Tuesday, September 13, 2016

It's been awhile

haven’t updated in so long. I’ve just been super busy and haven’t had a chance. We are doing well. This past weekend was the first weekend with all of the pools and the waterpark closed for the season. We barely did anything at all. Emerson had his first day of soccer, which I’ll talk about later, we visited my parents, and played in the backyard, but that was about it. It was a pretty lazy and chill weekend. Sometimes, it’s good to throw those in here and there even if it was boring.

Soccer went well on Saturday. Em did run down field a few times and was a bit rowdy in between drills, but he did well overall. He did all of the drills with no issue when his coach instructed the group, so I was proud of him for that. I just wish he had  a bit more focus. I’m hoping that happens over time. Being the only parent who had to chase their kid was embarrassing though. He looks super cute in his soccer uniform. We’ll see how things progress. It is pretty cool though and I’m excited that he’s involved in a team sport.

This week, I have a half day on Friday. My sister and I are getting massages for her birthday. Afterward, I’m going to take some toys over to once upon a child to see what I can get for them. I’ve been selling some of Em’s toys here and there to save up for Christmas. I do have some other things that need to go and it’ll be easier for me to just take them all at once to once upon a child and sell in bulk. On Saturday, we’re going to the amusement park for my sister’s work picnic. Hopefully it doesn’t rain. I’m super excited though! On Saturday night, she’s having a little party and fire at her house. Emerson and I will go for a bit. There are going to be other kids there too, so that should hold his interest enough. Sunday, I don’t think we have any plans at all. Her actual birthday is on Monday, so I’m sure we’ll do a birthday dinner then for her. It’ll be a fun weekend. Emerson had some crusty crap in his eye this morning, a cough, and runny nose. I definitely think he’s getting a cold. I just hope he’s okay because he’s going to daycare on Friday. I don’t want my sister’s birthday gift to be ruined. Say a major prayer, okay?!

My new job is bananas. I’m so busy all of the time and trying to learn everything. It’s definitely been a challenge, but I am enjoying it. I just wish that I knew everything already. I’m used to being the guru. It’s hard being low man on the totem pole. Let’s hope I can catch on quickly.  So far, I am, but it isn’t going as fast as I had hoped.  Alright, back to the grind. Have a good week!

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