Thursday, March 17, 2016

Wtf is this?

Gah. I am in agony. A couple of days ago, my skin on my abdomen and my lower back started to feel sensitive. I can’t really explain it. It feels like sunburn, but there are no visible signs of anything. No rash, marks, etc. it is KILLING me. It hurts so badly. Any clothing that touches it makes me want to scream. This could be a symptom of shingles, however until there is an actual rash, I won’t know. It sucks. I hope I am wrong and it’s nothing, but a fluke. I initially thought I was sore from working out, but it’s my skin that’s hurting so badly. My muscles are a bit sore, but the tenderness on my skin is unreal. I haven’t used any new lotion, shower gel, detergent, etc. I have no explanation at all over what the hell could be wrong, but it hurts so badly. I can’t even drum up and excuse as to what the hell might be going on. I just hope it goes away. I’ll give it a couple more days before making a doctor appointment.

Speaking of appointments, I have one on Tuesday with my gyno. I am FINALLY having my IUD removed. After I had all of those issues in January, they settled down, and I decided to ride it out for a couple more months. Well, I am not feeling any better. I just want this thing out. I was told I can immediately begin taking pills the same day. I know I’ll probably be out of whack for a little while, but I don’t care. I just want this thing out! I cannot wait. My appointment is at 9am. I was told it’s a relatively quick procedure with no side effects. I hope they don’t have problems locating it, then taking it out. I don’t want to start freaking myself out though, so I’ll stop now, but I hope after it’s gone, I feel better. Gah, I just missed a call from the doctor. I hope it was just a friendly appointment reminder. I don’t want them to try to cancel on me, or something!  Okay, it was just an appointment reminder. Whew!

Tonight, we’re having dinner with my parents. It’s also rest day for me too, so no working out. I need a break. Next week, I’m going to meal prep for the entire week. I’m so burnt out from meal prepping every single night. That’s the only gripe I’ve been feeling lately. I have been eating well under what I’m supposed to be consuming daily, but it’s because I’ve been falling asleep without eating snack, or being too busy to eat during the day. I definitely need to work on that for next week. I can’t believe I’m 18 days in though! I began on February 29th. I haven’t cheated at all either. I plan on having a cheat meal after 30 days. It gives me something to look forward to, plus the calorie confusion will be a nice reboot for my body. I am loving it though. I definitely need to up my weights. I plan on doing that for my second month. For right now, I am going to keep with what I have. I’ll add in some more food and heavier weights for the second portion of my program to really kick up my results. I love seeing change! The science behind it intrigues me as well. It’s all really interesting. I won’t bore you with that stuff though.

Last night, I made some chocolate covered Oreos (with green chocolate and sprinkles) to send into daycare today for the kid’s St. Patty’s Party. It wasn’t nearly as creative as I usually am, but I was burnt out and didn’t feel like making anything time consuming. I did put them in an adorable green pale, with tissue paper, and some twine. I dressed it up a little, so it wasn’t completely effortless. Emerson wore a St Patty’s Day shirt too, so he’s ready and festive. I am not wearing any green though. That’s okay. Emerson can represent our family. I just remembered that we’re going to my cousin’s house tonight for her daughter’s 13th birthday. That’ll be fun. Emerson will get to see his cousins. We’ll probably head down right after we eat dinner with the family, which means we’re going to get home later tonight. Tomorrow is Friday though, so even if we’re extra tired in the morning, it’s the weekend. I’m hoping Emerson sleeps later on the weekends because it stays dark longer. Wouldn’t that be nice?! Lately, he’s been waking up between 630am-650am. It really sucks. I’d be happy with 730am.

Alright, I am going to get rolling here. Have a good day, guys!

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