Thursday, January 7, 2016


This is going to sound crazy, but I made an appointment to have my mirena (iud) removed next Tuesday. For all of you ladies who have one, please chime in. I’m curious to hear if you’ve had some of the same issues that I am having. Men, you can exit now. This might be too much information for you though I’ll try to keep it as discreet as possible.

12 days ago, my cycle started. I do not cycle very often. I had Emerson 01/29/2014. I had the mirena inserted in the beginning of March 2014. It has been almost two years that I’ve had it. I think I had some spotting a few times the first 15-16 months of Emerson’s life. I never had an actual period. It was always just periodic bouts of spotting that would leave faster than it came. I think a few months ago is the first time I actually had a period. It lingered FOREVER. I am talking two weeks. That is just ridiculous. I was absolutely miserable and going out of my mind. Eventually, it stopped. Well, like most things that suck, when they stop, we all sort of just move on from it and forget. Fast forward to 12 days ago. I got my period. I wasn’t that bummed because I knew it would be light. I sort of forgot about the previous one though. After about a week, it wasn’t going away. It was VERY light, but still there. I have cramps, I am irritable, bloated, light-headed, and I actually feel extremely run down. I don’t feel like myself at all.  Last night, it was randomly VERY heavy, which scared me a little bit. I immediately felt faint. I laid on the couch ALL night and actually fell asleep by 9pm. Today, it’s back to being light, but the cramps are there, and the extreme fatigue. I googled a lot last night, and found so many terrifying things about this damn thing. I realize some people have no issues at all, but some do. I just cannot continue like this for the next 3 years. It is a 5 year IUD. I just want to desperately have it taken out. I’m going to revert back to the birth control pills that I was on prior to getting pregnant. I only got pregnant because I was stupid and forgot to take my pills too many days in a row. Obviously, I won’t be that careless this time. I used pills for 5 years and I never had a problem. My ob really pushed the mirena on me. I thought it would be a great method considering you can’t forget to take it. I just cannot take this though. It’s almost like being sick for weeks on end when your period decides to rear its ugly head.

My fear is that she won’t be able to find it to remove it, or she won’t let me remove it. I do not want to be pushed into keeping this thing another minute. I wish my appointment was not, not on Tuesday. I just want it out. I was actually in tears last night over this. Outside of the bleeding, I just feel so weird. I can’t even describe it. I couldn’t even workout last night because I was so fatigued. Again, this doesn’t happen often. I do notice that it seems to be a little worse each time I get a period. I can’t imagine what it’ll be like in 3 years! I just want this thing out of my body.  With my luck though, I’ll be completely normal by Tuesday and talking myself out of this.

The biggest downfall of pills is having to pay for a prescription every month L That was why I loved mirena. I never had to pay! When I had pills before, I was up to about $60 a month! That is unreal.  Factoring in $60 more a month scares me, but it’s necessary. Having another kid would be more expensive though. Keeping this mirena will continue to make me miserable, so I just have to figure this out now. I can’t deal.

Thanks for listening to me rant.


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