Monday, May 2, 2016

Glow Party Success!!

The glow-in-the-dark party on Friday night turned out AMAZING! I am still in shock at how amazing our set up turned out. Before it was even completely dark outside, the entire house was glowing. I thought we didn’t have enough black lights when I was setting up. Boy, was I wrong! I never thought it would glow as much as it did. Our teeth were actually glowing. I’m so glad it turned out well. The kids were so hyped up. They had a blast though and it was very well organized. My sister did a great job preparing everything. I thought I did a pretty good job of setting everything up. We make one heck of a team. Emerson loved it though. He was conked out before I put the key in the front door. I sprayed his hair hot pink too. He looked adorable. Luckily, it washed out pretty easily. I also decorated shirts for us to wear too.  All of the kids decorated shirts when they were there before the parted started. It gave them something to do, while we waited for it to darken a bit outside and for all the guests to arrive.  I put some pics below for you guys to check out!

On Saturday, Emerson and I did nothing all day. It was pretty awesome. We lazed around until it was time to go to my sister’s house for my nephew’s birthday dinner. She made lasagna. It was pretty darn good. We stayed over there for a long time. Emerson ended up sleeping in until about 830am that morning, so he napped until almost 5pm that evening. I let him stay up until about 845pm once we got home from my sister’s house. He ended up sleeping in until about 830am on Sunday morning too. we lazed around most of the day. I made him take an early nap around 1pm. Luckily, he went down without too much trouble, then we went grocery shopping. My entire family went to a baseball game, so we were left to fend for ourselves yesterday. I let Emerson swim in his pool. It was so hot outside in between all of the thunderstorms. He had a great time and swam for a few hours. The dog even jumped in with him. We had pierogi casserole for dinner. It was delicious. That was my farewell meal considering I am back on the grind today. I have 25 days until my 33rd birthday. I refuse to feel like crap turning another year older. Back on the band wagon for me!

I hope we have some better weather this week. I bought Emerson a quad. Let’s not even talk about what a pain it was to build. They shorted me a bolt, so I have to go to the hardware store tonight to get one, so that I can attach the last wheel. I have it all charged and ready to go though. He is so anxious to ride it. He’s been staring at it for three days. Hopefully the rain holds off after work and he can ride for a bit before dinner. We have muffins with mom at daycare on Friday. I’m working from home, so I can participate. This upcoming weekend is mother’s day, which means Emerson and I need to figure out what we’re getting my sister and mom. I am definitely going to make gifts. There is no reason to go over the top. Whatever I make will be nice, but I definitely am not buying some outrageous gifts. Dad is taking us to brunch though. I’m trying to save a couple extra calories every day this week, so that I don’t have to worry so much on Sunday. Let’s hope that pans out in my favor.

Alright, that’s all I have. Have a great week, guys J

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