Thursday, June 9, 2016

I wrote this 2 days ago...whoops

We had a really cool weekend even though a lot of things did NOT pan out the way I had planned. I guess I need to start making back up plans just in case something goes awry. Anyway, on Friday, we didn’t do anything. Obviously, I worked and Emerson had daycare, but afterwards, we just went home. We did the usual. Dinner, bath, bed. The lawn company came to cut our grass though, which was perfect timing for the weekend.  Anyway, on Saturday, we had planned to go to Strawberry Fest. We got up, ate breakfast, and got completely ready. We headed out around 10:30am. When we got closer to the farm, there was a major detour because the road we needed to take was closed. The road borders a river and a big hillside, so it wasn’t like I could just hang a right/left to go around. We ended up having to turn all the way around. The detour led us nowhere. We hit more closed roads. I have no idea what the heck was going on in that part of town. After 45 minutes of frustration, I decided to just GPS us back home. Emerson was snoozing in the back, so he was none the wiser. I was so disappointed though. We were meeting friends out there.

After the disappointment passed, we had a nice long drive home for me to rethink our entire day. It was pretty early still and the weather was gorgeous. I decided to stop past the dollar store to grab some items to have a barbeque, and some yard toys. I got Emerson some squirt guns, bubbles, and a couple of pool toys. I figured we’d save money from not going to the festival, but we’d still have a fun day in the yard. My sister ended up coming over for our cookout. We had such a good time. I think in total we were in the yard for about 5 hours. Emerson had a bit of sunburn too. I felt bad about that. I made him wear a shirt and sunblock for the rest of the weekend.

On Sunday, the weather was looking bad. There was an 80% chance of storms, so we decided to take a family trip with my parents, sister, and nephew up to the Sarris Candy Factory and Ice Cream Parlour. That place was cool! They had an entire castle made of chocolate. The whole store was set up so adorably. The ice cream was delicious! We all had such a great time and it was nice to be together doing something different as a family. Dad paid for all of our stuff too, which I thought was extremely nice. Afterwards, we went to the park, so the kids could play for a bit. I was pretty exhausted by the time we got home.

That night, Emerson awoke around 230am. I think he had a bad dream because he was FREAKING out. It was unreal. I put him in bed with me, which meant I got NO sleep. I ended up getting so sick around 5am anyway. I have no idea what was going on, but my stomach was like that ALL day. Em and I were off on Monday, so being sick and sleepy didn’t really matter, but I didn’t want that to ruin our day. We planned a trip to the Spray Park with my mom. When we got up there, we saw nothing but dead cicadas littering the entire park. It was absolutely disgusting. The kids were playing in them. There weren’t like 5 or 10 random bugs either. There were literally hundreds of them dead all over the ground. We turned around, walked back to the car, and ended up swimming at my parent’s house. Puke. Hopefully these things are all gone within the next month. At that point, we’ll make a trip back up.

This week, we have nothing planned, which is a good thing because my wallet is crying. We have a graduation party to head to on Saturday. Other than that, our weekend is pretty clear. We’ll play in the yard, hit the park, and visit my parents. That’s about it. I’m saving our pennies for Father’s Day. We’re supposed to head to the lake that day with our family. I am hoping the place isn’t littered by Cicadas! I fear that now. I have some friends who went up already, so I’ll ask around before we decide. We’ll be making alternate plans if that’s the case!

I don’t have much else going on. I’m just trying to make it through the summer and trying to manage money as best as I can, so that Emerson gets some fun experiences. It’s not the easiest, but I am working on it. I don’t have much else to report. I’m still working out, though I assume that’s just a given to anyone wondering about my life at this point. I don’t have any real goals right now either. I’m not killing myself on diet, but I still watch very closely. 80/20 right now.

Alright, I hope you all have a great week

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