Wednesday, April 27, 2016

That was short lived

Well, I ended things after 6 whole days. It just wasn’t the right situation for myself, or Emerson. There were some deal breakers that I thought I could look past, but I couldn’t. I think he is a wonderful person and I hope he finds the person who accepts him for who he is and makes him happy. Unfortunately, that isn’t me, but it’s okay. We didn’t end on bad terms, or anything like that and I think we can still maintain a friendship, which is great. I couldn’t ask for a better ending to be honest. It’s still a little sad though. Over the last 6 weeks, I had grown accustomed to talking to someone every day and having them in my life.  I am just appreciative that we were able to discuss everything like adults and without any kind of hostility. Look how much I’ve grown! Honestly though, Emerson is my main concern and every decision I make revolves around him. He’s my main squeeze, so I have to keep an eye out.

In other news, Emerson has been waking up so early this week before I get him out of bed. It is driving me nuts. This morning, I went into his room to wake him like normal at 5:35am. His light was on! He must have woken up, stood up on his bed, and hit the switch. I guess he fell back to sleep at some point. He never cried. He was standing on his bed when I walked in. I don’t get it. I think I might need to rearrange though, so he can’t turn his light on. Yesterday morning, he woke up about 5 minutes before I usually get him up. He was crying though for me to come and let him out of his room. I have a door knob cover on his door, so he can’t escape. I just wonder if I am now putting him to bed too early and he doesn’t need that much sleep. He’s getting about 9.5 hours. I would think that’s under what he really needs. I’ll see how it goes the rest of the week and over the weekend. His fan has been in the window though. Maybe it’s just too cold in the mornings, which makes him wake up. I’ll take the fan out of his window before bed tonight and see how that goes too. Kids!

Last night, I made the signs for my nephew’s Glow-in-the-Dark party. They came out pretty good. Nothing spectacular, but I got the job done. I can’t wait to see it all come together. My sister worked on the Glow-in-the-Dark twister last night. It looks pretty neat. I am working from home on Friday, so that I can shave off time commuting in the afternoon since the party starts at 630. This way, I don’t have to rush after I pick Emerson up from daycare. We can go home, get ready, and let the dog out before we head to the party.  His gift arrived yesterday. I didn’t even have a chance to open up the box yet to see what the mini fridge looks like. I’ll do that tonight.

I don’t have much else to discuss. Outside of Birthday plans this weekend, we don’t have much going on. I think we have a play date on Sunday if it doesn’t rain. 70% chance is being reported now, so that isn’t looking too promising.  We’ll see though. These things change daily it seems. Alright, I hope everyone has a super day! Happy Hump Day!

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