Monday, October 26, 2015

Our busy weekend

What an insane weekend. We had a great time, but it was incredibly busy. On Friday, I had to hurry and run to the store after work to get everything for our bon fire. I had to grab stuff to make s’mores, some hot dogs and buns, chips,  and hot chocolate. Afterwards, I picked Em up from daycare, then we headed over to my sister’s house to grab her and my nephew. We ran back home, set everything up, and prepared the dogs, while we waited for one of my best friends and her two kiddos to come over.  It was awesome. I can’t even sum it up any more than that. Em ate so many marshmallows. He’s never really allowed candy, or anything that even remotely resembles candy, so he was in his glory. He ate so many pretzels too. He did good around the fire. He kept trying to blow it out like birthday candles. It was hilarious. The other kids had such a great time. They took up fort in Emerson’s play castle. It was pretty cute. They ended up using his play tunnels to roll up and down the yard. I let Em stay up until about 830pm, then I gave him a bath, then put him to bed. It was nice because that meant I could hang with my sister, and best friend, have a few drinks, and just laugh and talk without worrying about what he was doing. The kids ended up going inside and building a MASSIVE train using Emerson’s train tracks. It was nice because that meant the adults could just hang out and talk. We laughed so hard that we were all crying. I needed that so much! Just to be around my girls, catching up, and having a good time. It was absolutely perfect. My best friend and her kiddos left around 10:30pm after the fire died out. Britt and I cleaned up, then I headed to bed myself. I had three drinks and boy was I feeling that the next day! I don’t really drink at all outside of one glass of wine on Thursday nights during Greys/Scandal, and the occasional glass of wine on Saturday nights when I rent chick flicks.

We had to wake up so early on Saturday morning to make it to the  Halloween parade. Em snoozed until about 8:30am, which was nice. We all hurried to shower, then got ready. I made everyone pancakes to eat before we headed out. Emerson and Isaiah both had to be dressed in their costumes too. It was a bit chaotic, but we managed to make it to the parade on time. The kids had a good time. They walked in the parade, then got a pumpkin, lunch, and a Halloween book. They also were provided supplies to decorate their pumpkin, and got an entire bag of candy. I let Emerson have a milky way. Oh Lord. Marshmallows the night before, then a milky way. We threw caution to the wind this weekend! After the parade, we stopped by my parent’s house to visit. We were all starving,  so we raided their fridge, ate, then headed back to my house. I put Em down for a nap. He ended up sleeping for over two hours. The birthday party started at 3, but we didn’t make it there until almost 4. We had such a great time! My cousin had an entire Frozen themed party complete with chocolate covered marshmallows. More caution to the wind. Emerson chowed down! We hung out there for about two hours, then we dressed the kids back in their costumes, then headed to a Halloween party. We didn’t stay at the party very long. We headed out around 7pm, then had to take Britt and my nephew home. It was a really long day! When we finally got home around 8pm, we were starving. We ate dinner, then I gave Em a bath, and put him to bed.

On Sunday, Em slept until 830am again, which was nice because that meant I got to sleep in too! Once he woke up, we headed to my parent’s house in our jammies. Dad made us breakfast, so we ate over there, and did our laundry. We hung out until noon. Em had a nice time. By the time we got home, he was pretty beat, so I put him down for a nap. Then, I worked out, got ready, and made our grocery list. After nap, we did all of the grocery shopping, then came home to play for the afternoon. We decorated and carved pumpkins before  I made dinner. Afterwards, we ate, played some more, then it was bath, and bedtime. By the time I sat on the couch, I was a zombie. I had meal prepped yesterday too, while I cooked dinner. It was pretty hectic, but I got it done. It was a really great weekend, so it was worth the exhaustion. Em had a great time playing with all the kids too. He looked adorable all dressed up as Superman and a nerd.

This week, we have plans on Thursday. I’m taking Em trick or treating at the waterfront with my mom. I’m excited. I have to check the weather though. If it’s too cold/rainy, then we aren’t going to go. The weather is supposed to be nice for Trick or treating on Saturday though! I cannot wait. We’re going with my best friend/her kids and my sister/nephew. I think my best friend’s brother is coming too with his son. The more the merrier! I still need to figure out what the heck snack I’m sending into daycare for Em’s party on Friday. I hate being so darn indecisive!

Outside of that, I just want to have a really chill week. I wrote up a pretty amazing workout schedule for the week too. Today is shoulders and legs. My wrist is hurting. I have no idea what I did to it, but I hope it doesn’t affect me too much when I try to lift later. I did so well last week. I worked out 6 out of 7 days. I hope to do the same this week. My eating could be more on point though. Ugh. During work hours, my eating is spot on. Dinner has been a bit of a challenge though. I’ve been eating whatever I make for Em, which isn’t always according to my clean eating plan. I did meal prep some dinners, so that should hopefully keep me on track for the week. I’m working at home on Thursday, so I can take Em trick, or treating, so I’ll try to meal prep for Friday-Sunday to really keep on track.  I can feel it in my belly that I haven’t been sticking to a clean enough diet, which sucks. I’m going to try my hardest to stick to it 100% this week. I don’t eat like garbage, but I know I’ve been overloading on the carbs lately, which isn’t helping matters. Anyway, that’s my goal for the week. Eat healthy 6 days, and do whatever I want for Halloween on Saturday. 90/10. I can do it!

Okay, guys. I hope you all have a great week!

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