Friday, July 22, 2016

Weekend plans

Well, we decided to shake things up next week when we’re off of work/daycare. We’re going to the amusement park (Kennywood) on Tuesday with my sister. This will be our third trip. We’re going to take Emerson on some of the bigger rides though. Obviously nothing crazy, but it’ll be fun to shake it up a bit and to let him experience the whole park outside of Kiddieland.  I am really excited!! Emerson absolutely loves riding rides, so I think being able to expand and have more options will be nice. My sister likes riding too and never gets the chance because my nephew refuses to ride. She will get a kick out of take him on some bigger things. I’m pretty sure we can take him on at least 6 of the bigger rides. Maybe we’ll even get on a water ride towards the end of the day if it is really hot. The perk to buying these tickets is getting FREE admission to the Holiday Light show that they have during Christmas time. Emerson is free already, so I won’t even have to worry about it when the time comes. We couldn’t go last year because I honestly couldn’t afford to. It’ll be nice to not even worry about it this year.  To afford this amusement park trip, I had to take something else off of our bucket list, but that’s okay. We were going to visit an indoor/outdoor water park next weekend, but we can do that when all of the waterparks are closed for the summer, or even when it’s cold this winter.

Remember how I said my belly has been bothering me? I feel so odd today. I can’t even explain it. I feel sort of out of it. I hate that feeling. I have no idea what is going on with me, but hopefully it resolves itself soon. I don’t feel sick, but I don’t feel right. My belly hasn’t really been bothering me too much today. A couple of pangs here and there, but nothing like the last two days. This sounds crazy, but I almost think it’s all of the Ramen I’ve been eating. I’ve eaten it for lunch the past ten days. I know, I know. It’s horrible for me, but it’s so cheap. The less I spend to feed myself, the more I can do with Emerson. I think I’ll just make a big casserole to divide up for lunch next week to see if that makes me feel any better. Ramen is so cheap, but I’m sick of feeling this way.

After work, I have to go to the grocery store. I’m making a chicken bacon ranch pasta salad for our picnics this weekend along with black bean chicken roll-ups. Sounds good, right? We’ll pack some pretzels, Chex Mix, goldfish crackers, and a couple of lunchables for Emerson if he doesn’t like what I make. We’re going to the waterpark tomorrow, then the lake on Sunday, so we definitely need to bring a picnic with us. I usually find some stuff in my cupboards that I can also make to take with us for a bit of variety. It’s not bad. I try to make some different things, so it’s not so boring packing our own food. It makes wanting the park’s French fries and not getting them hurt less. LOL We plan on packing some stuff when we head to the amusement park on Tuesday. That’ll be the worst because all of the food smells so good. The lure of going to the park is to get their food, but I don’t want to spend any more money than necessary.

Alright. That’s about all I have. I hope everyone has a super weekend!

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