Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Mommy's going away!

I saw my parents over the weekend. It was the first time in two weeks since my mom had her meltdown. Of course, she still has yet to apologize to me. It was quite strange being over there, especially because she started with her petty bs again. I just can’t take it. We are going away with them next weekend to a cabin. I really hope it doesn’t suck because of her attitude. My dad texted me last night to thank me for coming over, then telling me he is happy I changed my mind about going away with them. My sister and nephew are going too, so they’ll be there as a buffer. I just cannot take the attitude from my mom. I did nothing wrong AT ALL.  That chick is whack!

Okay, onto other things. I took Em to the docs on Friday. Everything was clear. Thank God. He did puke in his crib last night though, but I think he was just overly full from too much junk yesterday. He seemed fine this morning. I’m hoping that was just a fluke. I was pretty appalled when I woke him this morning and saw puke everywhere. He never even cried last night. I had to clean him up this morning before daycare. I drove in today just in case I end up getting a call to leave. I hope that doesn’t happen though. 

Yesterday, we went to the Waterfront with my sister to get frozen yogurt, then shopping. It was a gorgeous day. We had a nice time. We had a lot of yard play this weekend in Em’s pool and water table. It was so hot out. I definitely got some nice, which I desperately needed. Outside of that, we didn’t do much. We ran some errands on Saturday, but pretty much hung out at home. I’ll be preparing for the cabin this week. I need to get all of our stuff together and packed. I am so worried that Em won’t sleep when we’re there. I know I shouldn’t stress that much about it, but we have a pretty solid routine. I’m so afraid that he won’t follow it because we’ll be in a new place. I’m even more afraid that I’ll rock the boat so much, that he won’t sleep when we return home. I’m hoping he’s so burnt out from having a good time that he just conks out when I lay him down for bedtime. The place we’re going to looks really nice. I just want to make sure I bring everything that we need. My friend is going to watch my dog for me. I’m so glad. He’s going to stop over on Friday night, then three times on Saturday for me.  We’re coming home on Sunday morning, so Kodie should be fine.

It will be nice to get away and to try to relax…Well, as much as I can with my mother around. My sister and I are going to try to go for a run at some point too. She is really intrigued over trying to run now that I’m getting into it. I did 4 miles this morning in 24 minutes! Crazy! She really wants to try, but I think she’s afraid, so doing it with her would be nice. I think I’ll be able to push her outside of her comfort zone. She is doing amazing on the 21 day fix program. She looks so much slimmer! I’m so proud of her and I can tell she feels so much better about herself too. It’s so cool to see the transformation. I can’t wait to see where she is after her second round of the 21 day fix!!

Alright, guys. I have a ton to do today. Have a great week J

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