Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Trick or treat

Halloween was amazing! I ended up working from home yesterday, so that I could attend Emerson’s class party and parade. I arrived at his school around 9:25am. I was just in time for story. I sat down with the kiddos as their teacher read a Halloween book. Yes,the kids were rowdy and only half paying attention, but I tried to corral them as best I could. After story, I played with the kids for a bit, then we did an activity with Halloween stickers. It was pretty cute. Em liked having his mom there. After that, I helped his teachers prepare the masks for the parade, while the kids played. During that time, Em’s speech therapist showed up. She is awesome! I had no idea that Emerson knew sign language. They were signing, while working together. It was pretty cool. Anyway, we got the kids lined up for the parade, and they walked through every class of the school. It was pretty cute. Afterwards, I stick around for snack and observed his speech therapy. I was impressed. Em cried so hard when I left. I didn’t like that part, but his speech therapist was there to distract him, so that I could make it out the door.


After about two hours of being there, I went back home to finish working. I was done at 3pm because I needed to grocery shop before I picked Em up. I hurried through shopping and found that I spent about $40 less than my budget. What?! I need to triple check my list to make sure I got everything. Aldis is so cheap, so I’m not too surprised, but I’ve been shopping at Walmart and forgot about how awesome Aldis is!


After grocery shopping, I picked Emerson up. We headed home, so that I could give Emerson his treat bag that I made. I got him a Halloween Minions coloring book, some creepy crawly bugs, stickers, and a glow stick pumpkin. He loved it! We hung out for a bit, then I got him all dressed in his fire fighter costume. He trick-or-treated both of our neighbor’s houses who really adore him, then hopped into the car to head to my parent’s neighborhood. We met up with my sister and nephew, plus our best friend and her two kiddos.


Guys, IT WAS AWESOME! Emerson did wonderfully! He walked, said trick-or-treat, etc. He knew exactly what to do this year. His first two trick-or-treats weren’t this exciting. His first year, I just took him to a few houses. Last year, he was in the stroller. This year, he was on foot! He had such a good time. The houses were all decorated too. He was even spooked at one point when a guy jumped out of a coffin! It was hilarious! I caught the entire thing on video. He was such a great sport about it too. We walked around for 1.5 hours, which was much longer than I had anticipated. We only stopped because mom got tired. I had to carry Em here and there, but nothing crazy. I mostly carried him when we were lagging behind from the group, not because he made me. Afterwards, we headed back to my parents for a mini party. Our family comes over, we have food, drinks, and we all just hang out in costume. It was so much fun!  We had a really great time. It’s so odd that it’s over!


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