Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, All!

I don’t have any crazy news about how I rung in the new year. I sat on my couch with the dog and watched “New Years Rockin Eve”, while eating sushi, and sipping some champagne. It was nice though. Having all of this time off for the holidays is great, but DAMN! Being a mom 24/7 without having it broken up by daycare/work is exhausting. Sitting on my couch alone was honestly a real treat. I don’t even care how that comes across either. If you disagree with me, then you’re lying. My kid is also resisting naps now, so I don’t even get the small break that I was used to in the middle of the day to rejuvenate. He still needs a nap though. I can tell by his crazy behavior when he skips. The attitude and the crankiness is UNREAL. Yesterday, around 4pm, I pretty much had it. I put him in his crib, and told him he HAD to take a rest. I don’t know if he even fell asleep. I went up to get him at 5pm. He was laying there with his eyes open. I don’t know if he opened them when I opened the door, or if he just never drifted off. He was 700 times crankier though when I brought him back downstairs for dinner. It was a real delight! Needless to say, coming back to work today feels like an island vacation. Sometimes you just need the normalcy and routine.

Let’s see. What else is going on with me. Well, I started working out and eating better, but then I fell off because of New Years. Today, I am back on the horse. Eating crappy doesn’t even taste good anymore. I feel like utter crap from eating nothing but junk since Thanksgiving. I was doing so well until Friday. My sister was going to babysit for me, so that I could go out, but then plans changed. She decided to still come over to hang out with me, so we ate crappy food, had a couple of drinks, and rented a movie. It was nice, but there went the clean-eating for the weekend. My plans from Friday that were canceled were changed until Saturday. My sister had to work, so my friend (guy I blogged about last week) and I just hung out at my house. I made food, which was NOT healthy at all.  After that, I said screw it. I ate like crap on Sunday. Why waste the healthy groceries when I had already blown it for the week? I did meal prep yesterday though, so I am set up for this week. Now, I just need to stay on course.

This week, we have nothing planned. I don’t even care. I just want to save my pennies. I am planning Emerson’s 2nd birthday party, which is at the end of this month. It’s going to be very small, but cute. I’m doing an entire Mickey Mouse theme. I have it all planned out. The entire party should run me right around $100.00. I’m hoping I over budgeted and it ends up being less. Last year, his cookie monster party turned out so adorably. I can’t wait to see it all come together this year. I am hand making all of the décor again. It’ll give me something to do over the next month. I’ll post pictures.

I’m supposed to have 2 more wisdom teeth removed on Thursday. I AM CANCELING! I need a break. I’m afraid to cancel though because I know they’ll check the one that I just had pulled last week. If I don’t have these two pulled, then I think this appointment will be counted against me and I’ll have to pay something. My insurance isn’t going to cover a follow-up like that unless it’s for something necessary. I feel okay, but you just never know what’s really going on. I have a couple of days to decide what I want to do. I can probably ask if I can go in just to have it looked at real quick. I don’t know if there is food stuck in there, or what. I’d rather have the dentist check just to make sure it’s healing properly. I have no pain, but that doesn’t mean anything. The whole though of a huge, gaping hole in my mouth makes me want to puke. I can barely think about it without becoming squeamish. It’s disgusting, which is mostly why I want to cancel my appointment on Thursday. I am not ready to go through that again so soon, especially before the other side is even healed. It’s just so gross, guys. I can’t even tell ya. I have to stop, or I will literally puke.

Alright, let’s talk about something more interesting. The guy that I have been seeing gives me the worst mixed signals. I can’t tell what the deal is. I definitely don’t want to say anything either because it’s still kind of soon to be wanting, or asking for me. I guess I’d just like to know if it could potentially go in that direction, or is it really just something to pass the time. Obviously I don’t want to waste my time on anyone like that.

I’ll let it go awhile longer before I say anything. He already told me he’s pretty bad with feelings, so I doubt he’d be super open without me prompting first. I am pretty bad at feelings too. I’m so darn guarded because I don’t want to look stupid. Alright, I have to get back to work. Lunch is over. Have a glorious week, all!

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