Wednesday, September 21, 2016

I'm still here!

I have not written in forever. Sorry! I’ve been so busy that the time has gotten away from me. We’ve done a lot over the last few weeks.  We went to a pretty cool park and an indoor swimming facility on Monday when we were off for the day. We went to the amusement park over the weekend with my sister and nephew. We also celebrated my sister’s birthday and attended a bon-fire at her house on Saturday night. Additionally, my sister and I had massages to celebrate her birthday as a gift from me on Friday. I took a half day, so we could hang out without the kiddos.  We’ve been so busy! Em and I also had a little fire in our yard on Sunday night. It was adorable. I cleaned out his pool, then filled it up with a ton of soft blankets, so we could hang out. I also bought a ton of glow sticks and ingredients for smores. Adorable! Outside of that, we’ve just been playing at home in the yard a lot.


Soccer is going just okay. We’ve had two sessions so far and Em’s focus just isn’t there. We’re signed up for Saturday mornings, but I changed our schedule over to Wednesday nights at 5. I’m hoping after being at daycare all day, he has less energy when soccer starts. He is so crazy, unfocused, and energetic on Saturday mornings. I’m hoping this is the fix we need. We ended up leaving early on Saturday morning. He was just so rambunctious and disruptive.  Can everyone say a prayer that this schedule adjustment is what he needs. I have high hopes for soccer and I like that he’s involved. I suppose that we can try some other activities too if this doesn’t pan out. The good news is his preschool/daycare has a soccer program, so when he transitions to preschool in the spring, we can enroll him in the soccer program too. It’s a 2fer!


He has been extra difficult for me lately. Not listening at all, and extremely testing my patience. I’m hoping this is just a phase. It’s driving me bonkers. I’m trying to just roll with it, correct him, and set reasonable boundaries with consequences when he misbehaves, but that’s all easier said than done. My sanity has been at stake for the past few weeks. He was good last night though with very little issue, so that was nice for a change. This stage is certainly a tricky one though!


How is mom? I’m good. Nothing crazy to report, which is how I like it. Trying to plan financially for all of these upcoming holidays is enough to drive me batty. Being able to do activities, have costumes, presents, etc is insane. We’re doing a ton of free stuff which is nice, but even still, there are some activities that cost money that I want us to be able to do as well. Em still needs a Halloween costume too. He’s going to be a minion because he’s obsessed with Despicable Me, and he is also going to be a lumberjack. We already have a plaid shirt and jeans for that. We just need boots, hat, axe, and some face paint for a beard. Pretty simple. We’re doing trick or treating on Halloween, at the zoo, the Halloween parade, and once at the mall, so having two costumes will help switch it up some.  I’m sure I can find a third one for $5 at Once upon a child to mix it up even more. There are so many October events coming up! I’m excited. We’re playing it cool these next couple of weeks though. I want to save as much money as possible.


Other than that, we’re just chugging along. I’m having a little fall get together in a few weeks. We’re doing some pumpkin decorating, having a fire, smores, walking tacos, and some games. It’ll be cute and I’m excited about it! Em has his very first dentist appointment on October 4TH. I’m taking him and my nephew at the same time, so I’m hoping that’ll ease his mind a bit and make it go smoother. At least that is my hope. I’ll let you all know how that goes. I hope we get a good report. I am pretty diligent about brushing his teeth. He doesn’t always let me do a really good job, but I get it done.


Alright, all. have a super, happy Wednesday!


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