Tuesday, June 14, 2016

This is two days old lol

Well, this weekend was actually great! On Friday, we didn’t do anything. Our same routine. Work, daycare, then we came home and had dinner. I let Emerson stay up later than usual too. It was nice because he slept in until 730am on Saturday morning. I made us a big breakfast. We had blueberry white chocolate chip pancakes and eggs. It was so yummy. Emerson ate every bite. Afterwards, I took him to Great Clips for a much needed haircut. They have a sale right now for $6.99 for haircuts, so I thought I better snag the deal up now while it lasts. He was so squirmy. I had to hold him down. It was funny because he kept putting his hands on top of his head covering his hair. He looks so cute now. I’m glad we got that done.

After Em’s haircut, we went back home to swim for a few hours. It was so hot out. I think the temperature reached right around 92 degrees. Em had a blast though. He ended up taking a late nap around 1:45pm. The graduation party we had to go to started at 2. We didn’t make it until about 4pm. I waited until Em was done napping first. It was so much fun seeing my family. We stayed for about 2 hours. Emerson had a ball running around with the kids. Afterwards, we went to Walmart for diapers, then home to eat pizza and watch a movie before bath and bed.

Sunday, Emerson slept until 730am again. It was nice. We had cinnamon roll pancakes, turkey bacon, and eggs for breakfast. After breakfast, we went grocery shopping, then finished picking up ingredients for our Sundae Sunday party. We invited some friends over and my sister/nephew to make ice cream sundaes and swim in Emerson’s pool and splash pad. It was such an awesome day! The kids had a blast. I got so much sun too. Emerson has a slight sunburn despite the pounds of sunscreen I plastered on him randomly throughout the day. He is so fair skinned. It is already starting to tan up a bit, so hopefully that’ll lessen as the summer progresses. After everyone went home, we stopped to visit my parents after dropping my sister off. Her car is officially dead, so she has to get a new one. In the meantime, we are all playing car shuffle. Emerson took a late nap until about 5:30pm when we got home. I was able to get my meal prep done and make dinner (spaghetti, meatballs, and garlic bread). We hung out in the ac the rest of the night.

Emerson randomly woke up again around 230am. He broke the doorknob cover off of his bedroom door, ran down the steps, kicked the gate over, then flew into the living room crying. I fell asleep on the couch, so I don’t know if he went looking for me in my bedroom first, or what, but he was in such a panic. It scared the crap out of me! I tried putting him to bed with me, but that was a bust. After I laid him down in his bed, he fell right back a sleep. Poor guy. I hope he isn’t too tired today.

I am working 10 hour days this entire week because someone is on vacation and I have to cover their work. They run a help desk that is open until 5pm, so I need to be here until that time in case any clients call. It’ll be nice to log some overtime. Emerson and I will be able to add in a few extra adventures onto our summer bucket list. I want to take him up to jellystone park for the day. It’s $15/person and I believe he is free, so it wouldn’t be overly expensive. You can’t bring outside food though, so we’d have to purchase there, which I am sure is expensive. Overtime will definitely take care of that.

This weekend, it’s father’s day. Emerson and I bought my dad silicone grill mats and some new grill tools (tongs, spatula, etc). I also want to print out a picture of my dad, Emerson, and my nephew that we took last weekend to have framed. We’re going to the lake on Sunday with a picnic to celebrate. I pray the weather is nice and it isn’t ruined. I’m really excited to go. On Saturday, we’re going to swim at my parent’s house and just play it low-key to save our money. Nothing wrong with that. It was nice hanging out at home this weekend. We made the best of it and had a really good time.

My sister and I decided to get Sandcastle passes though for the remainder of the summer. Emerson and I had planned on going twice, so me getting a pass would actually be cheaper. $50 vs $64. That way, we can go many times. I can probably swap out some other things we had on our list and just replace with Sandcastle days.  I’m excited. It’ll be nice to have something to do when we’re trying to save money. We can pack our own lunch, which is one of the best parts.

Alright, I guess I am going to go now. I hope everyone has a great week

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