Those other kids are just as wild. I know the teachers are overwhelmed because they tell me. They complain about their lack of wages too. It’s very unprofessional. I realize they probably think they can speak candidly to me, but they really cannot. I know I am very friendly and I speak to them like we are on a friend level, but this is my child. You still have to remain professional and treat me respectfully. They treat me as though they are MY customer. I sent a big email to the director. She is NEVER there. I literally never see her. I see her more at Giant Eagle than I do at the center. I hope she takes what I said seriously. I just need some peace of mind. I am so sick of battling this daily.

Emerson had no fever all weekend, or this morning. He still has a lingering cough, but that’s it. I hope we have no issues this week. I miss the good ol days when they seemed excited to see him at the center. I don’t know anymore. I feel so freaking lost and I don’t even know what to do. The kid isn’t perfect by any means. Yes, he disobeys and tests his limits, but aren’t they supposed to be doing these things?

We did have a nice weekend though. My sister and I set up a St Patrick’s Day brunch. We had a really nice time. Emerson ended up taking a nap for about 2 hours, while we were there, which meant I could hang out and be an adult. We were out most of the day.  On Sunday, I took Emerson to The Children’s Museum. We had such a great time! He was so well behaved too, not that I need to point that out, but he was. He ended up falling asleep in the car on the way home and took a nice nap when we actually got home. Later that day, we went grocery shopping. Moving the clocks ahead royally screwed with me. When it was 7:25pm, it was really only 6:25pm, therefore I knew it would be too early to put him to bed, but I did it anyway. I don’t think he fell asleep for a while. I could hear him in his room. I’m happy to be back to normal time today. It sucks that it’s so much lighter out now when he goes to bed, but I did my best to black his room out, so it doesn’t throw us off too much.

This week, we don’t have much planned at all. I’m okay with that. Hopefully we can get some outside playtime if the rain holds off. Next Wednesday, the Easter Bunny will be at the skating rink to skate with the kids. I want to take Emerson. He really enjoyed going skating before, so I thought that would be a nice idea. On Saturday, there is an Easter Egg hunt that we’re going to. It’s free and near my parent’s house, so we can stop over to visit when we’re done. I already got everything for his basket. I just got a few things. Nothing crazy. A book, some m&ms, a couple of spring outfits. He doesn’t really need much. I might add a couple of small things, but I’m not going crazy. He has so much stuff he barely even plays with now. Why add to the pile?

Today marks my third week into clean eating and working out. The changes I’ve made in this short time are amazing. I feel so much better about myself again. I don’t know why, but I am not having a hard time staying on this clean eating trail either. I haven’t craved anything bad, which is good because that just makes life miserable.  It feels good to be back to it and to be so dedicated. I missed this so much. The program I am doing is a 60 day cycle. I should finish up around May 1st. I’ll be fully summer ready by then, but what worries me is feeling burnt out after these 60 days are up and back sliding before June. I do love living this way, working out, and eating healthy, but I get burnt out too. I plan on doing the 30 day cycle of my program when I’ve finished with this first 60 day round. I’m hoping that I can remain hardcore until June 1st, so that when all of the cookouts, etc roll around, it won’t matter so much if I slack off a bit on the diet portion. I’m going to start running again at least 2 days a week too, so that should keep be where I want to be regardless if I start back sliding with nutrition. I don’t plan on eating like crap, or anything either. I just know how it goes. I am so dedicated for such a long period of time that I need a break. Those breaks are when everything starts going downhill again.  It is fun to see the change happen though. I’m really enjoying it a lot. More than I enjoyed all of the crappy food I ate from November thru February!

Alright, back to the grind. Have a great week, All!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A little juicy blog for you :)

I haven’t written in a week. That’s nuts. So much has happened, yet I’m sure most of it escaped me by now. Work is starting to stabilize. I still feel crazy busy, but I now have moments where I can actually breathe. I’m getting caught up on all of the back log from things that I neglected when we were being crushed. I don’t feel nearly as tired when I go home though, so that’s good. A lot less miserable. That’s a plus!

Emerson is chugging along. He is still his wild, and crazy self, but I am finding that he’s actually listening to me when I correct him. He still does a lot of things that he shouldn’t, but he stops when I correct his behavior. On the flip side, I’ve been praising GOOD behavior The daycare has expressed a change in his behavior as well. Yes, he is still climbing, crazy, defiant, and wild, but when you correct him, he is starting to obey. That’s half the battle. He isn’t driving me as nutty as he usually does either. I can’t tell if it’s because I’m less tired and stressed from work, or if I am adjusting, or he’s behaving better. Maybe a combo of all three. I better knock on wood. I don’t want to jinx myself and have him be a terror after work and daycare tonight.  He is doing very well in his bed. Nap time officially sucks though. He was a bear last weekend. It took me two hours to get the kid down for a nap. I know he’s tired when I try to put him down too. He stayed up late, then woke up early, so I know he was even more tired than usual. He puts up such a fight, but I refuse to give up on nap time.

I went on a date on Saturday night. This was my first REAL date in the last three years. I know, that sounds absolutely insane. Yes, I was seeing someone for a few months, but It wasn’t normal, or right. I blogged about him previously, but it was not going anywhere, so I cut it loose. I should have done it sooner, but you live and learn, right? Anyway, it was really nice to go out. We met for drinks at 7pm. Boy, I am such a night owl! My sister watched Emerson for me. She had watched him the day before when he was sent home from daycare, so I didn’t want to rock the boat and ask for her to babysit late on Saturday night for an extended period. Anyway, I ended up picking Emerson up at 9:45pm. Almost 3 hours out! That’s insane, right?! The date went very well. He was extremely nice, but very shy/quiet. That’s probably just what I need though. I tend to be drawn to loud mouths, which never work out for me. We’ll see how this goes. He did ask me out again, so we’ll see what happens from here. All I know is I am doing it the RIGHT way this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll let someone take me out and get to know me in an old-fashioned sense FIRST before anything ELSE happens. You know what I mean, too. Don’t look at me like that either. I might be a mom, but I’m only 32! Jeez, I haven’t joined the convent. Well, at least not yet. That’s the mistake I made with the last one. I will NEVER do that again. I see how quickly people only focus on THAT and do not care about you, or anything else for that matter. I wasted four months on a person who really didn’t respect me at all.

That situation took up so much of my energy and focus too. I lost sight of a lot of things. Fitness being one of them. I’ve fallen hard off the wagon, but I am two days in! You have to start somewhere, right? I’m just mad that I focused on that and let that situation get the better of me. It really brought me down at times. I know better, so I don’t know why I even continued. I am a big dummy, but I quit! That’s it.  DONE! Okay, enough about that and I don’t’ ever want to speak about this again.

I don’t’ really have much else to report. I hope you guys are all doing well! Miss you!