Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Our weekend

This weekend was nice. I was off on Friday. Emerson and I lounged around pretty much all day until it was time to head downtown for Light up night. My sister and nephew came with us. We opted out of taking the stroller, which ended up wreaking havoc on me. Emerson wanted to be held more than I had expected. We parked about 15 minutes away from town, so we had to walk in and out. He walked for the most part, but there were times that he wanted held. The crowd was pretty thick once we got into town, so I did opt to hold him through those heavy periods, but he did pretty well. I was exhausted by the time we got home. It was really pretty and worth it though. I think the kids had a great time. I know my sister and I did.


On Saturday, we did nothing outside of visiting my parents. My mom and aunt were baking, so Em picked up a rolling pin and tried to help. It was pretty cute. We stayed there for a few hours before heading home to watch Arthur Christmas. Em wasn’t really into it. He missed most of the movie, but I enjoyed what I saw. I rented Bad Moms for myself after Em was in bed. It was awesome. There were a lot of laugh out loud moments. I was not disappointed.


Sunday, there was a little bit of snow on the ground, so we suited up and went out to play. Em loved it! I don’t mind snow as long as it doesn’t get in the way of my driving. We were lucky that there was just enough to coat the grass. I can live with that. Anyway, after that, we lounged around all day until it was time to bundle up for the Waterfront’s light up night. My best friend is in from Arizona, so we got to see her and her son. My sister and nephew came along with my other best friend, and a slew of other people. The kids had a great time! Em was not impressed by Santa though. He gave him the real stink eye.


This week, we are off on Thursday and Friday. We have a play date scheduled on Wednesday night with my best friend and her son. I’m so excited. we didn’t really get to talk last night at all, so it’ll be nice to actually get to sit down inside where it’s warm! It was so cold out last night. Anyway, we can’t wait to see them! Thursday, we’re just heading to my parent’s for dinner later in the day. Friday, we plan on going to Kennywood for the festival of lights, then Friendsgiving is on Saturday! I’ve worked so hard on my décor for Friendsgiving. It all came out so beautifully. I can’t wait to set it all up! Sunday, we don’t have anything planned. I imagine we’ll be pretty tuckered out from the holiday, so hanging at home will be nice.


I’m so poor this week. I have 41 cents. No joke, 41 cents. I won’t complain because we do have what we need, but it is kinda depressing. I get paid on Friday, so that’s a good thing, but I swear, money just goes too quickly. To occupy myself this week, I’m going to work on spray painting our green Christmas tree white. I want to decorate in all gold, black, and white. The good thing is I can reuse all of the décor I made for Friendsgiving in my livingroom for Christmas. For the tree, I just need to get some clear bulbs to decorate, ribbon, craft paper, and a couple of frames. I should be able to do it relatively cheap. I also plan on spray painting all of the bulbs that we currently have and just redecorating them to match our theme. I’m so cheap, but it really comes in handy! Why buy new stuff, when I can redo, then reuse what we have? I have a tiny white tree that I’d love to decorate for Emerson. I want to decorate letters for his name to put all over the tree. That would be so cute. We lost a leg to the stand though, so it’s pretty wobbly. I’m hoping once I dig through more of the Christmas décor, I’ll find it. Anyway, I’m excited to decorate for Christmas. I think it’ll look so nice!


For Christmas, we’re all pitching in to get my dad a snow blower. I’m hoping it goes on sale for cyber Monday, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see. I found some really awesome ones at a reasonable price with great reviews, so even if it doesn’t, we should still be alright. Let’s just hope everyone has their money ready for the 28th when I want to order it!


That’s about all I have for now. Have a super holiday, all!


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