Thursday, September 11, 2014

Mummy's teether!

Our schedule was A LOT better last night! Lots of mama/baby playtime! I picked Emerson up and reviewed his daily sheet. Two naps that spanned about a half hour each. Not much at all. I know if he’d nap more at daycare, he’d be up longer in the evenings with me. Last week, he napped a lot at daycare. It’s probably just a phase and I shouldn’t complain because taking a nap in the evening means I get to relax too after working all day and running around like a nut! I felt like I had the best of both worlds last night though. He napped from 5pm-530pm. Afterwards, he was a bit grouchy, but we were able to play for a half hour. I nursed, which he fell asleep during from 6-7pm. Afterwards, it was serious play time! Emerson is crazy! He’s now trying to stand up on his own without holding onto anything. It’s freaking me out! He wants to stand up and walk so badly. After over an hour of play, I fed him dinner, then gave him a bath. He wasn’t tired yet, so I let him play a little longer. After a poop and diaper change, he started to rub his eyes and it was lights out at 9:30pm. It was glorious! I ended up sleeping in though! He only woke one time during the night. My alarm must have rang and I shut it off in my sleep. I jumped out of bed at 5:30am in a panic. By the grace of God, I was still able to get both of us ready and out the door on time. I raced to the bus and actually made it too!

I did notice something rather exciting last night during playtime. Emerson’s top tooth cut through! I didn’t even know he was teething. He hasn’t shown signs of any discomfort and he isn’t any more drooly than usual. How exciting though! This will be his third tooth. I can’t wait to see how he looks with top teeth. It’s so cute the way he smiles now. I absolutely love it. I was a little worried this morning though. The last time he was teething, he sprung a fever and daycare called me to pick him up early. I don’t want that happening again!

I can’t believe it’s already Thursday. This week flew by so quickly. This weekend is going to be very mellow. We never do anything on Fridays. After a long week, it’s nice to just go home, go to bed early, and sleep in a bit! Saturday, we have to head out to buy a baby shower gift for a friend whose shower is on the 20th. That should take up a nice chunk of the day. I think we’ll go a bit later in the day and then pop over to visit my friend after she’s off of work as long as she’s up for it. She’s nearing the end of her pregnancy. I remember those days and being exhausted. I didn’t want to do anything, so I won’t be offended if she doesn’t want visitors. We won’t be doing much on Saturday night aside from hanging out at home. The weather is supposed to be nice on Sunday. I didn’t see any rain in the forecast. I’m going to take a big blanket, toys, and snacks to the park to play for a few hours in the afternoon. I’m trying to suck up as much outdoor time as possible before the weather turns cold. We’ll probably pop over to my parent’s house afterwards to say hi. They haven’t seen Emerson since last Sunday. Of course, no one has dropped by my house, or anything like that, so I’ll take him over for a little bit on Sunday. I know if I don’t, I’ll be the bad guy. SIGH.

My sister’s boyfriend has been working on the road for nearly two months. He came home last night, so I’m sure she is really excited. I don’t know if he has to go back on the road, or not, but there is real potential that he’ll be around for her birthday. I’m so happy about this. I’ve been so worried that her birthday was going to be ruined again this year. Last year, all of the drama ensued with our other sister and it all occurred the day of my sister’s birthday, which was very unfortunate. I just don’t want her birthday to be ruined again this year. I can’t wait to give her the gift I bought her! 8 more days!!!!!!!!!! I’ve had it for over a month and am dying to give it to her!

Well, I guess that’s all I have to offer today. Sorry I couldn’t be more exciting everyone! I hope your Thursdays are super speedy and stress-free!

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