Friday, July 8, 2016

Much better!!!

When I picked Emerson up from daycare, his OT left her notes/report in his cubby. I couldn’t wait to get home to read it! Emerson was back in the baby room, so I went back there to get him. When I opened the door, he screamed “MUM, MUM, MUM, MUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and ran over and grabbed my hand to leave. After telling his teachers “Bye” 25 times, we finally made it out of the door. He is funny. It was so hot at home, so I decided to just do an easy dinner. We had scrambled eggs, yogurt, and bananas. Random, but it didn’t really require me to use the stove for too long. We hung in the house because it was so hot outside. Em’s pool needs to be cleaned out. I knew if we played in the yard, he’d definitely try to jump in. The grass was cut yesterday when we went home, which was nice. That’ll be great for the weekend. They hadn’t come to cut it in over 2 weeks. I was starting to get worried.

Anyway, I had to make snack for school, so I ended up making cookie monster bark and sending chocolate chip cookies in too. Man, it came out so adorably. I hope the kids and teachers enjoy it. I haven’t done a cute snack in quite some time, so we were due. I’ve been sending in lame stuff like bananas, or crackers. Easy, fast, and cheap. I wanted to do something nice for them though. Everyone has been working so hard with Emerson.

When I finally had a minute to sit down, I read over the report. The OT said all great things. Em transitioned nicely from activity to activity. He even sat and did his craft for EIGHT whole minutes. That’s a lot for him. He was cooperative too. She left some notes for me and suggested that we use a stability ball at home. That tickled me pink considering I had already incorporated the ball into our living room and he was using it! It made me feel good that she suggested things that I had already researched on my own. He was a bit rough with the dog last night, but he was tired, and hot too, so his behavior was a little restless. We used the stability ball for a while, and he even used some pillows on the floor to crash into. The OT suggests that we do these activities prior to transitioning to another activity like bedtime, bath time, or even leaving the house to go out. We’ll try that. It might make him a lot more calm when we’re out for activities.

This morning, I went to the gym to lift. I took a break from running.. Tomorrow, I set a goal to run 2.8 miles. I’m trying to close the 3 mile gap in a progressive manner. Let’s hope I can do it. I feel so much better this week now that I started to work out again. My eating needs to be cleaned up, but I’ll handle that after I do our weekly grocery shop. We need to finish the food we have in our house. If that means I’m eating outside of my meal plan-so be it. I am not a waster! I usually have to get the exercise portion back on track before the food falls into place. It’s too hard getting those two things to align at first, so I’m not worried about it. I’m headed in the right direction.

We have such nice plans for the weekend! I’m excited. On Friday, I’m ordering Emerson’s mini trampoline. It sucks that I can’t just go buy it, but I looked at the store last night and they had NONE. I don’t feel like wasting my time and gas trying to find one at another store. I’d rather just order the discounted one I found online. We should get it by next week though. Saturday, we’re heading to Sandcastle in the afternoon. We typically go right when it opens, but I decided to change it up this weekend. We can do our grocery shopping on Saturday morning, then hang at home for a while. Going later in the day will eat up some time, so when we get home, Em can have dinner, watch some tv, get a bath, then head to bed. Sounds good to me!

Sunday, we have quite a bit going on. I forgot that we had a graduation party to attend at 3pm. That sort of threw a wrench into our original plans. Now, we’re going to breakfast in the morning, then heading over to the mall to Build-A-Bear, so Emerson can build a bear-duh! I’m so excited. The mall has a pretty nice play place too, so we can let him play in there when we’re done. I hope he likes building a bear. The nice thing is we should be able to get out of there fairly cheap. He isn’t going to care about dressing his bear, or accessorizing. Stuffing it and adding in the heart will be thrilling enough. I’m pretty sure they have bears that start out around the $15 mark too. It’ll be a cute activity for us to do. Something different. I don’t know where breakfast will be. I am not too keen on sit down restaurants because Emerson is usually not into that. I’m going to look to see what coffee/donut shops are around the mall. This isn’t a mall we frequent often, so maybe we’ll stumble upon something new. If not, then we will go to Dunkin Donuts beforehand, which we have coupons for.  Afterwards, I’m hoping Emerson takes a nap, then we can head over to the grad party.  That should pretty much round out our weekend!

I don’t know if I mentioned this, but my nephew has been in California for the last three weeks. He comes home on the 25th! My sister organized a surprise party for him on the 26th, so that should be fun. I took off the 26th and the 27th. On the 27th, the plan is to take my nephew to Sandcastle. I don’t think he’s done too much in California. They did go to Six Flags over the weekend and to the beach one day, but that’s about it. We’re trying to save all of our bigger excursions for when he comes back.  I hope he is excited to do all of the stuff that we have planned.

Alright. That’s about all I have for today.

Have a super Thursday!

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