Thursday, May 22, 2014

Mummy's hungry hippo!

After work yesterday, I went home to take care of the dog, then picked the baby up from daycare like I typically do. Instead of going home, we went to my parent’s house and went to the skating rink with Brittany and Isaiah. Obviously we didn’t skate, but it was so much fun! Emerson slept the first half of it, woke up, ate, then dozed off again. It was still nice being out though. We didn’t get home until 8:45pm. He got a bath, boob, then bed.

Today, I am working from home (it’s my Friday) and Britt is babysitting. She just fed Emerson some cereal to show me how thick to make it. He absolutely loved it this time! He’s pretty tired now, so she’s trying to get him down for a nap. He shouldn’t need to eat again for a few hours. I’m pumping and she’s bottle feeding today. After work, we are going to the Laundromat to do all of our laundry. Later tonight, I’m going to my aunt’s house with my mom, so she can finally meet the baby. We are such busy bees!

Kodie was completely fine last night, so maybe it was just a fluke when she flipped out the past two days. All I know is I am so glad that she didn’t pull that last night. I was so tired. Alright, that’s about all I have right now. I hope everyone has a great weekend and holiday!

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