Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Mummy's having a rough day

I honestly don’t even know where to begin, man. These past few days have been so freaking crazy. I’ll try to make this quick…

I took Emerson to the doc’s on Friday for an ear infection. Turns out, he has a double one, which sucks ass. They put him on  amoxicillin twice a day. I was a little shocked because the doctor told me that she was calling in Augmentin because Emerson seems to still be battling the same ear infection from a month ago. Needless to say, I was annoyed when I got the pharmacy and realized what we were given. I began giving him the amoxicillin immediately and curbing the pain between Tylenol and Motrin.  He seemed okay outside of constantly sticking his fingers and everything under the sun into his ears.

On Saturday, I attended a wedding, while my sister babysat. She came to stay at my house with my  nephew to make it easier on me. She had no issues with him all day. He went to bed at 7pm for her. When I got home, he was sound asleep. I had no worries and thought that he was getting better. Sunday, we went to the park, to get ice cream, and to visit my parents. Again, he seemed fine. He continued to stick his fingers in his ears, but no signs of pain and definitely no fever. On Monday, I was off of work because daycare was closed. We had a nice day. We went to the park with my best friend and her son, then ran errands. Nothing too crazy. Again, Em seemed fine….

This morning, he felt a little warm when he woke up. I gave him all of his meds and sent him to daycare. I had to work in town. There was no way around it. Around 930am, I received a call from the daycare letting me know that Emerson struck a fever of 103 and immediately needed to go home. Of course, I was in a panic. What the fuck? I was in town and my bus doesn’t start running until 315pm. Luckily, my mom switched her work schedule and is now off on Tuesdays. I called her and she immediately went to pick Emerson up. THANK GOD. I still needed to leave work early, so that I could take him to the doctors. 103 fevers are not anything to fuck around with. I didn’t want it to get out of control causing more issues. I was desperate and posted on my Facebook page that I could REALLY use a ride from downtown to the park n ride where my car was. My prayers were answered when my old roommate responded. She’s in sales, so she’s on the road all day going to and from clients. I got lucky. She was in between meetings and able to pick me up! I cannot thank her enough for her kindness and generosity. Knowing that I am friends with such gracious people who will drop anything to help just makes me well up with tears.

After she dropped me at my car, I raced to my parent’s house. Em was eating lunch, but looked like absolute hell and was burning the fuck up. My mom gave him some Motrin, but it didn’t seem to be working. We all piled into my car and headed to the docs. When we got there, they took his temp, which was nearing 104 degrees. They gave him some Tylenol to curb the fever. They also prescribed the fucking Augmentin, which they should have just done the first time. I was crazy annoyed! Two damn co pays in a five day period and now  more prescriptions! The Augmentin is quite harsh on the tummy, so they had to prescribe a corresponding probiotic too, WHICH WAS NOT CHEAP! Gah. I know, Emerson’s health is more important than dollar signs, but JEEZ. Buying additional Motrin and Tylenol nearly took me broke too. That shit is NOT cheap.

When Em and I got home, he took a pretty long nap. He was beat. So was I, but I was just so stressed from the day that I decided to do some yoga. It helped. I felt really relaxed afterwards, which was necessary. After he woke up, he was freaking the hell out. He refused any pain meds, but was burning up AGAIN. I finally convinced him by allowing him to admin the meds himself. Yeah, that went over like a fart in church. He did consume what he needed to and the fever decreased. He ate dinner and even had a poopy diaper, so things are still moving in there. After bath, he went right to bed. I’m glad. I am absolutely exhausted. I had to log in to work for two hours to catch up on some stuff missed from leaving early and being out yesterday. I’m out tomorrow, so I needed to provide instructions to the crew to keep myself afloat until I return hopefully on Thursday. What a freaking nightmare though. I seriously hope this round of meds kills this damn ear infection. I feel so bad for Emerson!

The reality that I am truly a single parent hit home EXTRA hard today. I do not mind being a single parent. Being honest, I think I do one hell of a job by myself with minimal complaints. I do what I need to do and that’s that. I love Emerson and I love being a mom, but not having a second person to take the burden of leaving work early and having to take the day off BLOWS! It makes me so freaking sad that I can’t take days off in a row because I NEED to save all of my days when shit hits the fan. On top of that, I can’t risk taking MANY days off I a row because if Em gets sick the day I’m supposed to come back, it just looks bad. This week is a prime example. I took off Monday (ONE DAY) and had to leave early on Tuesday, then take off Wednesday. Yes, I have an understanding boss, but understanding only goes so far. I feel for these single parents who can’t even call off, or have no vaca/personal time to still be paid when off. It royally sucks literally being ALONE in these cases. No one else is going to miss work for me. I have to do it EVERY time. It makes me sick. Yes, Emerson is worth more than anything, BUT I NEED TO HAVE MY JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We cannot survive without that. Now, I’m pretty much missing THREE days in a row! That is just absurd! These are the times when being a single parent is hardest. On top of that, being alone in a house with a kid that is spiking high fevers. It’s just scary. Sometimes, it is nice just to have some support. Yes, I get that from my family, but it’s just NOT the same as someone who is also 100% responsible for your kid too. You’re a team. I don’t have that. It’s just REALLY difficult sometimes. Today, I actually cried. I do NOT cry. I can’t remember the last time I did. It’s weird, but today, I did shed a few tears.

Alright, I am going to quit feeling sorry for myself and go work out before I go to bed. Yes, I already did one workout today, but I ate a donut, cookie, and an iced coffee today, so I need to curb it somehow. It was a stressful day. SUE ME!!!

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