Wednesday, April 6, 2016

I'm in big trouble, mister!

So, I met this guy who I think is absolutely awesome, BUT he found my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Google is evil. I started it though by googling him first and calling him out on some things that I saw, so I guess it’s only fair, but please, not my blog! I don’t know that he’ll continue to read it, or even go back and read the hundreds of entries that I’ve posted over the last two years.  I’m not that interesting and mostly what I’ve written is just a repeat from a prior day. I truthfully think interest will be lost once he realizes how boring this is.  I’m glad life isn’t more interesting though. If it were, it would probably be in a bad way. I don’t’ need any more bad luck. I’ve got enough already!

I went to the doctor last week, then had some blood work done. The burning skin, migraines, and fogginess are completely gone. I haven’t gotten any results yet though, so who knows if anything will even show up. I’m sleeping a lot better, so I can’t complain at this point. I feel mostly back to normal too. Maybe it was just a fluke? That, or I’m just crazy. I do have to go back for some more bloodwork on Friday morning, but that’s just to check my cholesterol, thyroid, glucose, etc. All routine, but I have to fast, which sucks. My appointment is at 8am, so it shouldn’t be too bad. I’ll only have to starve for a little while.

The early intervention people called to schedule an appointment with us at home on April 23rd at 10am. The woman said this initial meeting would be to go over documentation, and to sign some paperwork. I’m sure she will be eyeing up Emerson looking for red flags. My dog is absolutely insane though. Seriously, she is certifiable, so I have no idea what the hell we’re going to do with her the entire time this woman is at our house. I guess I can just put her in the yard, but the entire time this woman is there, she’s going to be scratching/barking/freaking out for me to let her in, which is so annoying.  I guess we’ll all just have to deal with it, otherwise I can just leave her in the house, but she will definitely be jumping all over this woman until she finally settles down.

I started running again last week. It isn’t the easiest at all. My pace sucks, I feel heavy, and slow. I hope I can get back into the swing of it. It’s been a long winter. I totally feel unconditioned. I need to get my butt in gear though. I can’t believe it’s already April 6th. I was doing so good for the last month, then fell off a bit. Ugh! I know I have time before summer, but I’m just mad at myself for being a little bit too lax on the working out and diet this past week. It’s so hard to get back into it once you stop.

So, I filled out papers last week for child support. Because my ex doesn’t live in this county, I have to go down there to file in person. I haven’t done anything yet. I haven’t even called to make an appointment. I’m still not sure how I feel about it. I do know that it’s complete crap that I go so easy on this guy and have never made him participate at all. Regardless if you want to be involved in your child’s life, you still have to take some accountability. This has been eating away at me lately. I can’t even fully communicate how I feel about it without becoming enraged, so I’ll just leave it at that for now.

Okay, so this guy. Ugh. I know I never write about this stuff because I am so paranoid someone is going to find it. I know this isn’t exactly the hardest thing to find on the internet either, but even still, I want to keep some things private.  Anyway, we’ve only spent a small amount of time together, but he did meet Emerson and I met his kids. Surprisingly, it went well. I’m not really sure what will happen from here, but it’s nice to have met someone that I feel comfortable with, and genuinely makes me smile and happy. I felt like such a cheeseball typing that. It’s so hard for me to express any kind of feelings, or emotion about someone because I’m very guarded. These things tend to backfire in my face, so getting excited is extremely scary for me. I hope I am wrong this time.  If I’m right, I’m hanging it up for a while. I do have a feeling that I might be wrong though and that frightens me beyond words. You always think you’re ready for these things until they happen. I second guessed myself so many times already and I only just met the guy. Something tells me this one might be worth the risk though.

Alright, I have to do about 100 things before I go run this afternoon. Happy Hump day, guys! <3

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