Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Mummy says FUCK you! (sorry for the language, but people are so stupid!)

Yesterday was ridiculous. Let me start off by saying the bus was really late when I left work. The bus is scheduled to pick up at 3:15pm. I am out there a little bit early because the drivers are either massively early or massively late. There is usually no middle ground, which is quite annoying considering I pay an astronomical amount to ride the bus each month. At 3:15pm, the bus never showed up. I stand outside with a group of women who work within my company and neighboring companies. We’re all disgruntled. It’s a daily battle riding the bus. I can’t really make plans for after work because I just never know if the bus is going to be on time. It’s really annoying and I am sick of paying $7.50 a day for an unreliable service. I had planned on driving to pick up our Christmas cards before I picked Emerson up from daycare. I had just enough time to do so if the bus was on time. 15 minutes later, I was still standing on the sidewalk. I was ticked! Not only was it cold and rainy, but I knew the bus that finally came would be packed! It is even more annoying to have to stand for a ride that is over an hour long with a laptop and pump bag. Who wants to do that? Not me! The bus came a little after 3:30pm. I ride the first bus out of town for a reason. I have to compensate for the unreliability of Port Authority because if I tried to ride later and the bus was late, I could potentially be late picking Emerson up, which means I pay $15 for every minute that I am not there. I cannot afford that! I absolutely hate that they can’t get their shit together. Yes, things happen, but daily? That is ridiculous. That company owns the city by the balls. They know everyone needs the bus, especially if you have no other mode of transportation. If they’re late, it is what it is because people are still going to pay and ride because most have NO choice. I hate it! I pay for a service. They should be adhering to the schedules that they set. Some just blow right by bus stops without even picking people up! It’s unreal. These drivers want respect, but they certainly do not give it. If the bus is THAT late, I feel my ride should be compensated. I wouldn’t expect a driver to go into a restaurant, receive a badly made meal, and have to pay for it. No, that restaurant would probably comp that meal. It’s a service you are paying for. That service should be provided at the highest standard, or even somewhere towards the middle!

As I was waiting in the cold, I realized I’d be very late picking up Emerson. He’s been drinking his last bottle somewhere around 3pm. The bottles aren’t nearly as full as they used to be either. He gets 4oz now. I was worried I’d end up getting there so late that he’d be hungry. I posted on facebook that I was none too pleased with the late bus and that the driver should get a watch. A girl I WAS friends with commented because her husband is a driver. Of course, she had to jump in and say that I should feel remorseful for that driver because he should be home with his family, but he’s picking up people like me who put him down. What?! First off, I pay for a service, so I fucking expect them to AT LEAST come somewhat close to the schedule they’ve provided. I don’t care if that driver is not home with his family! Am I home with mine? NO! He was late, therefore we ALL were home later than usual to our families. If you go into a restaurant and you order a meal that is badly prepared, you’ll probably get that meal for free. The bus should be the same way. If the service provided is not up to par, then there should be some sort of compensation. These drivers do whatever the fuck they want because they can! This girl had the weakest argument. She responds that it isn’t the driver’s fault because too many people took time off for hunting season. Excuse me?! Who approved all of that time off? Did we not know that we had routes that needed to be covered? The bus company should always be properly staffed. I, as a consumer, should not be penalized because of bad business practices. Get your shit together, Port Authority! Her other arguments were that drivers are paid more because of the weird ass people they have to encounter daily. Um, hello?! I sit NEXT to those weird ass people on the bus! You don’t see my fare being reduced, do you? It was absolutely ludicrous.

She ended up deleting me as a friend. She said that I was ganging up on here. It is a facebook post. Anyone can comment. It wasn’t a private conversation either. Grow up. If a person pays for something, they have expectations. I’m not going to be sorry that I’ve had to endure years of a lackluster service from the bus company even if her husband works there. If her husband worked at McDonalds and I ordered a rotten cheeseburger, I wouldn’t feel bad for him as I’m shitting my brains out, would I? Her logic was completely skewed. She doesn’t have a job. (well, you don’t). She doesn’t have children at home that she is caring for either (Well, you don’t). She doesn’t have somewhere to be daily either. It’s hard for people to relate to that shit when they don’t have to do it. It sucks to have your whole day thrown off by someone else’s continual fuck up. Maybe her husband wouldn’t have to work 16 hour days if she got a fucking job. I don’t really care what her personal situation is. I shouldn’t have been attacked because I have expectations for a service that I spend more money on monthly than groceries. It’s honestly sickening. Do you want to hear the kicker too? The bus was LATE this morning, which meant I was late to work! I get on the bus at 6:20am. There is no traffic. What was the issue? Someone probably stopped to get a coffee at dunkin donuts first. Move your fucking ass and put your customers FIRST.

Sorry to rant on about this guys, but who really argues a point like this? There was no validity behind any of her arguments and then she retreated like a 5 year old. Just because someone works for a company that you are married to doesn’t mean that company is always right in their practices. If you interviewed 100 people who ride the bus, 100 people would tell you the bus sucks, but they have no choice! I wish we all had a choice and could boycott. Maybe then these drivers would start taking shit more seriously!

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