Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Mummy can't sleep

After work yesterday, I did all of the grocery shopping. I ended up spending $1 over budget, which isn’t too bad. I was able to fold and put away all the laundry, plus put all of the groceries put away, clean, take care of the dog, eat, and pump before I picked Emerson up from daycare. I’d call that a successful Monday!

Emerson was pretty cranky after daycare yesterday. He only napped for 30 minutes the entire day. He ended up snoozing between 5 and 530. I thought after he woke up he’d be ready to play, eat dinner, have a bath, and then go to bed. Things didn’t exactly work out that way. After he woke around 530, I put him in his play area to play with toys for a bit. I even hopped in with him. He was whiney and crying from being so, so tired. I ended up rocking him a bit and he snoozed right back out around 6pm. I laid him on the couch and cooked dinner. Around 7:45, he woke up, but went right back to sleep, so I carried him up to bed where he stayed for the night. He was up quite a few times to eat, which I figured would happen because he had no real dinner, which meant he’d be hungrier sooner and more often. I ended up waking around 1am and laying there until almost 4am. I have no idea what was up with that. I woke up STARVING. I didn’t get up to eat anything though. I just laid there watching television. I was probably so hungry from nursing throughout the night. Anyway, I ended up sleeping in a bit today. I jumped on the 630am bus, which is 10 minutes later than usual, but I still made it to work on time. I’m actually not too tired today in spite of the interruption during sleep last night.

I’m so frustrated with pumping lately. I have no idea what is up. Last week, I was pumping more than I needed. This week, I’m not pumping enough. I had to thaw 2oz from stock this morning because I was short. I only pumped once today and I still need another 12oz for daycare tomorrow. Let’s hope I can get that over the course of the next three pumps. I’m going to drink some green tea and water and hope that helps. Let’s just hope it improves. It’s driving me insane.

This weekend, the baby and I were invited to fall fest at Hartwood Acres with my best friend and her son. It sounds like such a good time. The weather is supposed to be beautiful too. As long as my bestie is still up for it, we are definitely going with them. Aside from that, we don’t have much planned. I want to take a half day on Friday. If so, then I’ll keep Emerson home from daycare and we can head to the park. The weather is supposed to be nice on Friday too!

Alright, that’s about all I have to offer today. I hope everyone has a speedy Tuesday!

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