Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A little juicy blog for you :)

I haven’t written in a week. That’s nuts. So much has happened, yet I’m sure most of it escaped me by now. Work is starting to stabilize. I still feel crazy busy, but I now have moments where I can actually breathe. I’m getting caught up on all of the back log from things that I neglected when we were being crushed. I don’t feel nearly as tired when I go home though, so that’s good. A lot less miserable. That’s a plus!

Emerson is chugging along. He is still his wild, and crazy self, but I am finding that he’s actually listening to me when I correct him. He still does a lot of things that he shouldn’t, but he stops when I correct his behavior. On the flip side, I’ve been praising GOOD behavior The daycare has expressed a change in his behavior as well. Yes, he is still climbing, crazy, defiant, and wild, but when you correct him, he is starting to obey. That’s half the battle. He isn’t driving me as nutty as he usually does either. I can’t tell if it’s because I’m less tired and stressed from work, or if I am adjusting, or he’s behaving better. Maybe a combo of all three. I better knock on wood. I don’t want to jinx myself and have him be a terror after work and daycare tonight.  He is doing very well in his bed. Nap time officially sucks though. He was a bear last weekend. It took me two hours to get the kid down for a nap. I know he’s tired when I try to put him down too. He stayed up late, then woke up early, so I know he was even more tired than usual. He puts up such a fight, but I refuse to give up on nap time.

I went on a date on Saturday night. This was my first REAL date in the last three years. I know, that sounds absolutely insane. Yes, I was seeing someone for a few months, but It wasn’t normal, or right. I blogged about him previously, but it was not going anywhere, so I cut it loose. I should have done it sooner, but you live and learn, right? Anyway, it was really nice to go out. We met for drinks at 7pm. Boy, I am such a night owl! My sister watched Emerson for me. She had watched him the day before when he was sent home from daycare, so I didn’t want to rock the boat and ask for her to babysit late on Saturday night for an extended period. Anyway, I ended up picking Emerson up at 9:45pm. Almost 3 hours out! That’s insane, right?! The date went very well. He was extremely nice, but very shy/quiet. That’s probably just what I need though. I tend to be drawn to loud mouths, which never work out for me. We’ll see how this goes. He did ask me out again, so we’ll see what happens from here. All I know is I am doing it the RIGHT way this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll let someone take me out and get to know me in an old-fashioned sense FIRST before anything ELSE happens. You know what I mean, too. Don’t look at me like that either. I might be a mom, but I’m only 32! Jeez, I haven’t joined the convent. Well, at least not yet. That’s the mistake I made with the last one. I will NEVER do that again. I see how quickly people only focus on THAT and do not care about you, or anything else for that matter. I wasted four months on a person who really didn’t respect me at all.

That situation took up so much of my energy and focus too. I lost sight of a lot of things. Fitness being one of them. I’ve fallen hard off the wagon, but I am two days in! You have to start somewhere, right? I’m just mad that I focused on that and let that situation get the better of me. It really brought me down at times. I know better, so I don’t know why I even continued. I am a big dummy, but I quit! That’s it.  DONE! Okay, enough about that and I don’t’ ever want to speak about this again.

I don’t’ really have much else to report. I hope you guys are all doing well! Miss you!

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