Friday, February 5, 2016

So big

Emerson’s 2 year check-up was yesterday. Man, he absolutely snapped out when they weighed him, then took his height. It was unreal. He had blood taken from his finger for lead testing. Talk about drama king! I knew that part would be bad if he was already freaking from the easy stuff. Once he settled down, it was fine. He’s only gained 2lbs within the last 6 months. I was surprised. He feels heavier, and looks so big! His height has skyrocketed though. He’s a growing boy. 91st percentile in weight, but 85th in height. The doctor was happy with his growth/development. No complaints at all. That’s what I like to hear. She said his teeth are absolutely beautiful and commended me on doing a great job brushing them. It isn’t easy, but he’ll thank me when he’s older.

He’s been staying up later too. He used to go to bed around 715-730. Now, he’s up to 745-8pm. On the weekends, I let him stay up a little later because he gets to sleep in. I know that seems so early to most of you, but remember, he gets up at 530am Monday-Friday. Also, letting him stay up later takes away from my evening ME time. It’s a compromise though. I’ve been going to bed early anyway, so I barely stay up to enjoy my couch time as it is.

This weekend, we don’t have much planned. Parent/teacher conferences tomorrow night, then going to see my nephew’s basketball game on Saturday. Outside of that, we’ll grocery shop, then visit my parents. I’m counting my pennies, man. I hate this time of year. I’m always so poor. What kills me is all of the extra expenses. My car registration and car inspection are coming up. Can I please get my damn tax refund NOW?! I keep forgetting that I have a $25 gift card to use, so that’ll help out a bit. We can run up to Wal-mart on Saturday to get some things. I like grocery shopping at Aldis, so we’ll do that for everything else on Sunday.

We have been so spoiled this entire winter. I just looked at the weather. IT looks like the cold and snow are blowing on in over the next couple of days. It doesn’t look like anything too crazy. It’s insane that it has been in the 40s-50s for the past week! I just hope we continue with this mild winter. It’s nice not having to worry about driving!

Alright, guys. I am going to hop off of here. So busy and exhausted. Happy Thursday!

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