Tuesday, February 2, 2016

It's been awhile

I haven’t written in forever. I’ve honestly been WAY too busy. I don’t even know where I left off, or where to begin. Work has been so exhausting. It always is during this time of the year. So much chaos ensues after open enrollment and the first of the year. It has been go, go, go since January 4th. I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. That, or I’m just used to the way it is now. I feel so beat up though. I am mentally drained by the time I get home every night. We all know it doesn’t stop there. Mommy duties kick in, so by the time I finally get to sit down around 8:30pm, I’m a zombie. Enough about that though.

Emerson had his 2nd birthday this past weekend. It was awesome. I can’t believe he is 2! I know every parent says that and I’ve said it more times than I can count, but it still baffles me that I had a kid. Little Miss “I never want kids”. The thought makes me laugh now. His birthday was wonderful. I started to decorate a week before just so I wasn’t scrambling last minute. I sent Mickey Mouse themed oreo cookie pops to daycare for the kids on Friday (that was the actually date of his birthday). I also blew up a ton of balloons to surprise him when he woke up on Friday morning. It was really cute. On Friday night, we went to dinner with my sister and nephew, then headed over to my parent’s house to sing “Happy Birthday”. On Saturday, we ran a few errands, then hung around at home before his birthday party. It was nice. Small. Perfect. We all had a great time. He got some new clothes, and a tricycle! The weather has been unseasonably warm, so we were able to take him outside to try it out. He hasn’t grasped the concept of pedaling yet, but we’ve got plenty of time to learn that. His 2 year check-up is tomorrow. He hasn’t been to the doctors since he was about 18 months, so I’m anxious to see how he’s grown. He is a big boy, so I can just imagine what his height and weight will be. Developmentally, I feel he’s right on track. Maybe a little ahead of the curve, but nothing crazy. We have parent-teacher conferences on Friday night at daycare, so I’m sure they’ll weigh in on their thoughts about his progression. I had to fill out so much paperwork for it too. I hate self-assessing my own kid, but you won’t know if there is a problem until you start identifying these things. Overall, it feels like a busy week just because of those two things. I went grocery shopping last night, so I got that out of the way. We’re heading to my nephew’s basketball game on Saturday. I do not want to spend any money, so we’re just doing things that are free, or really cheap.

I’m trying to think of anything else that has gone down that might be of interest to you guys. I don’t lead that exciting of a life as you can tell! Working out has been going okay. I’ve been slacking a lot over the last week, but at least my eating is on point. I just can’t ever make up my mind with what direction I want to go in. Building muscle, losing weight, leaning out, bulking. I change my mind almost daily. Right now. I just want to eat clean Monday-Friday, exercise, relax, and really worry about slimming down when it’s closer to swimsuit time. This is the time to enjoy when it doesn’t matter so much. I need to start reminding myself of that. It’s a hard balance for me lately. I’m starting to question if I’ll ever be happy with myself like I was last summer. Things started to unravel once I stopped going to the gym during my lunch break at work. I do work out at home, but not having access to different weights has definitely affected me.

I filed my taxes today. Remember the hell I was in last year? I really hope that does NOT happen to me this year. I have every dollar allocated and I haven’t even gotten the money yet. I hate that money makes the world go round, but what can you do? It’ll be nice to be able to make my car payment with those funds for the remainder of 2016. That’ll ease up a lot on my wallet. Right now, I’m barely squeaking by.

My sister is just about ready to move into her house. It is gorgeous! I’m so happy for her. The bathroom is being remodeled right now, so that’s what’s pushing back her move-in date. It definitely  makes me want to make some upgrades to my house. I can’t believe how pretty it looks. Once its altogether, I’ll post some pictures, so you guys can see. They did a phenomenal job on the place though. The before and after pictures are insane! I’m still so happy and proud of her for leaving her abusive fiancé and starting over so quickly. It isn’t an easy thing to do and most would never have the balls to actually do it. She is a strong lady. I’m proud of her.

Alright, I am going to wrap this up. I hope you all have a fabulous week J

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