Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Mummy is fired up!

Where to begin?! These past couple of days have been a bit hectic. On Monday, I was in the office working. Emerson was at daycare. I got a call around 2pm that he was running a fever and needed to be picked up. Of course, I couldn’t pick him up. My bus doesn’t start running again until 3:15pm! It sucks! I guess it doesn’t get much use during the day after all of the business people are in town, so they shut that route down until the afternoon when everyone is leaving work. I hurried and called my mom and sister. They both went up to the daycare to pick him up. I was so thankful neither were at work that day. They had to buy diapers and motrin on the way home. Luckily, daycare had an extra bottle left, so they gave them that bottle too. I didn’t get to my parent’s house until 4:30pm. Emerson was sleeping when I got there. My poor baby. He’s been teething again very badly, so I’m pretty sure that’s what’s bothering him. Luckily, he has a doctor’s appointment tonight, so he can be checked out. Because he was sent home from daycare, he wasn’t permitted back for 24 hours. Brittany babysat yesterday. He was a bear! He did sleep from about 9am-1pm, but before and after that, he was just fussy. A motrin/Tylenol combination only does so much. I also gave him some teething tabs. He’s been chewing on everything. Last night, we did bath, boob, and TRIED to do bed. He must have felt better because he was laughing and playing instead of going to sleep. It was fairly early (8pm), so I got us all out of bed and headed back downstairs. I figured I’d let him play awhile. I cleaned, did bottles, packed lunch for today, and got his diaper bag ready. Around 9pm, he started to fuss, so I tried bedtime again. No go. He was all wound up. Around 10, he finally crashed and stayed asleep until 5am. I wasn’t feeling very well last night either. My stomach was really bothering me. I’m really tired today, but just trying to make it through. My mum is going to the doctor with us. I’m not sure if they’ll give him shots considering he had a fever on Monday and Tuesday. He seemed really upbeat this morning though. I sent him to daycare with a dose of motrin in his system, so hopefully I don’t get any more scary calls today! I’m in town, so it will be a definite repeat of Monday.

The sucky thing is teething is forever until he has all of them in. I swear, he will suffer so much, which means I suffer too. I feel bad because I can only do so much for him. I hate it. My pleasant, upbeat baby turns into a monster. Let’s just hope after the top ones come in we get a semi break from teething. I thought we’d get a break after the bottom two were in. Boy, was I wrong! It seems like they are just piggy backing on top of each other. Maybe that’s the way to go. Suffer for a while, get them all in, and then finally get a decent break. We will see how this goes, but I can tell you, it is NOT fun! The random call from daycare really threw me through a loop. My friend and I were just chatting about that scenario right before it happened! I said I wasn’t too worried about it. Boy, did I become worried REAL quick! Thank God my mum has a carseat base in her case and dad didn’t take her car that day! We are now taking the base out of her car just in case. The carseat is always left at daycare now, so having that piece won’t be an issue. The issue will occur when he’s no longer in a carrier and I’m not taking the actual carseat into daycare. We’ll just make sure we get a second carseat for my parent’s car.

I was really annoyed yesterday. I understand that yes, I am a first time mother, so I take things a bit more seriously. The concerns I have, or the things that rile me up the most, aren’t necessarily a big deal to parents with more experience. A lot of parents do not think a fever is a big deal, or a baby being sent home from daycare. Well, I do. It really pisses me the fuck off when someone talks to me like I’m stupid. I wasn’t asking for a diagnoses, advice, or anything when I posted on my facebook that A. He had a fever B. He was sent home from daycare C. I was thankful of my mom and sister for picking him up. Nowhere in that statement did I ask for someone to diagnose my child, or to tell me that it really isn’t that big of a deal. Well, yes it is, mother fucker. He has NEVER had a fever, so of course, it scared me. I watched my nephew seizure so many times from fevers as a baby. One time, he literally dropped on the beach, seizured, stopped breathing, and turned blue. The entire family is absolutely scarred from that situation, so when we hear fever, we see seizure. Additionally, it is a big mother fucking deal that he isn’t permitted at daycare for 24 hours AFTER being sick. I have a job, bitches. I need to make money to provide for my child. I don’t see you assholes out there busting your hump! I am NOT a stay at home mom, while my husband goes out working all day. I work, I take care of the baby, and I fucking do it all, so you can pretty much go fuck yourselves. It IS A BIG FUCKING DEAL WHEN I AM STUCK IN TOWN AND CAN’T PICK MY CHILD UP. This is the shit that a single mother has to deal with. I am so sick and tired of people writing my shit off like I am making a big stink out of nothing. The craziest is I have a sunny disposition 99% of the time. The biggest compliment I receive from people is how pleasant and upbeat I am. Well, I don’t like to dwell. My son is freaking amazing and makes me so happy! I hear all of these mothers bitching and moaning all of the time and complaining WHEN THEY HAVE HELP AT HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“I don’t know how you do it yourself, Ashley” is what I hear all of the time
“Yea, I don’t know why you’re fucking complaining!” is what I say when I hear this all the time in my head

It is so insane to me. The people who think they know it all are typically the ones who complain the most, but have help at home!! Okay, that was my rant for the day. I am so sick of it though. I am a really good mom and I am doing the absolute best that I can. I just can’t stand when people sit on their high fucking horses and act like I am stupid and don’t know what the hell I am doing. If I needed advice, or help, I’d fucking ask. I’m not too proud to say “I just don’t’ know”, but I’d ask my pediatrician before I asked any of those mother fuckers who claim to know it all, WHICH I did call the ped 2 minutes AFTER the daycare called me, so yeah, go fuck yourself.

Sidebar: I saw a really hilarious post on Instagram one day about not liking to swear, but needing those words to make your point be heard. So, while I don’t really like to swear, especially now that I have a baby, it is absolutely valid in this situation…so if you don’t like it, DON’T FUCKING READ IT! I feel so much better now!

Anyway, my little bubs is feeling much better. I hope that he has a better day today. I’m going to take a half day on Friday, so we can hopefully log some pool time. I plan on working 6am-10am, which won’t be too bad. He won’t have to go to daycare either. It’ll be nice to have some mommy/Emerson time and to extend the weekend a bit. Okay, that’s all I have for today.

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