Sunday, July 10, 2016

2 days post date

After work yesterday, I picked up a ball pit and a bean bag chair for Em’s sensory room. I set it all up last night. My sister is giving me a Toys R Us gift card to use towards the mini trampoline, so we’re going to get that this weekend. I spoke with Both the therapists last night and they assured me they do not see any red flags for Autism, or anything serious. He just is a sensory kid, so feeding that will be beneficial and something that will resolve itself. That made me feel so much better considering I’ve been agonizing over this. They did recommend that I have an Ophthalmologist do a screening on his eyes just to rule out any visual problems. They said he crashes a lot at daycare and seems stunned when kiddos run up to him. When we go to the ped early next month, I’m going to ask for a referral over to a Pediatric Ophthalmologist  just to be safe. In any event, I feel so relieved knowing that they do not see any major red flags outside of his sensory issue. We all know how worrisome anything like this can be, so hearing that was major. I’m still going to discuss everything with hi Pediatrician just to get a medical standpoint on it, but I think everything is okay.

The room looks adorable though. He hasn’t seen it yet. I’ll take him down there tonight to check it out. We might go to dinner with my sister, so we’ll see. The big unveiling might just be tomorrow if we get home too late. I think the idea of these rooms is to not let the kiddos play it them all of the time, so they can’t get bored with the sensory tools given. That’s why I moved all of the toys/tools down into the playroom in the basement. We hardly use that space at all. It’s just easier for me being upstairs because I’m typically cleaning, or cooking. I wouldn’t let Emerson play down there alone without my supervision. At least not at this age. It’s the perfect location for a sensory room though because it is set out of the way, which means I can control when those items are utilized. Of course, I will let him play down there frequently, but he won’t become bored with them because they won’t be in his face all of the time. It’ll be a nice change of scenery too having another room to play in.

I ran this morning, but sadly, I don’t believe I reached my 2.8 mile goal. My phone was just about dead, so I couldn’t even track my miles, or time. I covered more ground than usual, so I do think I did more than my regular 2.5, but fell short with my goal. No biggie. Getting out and moving is #1. After slacking for nearly a month, I’m proud of myself for working out FOUR days in a row! I plan on doing a shoulder/back workout at some point over the weekend. If I have the energy, I’ll do it tonight, so that I can relax on Saturday and Sunday.

It was supposed to storm SO BADLY today, but hasn’t. Instead, it’s absolutely gorgeous out. You know what that means, right? Tomorrow will probably be all rainy and we’re supposed to go to the Waterpark. Gah. I hope I’m wrong, but I’m already mentally preparing myself. If that’s the case, then we’ll do Sundays plans on Saturday. We can go to the Waterpark for a bit before the grad party on Sunday if the weather isn’t crap. Again, I hope I’m wrong!

Alright, I am wrapping things up.

Have a great weekend!

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